Island Brass Rubbing Centre

St George's Church, Arreton

Dating from  the Norman Conquest this beautiful Church stands as a testament to the architectural skills of our Norman ancestors.   And what stories it can tell;  from the grave of poor little James Dove who was brutally murdered by his grandfather Micah Morey in 1736 ,  to the inscribed  tombstone marking the resting place of The Dairyman's Daughter, a more romantic and  uplifting tale told by the Rev. Legh Richmond in his book of essays "Annals of the Poor"

Nearly a thousand years of history separate two windows.  The modern stained glass window commemorates the Burma Star Assn., the centre panel displaying  the Burma Star medal and its ribbon, whilst the rest of the window bears insignia of the armed forces as well as religious symbols.  A  powerful reminder of a cruel conflict

High on the opposite wall, above the choir stalls, can be seen the early Saxon window with its tiny stained glass inset depicting Christ crucified.  To see the window at its most beautiful one should visit on a sunny afternoon.  The Church is bathed in coloured light which reflects from the window on to the nearby columns. 

Enhance your visit by taking a guided tour of the Church with one of our trained tour guides who will bring the past to life with tales of those who have worshipped here in bygone days.
Ponder with us on the mystery of  the headless brass effigy of  Harry Hawles while we explain the various theories about how he came to lose his head, and then make up your own mind.  Alternatively, acquire our education workpack containing information about the church and practical tasks for you to carry out during your visit.  All aimed at making your visit more interesting and memorable.  Contact us for details.

Home page;    The village of Arreton;   school visits;   Harry Hawles
Directory of Related links;      St George's Church, Arreton, about brasses;     Form;

To contact us:

Phone 01983  526290 (Business )
Tel/Fax 01983 527553 (Home)
E mail : [email protected]
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