Sunday Afternoon Delights


Cookies and Cream - Brian and Justin are babysitting Gus.

Shopping List - Brian and Justin go shopping.

Spring Cleaning - The boys are cleaning the loft.

Green Eyed Monster - Brian gets familiar with an emotion called jealousy once again.

Breakfast is Served - the boys visit a family member for a Sunday brunch.

Get Over It - Brian and Justin attend a fundraising at the GLC and run into a familiar face.

Surprise - Justin turns 21.

Call Me - Brian's away on the trip.  The boys have a series of conversations over the phone.

Proud - It's the Pride weekend again.  The boys celebrate.

Remember the Time - A trip down memory lane.

Green Eyed Monster 2 Part 1 - The roles get reversed.

Green Eyed Monster 2 Part 2 - The game is on.

Fcuk 'Till You Drop - Back-to-school shopping spree.

Just When You Think... - A blast from the past blows into Brian and Justin's life.



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