


Brian pulled the Jeep into a parking spot not too far away from the diner, not an easy thing to find this time of the year. Another year had passed by and it was once again time for Pride. Turning off the ignition, Brian turned to his lover, smiling at the excited smile his boyfriend had been sporting for over a week now in anticipation of the parade.


“You wanna eat now? Or you want to just sit here and practice your Pride greetings?” Brian teased.


His response was the tip of a pink tongue sticking out of the most talented mouth he had ever had the pleasure of being in contact with.


Nevertheless, Justin climbed out of the Jeep and followed Brian as the two crossed the street and made their way toward the diner that was always booming with clientele, more so now than any other time of the year.


The couple walked through the rainbow flag covered doors and were immediately assaulted by a whole array of colored ribbons, posters and balloons.


“Christ, if it’s even possible, Debbie’s taste gets worse and worse every year,” Brian quipped as he grimaced at all the pink and purple paraphernalia hanging and floating around. “We get it. She’s proud to be a gay man. Does she really need to damage our eyesight with these?”


Brian poked at a balloon that dangled over his head.


Justin could only laugh in response.


Just then the object of their conversation, or rather of Brian’s rant, walked up to them, smiling widely at the two.


“Just the people I’ve been searching for,” Debbie announced as she gave Justin a big sloppy kiss on the cheek.


“Brian was just commenting on how tasteful he thinks this place looks,” Justin said, biting his lower lip in order not to laugh at the grimace on the ad exec’s face.


“Awww, thanks, honey,” Debbie’s features softened as she pulled the taller man into a mother-bear hug. Before Brian could even react, he was being smothered and his cheeks were being covered with bright red lipstick.


Pulling away, Brian cringed as he rubbed his cheeks with his hand trying to wipe away the lipstick.


“I don’t have any plans to become a drag queen any time soon, Deb,” Brian quipped, moving away from the waitress in case she was overcome with more of her mothering instincts.


“That’s good, honey,” Debbie replied as Justin only laughed harder. “Now that we have that taken care of, sign this.”


She held out a piece of paper with a bunch of names scribbled on it and a big pen.


“I already have a will,” Brian said.


Rolling his eyes, Justin took a step closer and gazed at the contents of the list. “What is it?” he asked the woman, curiously.


“This year the diner has its own float for the parade.”


“Oh, that’ s great,” Justin smiled.


“Glad you think so, Sunshine, because we need some boys to dance on top of it.”


As much as the idea of dancing on top of a Pride float appealed to Justin, he knew Brian would never be cool with it. As if to emphasize his displeasure with the idea, Justin watched Brian walk off to join Emmett and Ted.


Shaking his head, Justin said, "Sorry, Deb, but no."


Debbie snorted. "Why the fuck not?"


"I just don't feel comfortable doing that."


"You were fine doing it at Babylon!" she quickly pointed out.


Justin didn't like that reminder.


"That was a long time ago." And he was still embarrassed. He wondered it that feeling would ever go away.


Debbie sighed. "Sunshine," she pleaded.


Justin felt eyes boring into his face and knew Brian was staring at him, waiting expectantly.


Debbie must have felt it too. She turned her attention to the brunet.


"You!" she barked. "I should have known. Why can't you stop pretending this community means nothing to you and allow yourself to be a part of it?"


Justin used that opportunity to squeeze in next to Brian, waving hello to Emmett and Ted.


"We're better off without him," Justin heard from behind. Turning around, he saw Mel, Linds and Gus.


"Brian will never change," Mel went on bitterly.


Justin bit on his bottom lip to keep from snapping at her, opting instead to take Gus off the lesbian's hands. Their baby girl was sound asleep in her pram.


Debbie shook her head. "You boys are still in, right?" she asked Emmett and Ted.


"Try and stop us!" Em said.


"We girls are in too!" Linds exclaimed excitedly.


"Now, what about you, baby?" Emmett turned his attention to Justin. "Put on those fabulous little shorts you wore during the Angel ball and shake your bon-bon on the float!"


Justin shook his head. "I think my bon-bon shaking days are over."


"Thank God for that," Michael added his two cents, earning a glare from the blond.


"I think Justin only shakes his bon-bon for private parties," Ted chimed in.


"Which you will never be invited to," Brian shot back.


Justin rolled his eyes heavenward in an attempt to hide his increasing embarrassment. Why couldn't they all forget that horribly immature moment in his life?


"Do you even still have the costume?" Emmett asked.


Before Justin could respond, Brian said, "I made him promise to burn them."


Justin turned crimson, a deep blush that could hardly go unnoticed.


Laughter was heard all around.


"Forget to toss them into the fire, did you?" Ted asked smartly.


Justin caught Brian's glare from the corner of his eye.


"I forgot!" Justin tried to excuse himself.


"Well, I guess we know what you'll be doing tonight," Brian quipped.


"No, no!" Em protested. "Don't! I'll take them off your hands."


Justin's eyes narrowed.


"Where the fuck do you plan to wear them?" Ted wanted to know. "On your head?"


"I don't think so, Em," Justin responded, ignoring Ted's comment.


"He doesn't like to share his toys," Brian said mockingly.


"Come to think of it," Em said. "Maybe you're right, Teddie. Besides, do I really want to wear those cum-stained things?"


Justin shot him a dirty look.


"What?" Em protested. "Don't tell me you never came in those things? All those hot boys fondling you... touching you..."


"What are you guys talking about?" Ben suddenly appeared, pulling up a chair to join them. He kissed his boyfriend hello.


"The days when Justin was a slut," Ted said seriously, earning two hot glares.


"Teddy!" Emmett chastized the man. "Justin was a go go boy. He would never sell sex for money. Isn't that right, honey?"


He reached out and pinched Justin's now pale cheek.


Justin tried to squeeze out a smile, but his eyes caught the knowing look in Brian's eyes and his gaze dropped to his hands. What he wouldn't do to erase that memory out of his head, and out of Brian’s.


"Alright, enough chit chat," Debbie said loudly. "And Emmett, Sunshine won't be lending you his skimpies because he'll be wearing them himself, isn't that right, Sunshine? Along with the groucho over here."


She turned to the artist.


Justin opened his mouth to respond, but Brian beat him to it.


"Sorry, Deb, but Groucho and Smiley will be having their own PRIVATE celebration in honor of Pride."


"Brian," Deb started. "All I'm asking for is a few hours. You two can still fuck before and after."


Justin opened his mouth to respond yet again, but Brian cut him across. "He already said no, now how about some fucking service?"


Deb glared at him.


"Ma, stop looking at Brian like that," Michael defended. "He's not the one who said no, Justin did."


Blue eyes bore into puppy-brown. "Don't tell me YOU are actually taking part?"


Michael shrugged and turned to Ben. "Ben got us the cutest costumes."


"Superman and Lois Lane?" Justin smirked.


Emmett laughed. "Lois Lane always got on my nerves."


"He still gets on mine," Justin muttered under his breath, ignoring Brian's knee nudging him under the table.


"Whatever," Michael said sourly.


"Well, this sucks!" Justin burst out. "Everyone's more or less in on it."


He turned to Brian. "Are you sure you don't want..."


"Don't even think about it," Brian told him, stealing a sip of Coke from the glass Deb had put in front of Justin. She had completely ignored Brian.


"Father Kinney has spoken," Ted sing-songed.


"Must listen to Master, young Grasshopper," Emmett chimed in.


Justin shot them both dirty looks. "I DO have a mind of my own, you know."


Unanimous snorts were heard around the table.


Justin was insulted. So was Brian.


"He can't help it if he's smart enough to realize that I have his best interests at heart," Brian said seriously.


"What a load of crap!" Melanie tossed from behind. "You always have YOUR interests at heart! The only reason you don't want him up on that float is 'cos you know he'll attract attention. And in your old age, you don't really want him attracting fresh meat, do you?"


Brian snorted as everyone else seemed to grin knowingly.


"I don't care who the fuck he attracts," he said meanly. "In fact, I've been trying to lose him for the longest time, but he's like fucking crazy glue - just won't let go!"


He grinned, nuzzling Justin's neck to show he was joking, and under the table, he gently squeezed his lover’s thigh in silent promise that he would make up to him for that crack later.


Justin pushed him away affectionately. Deb returned to the table, her demeanor uptight.


"What can I get you boys now?" she asked, eyes firmly on her note pad.


Justin smiled to himself. Debbie could be such a drama queen at times.


"I'll have a burger, fries and a go-go boy space on the float!"


Debbie squealed. "Oh, Sunshine!"


Justin laughed. "Where do I sign up?"


She passed him a clipboard and he added his name, refusing to look at Brian.


"Are you sure you don't want to?" Justin asked as the two of them walked back to the Jeep about an hour later. "It would be so much fun. And with you on it, it would be the most popular float in the whole parade."


Brian unlocked the Jeep and climbed in. He waited until Justin was safely strapped in before he responded. "Nothing in this world will ever make me get on a moving, barely stable cardboard with dozens of queens in whitie tighties."


Justin rolled his eyes heavenward.


"Well, I'm sorry to hear that." He pulled out Brian's Gucci shades from the glove compartment and put them on. "You don't mind me doing it, do you?"


"We live in the land of freedom, Sunshine," Brian replied as he pulled out of the parking spot and onto the road, heading toward the loft. "It's your constitutional right to choose to put on tightly fitting clothes and dance your ass off in front of thousands of queers."


Justin sighed. "You don't want me to do it, do you?"


"Who cares what I think?"


Justin pulled off the shades, so Brian could see his eyes. "Brian."


"This isn't prison and I'm not your warden. Do what you want." Brian turned to meet Justin's eyes. "What you think is right." He smiled. "For you."


Justin smiled in response, but it was slightly forced. Brian was right though; he had to do what was right for him. What he believed in. And being gay and out was important. He was proud of who he was, where he had come from, who his friends were, and most of all, he was proud of himself... for making it through the past twenty-one years.


He was happy... and he planned to be, for a long, long time. Having Brian at his side only made it easier.




"What the fuck?"


Justin heard the loft door slide open and fought the urge to run someplace and hide. He rushed forward to greet his lover.


"You're home early," he said for everyone to hear, followed by, "They needed someplace to work. Please don't be mad" in a much lower voice.


'They' referred to the Liberty Diner Angels in the Outfield - Em, Ted, Ben, Mikey and a few other guyys who had signed up. 'They' had more or less taken over Brian's loft as 'they' tried and re-tried their costumes, hoping to achieve the best look for the parade, which was now only a few days away.


Justin saw Brian grimace and expected the worse. Instead, he felt an arm pull him close and familiar lips pressed against is.


"Next time," he heard being whispered in his ear after the kiss ended. "Give me a warning. They scared me shitless."


Justin wasn't given a chance to respond before his lips were covered again.


"Hey, Justin!" someone shouted. "Do we have anymore colored beads?"


Justin pulled away to find Troy standing in the middle of the loft staring at him. The man was wearing nothing but a skimpy thong.


Justin tried his best not to laugh. "In the box by the stairs."


"Sweetie!" Em called. "Come help me figure out these instructions!"


"Justin!" someone else called. "Are these tight enough?"


A perfectly tanned and bare-chested stud with long blond tresses came out of the bathroom in skimpy white satin shorts and posed with his hands on his hips .


Justin grinned. "You look hot, Jay. Make sure to keep your nipples hard."


Justin turned back to Brian.


"Well, aren't you Mr. Popular," Brian commented.


Justin snorted. "Apparently, I'm the only one in this lot with some dancing experience."


He stuck a palm out. "I'm their supervisor. Can I interest you in joining our hot dancing team?"


"Not even if you were dancing naked," Brian replied and scurried off to the bedroom, apparently the only place in the loft that was not occupied.


Justin shook his head as he watched his boyfriend's retreating back.


"No luck, huh?" Em asked as he came up beside him.


"Nope," Justin replied. "He refuses to participate."


"Well, that's sad. This obviously means a lot to you."


Justin shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Besides, Brian has his own reasons for doing the things he does."


Emmett snorted. "Selfish reasons."




"Sorry, baby, but it's the truth."


Justin knew there was nothing he could say to make anyone understand Brian.


"What did you need me to do?" he asked in an attempt to change the subject.


For the next couple of hours, his attention was focused on the group of boys. A little after midnight, he heard, "Ok, that's it! Everyone get the fuck out of my loft! I have fucking work in the morning and I'm not losing sleep because of you prancing fairies!"


Justin squeezed his eyes shut when he heard the groans of protest.


"We're NOT fairies!"


"We're go-go boys!"


"Professional dancers!"


"Hot studs with really big dicks!"


Justin laughed.


"Same time tomorrow, Justin?" Troy called out as he grabbed his back pack.


"But not the same place," Brian said before Justin had a chance to respond.


"We'll meet at my place then," Derek, another dancer said. "I'll call everyone in the morning."


When they were all gone, Justin locked up and came into the bedroom, where Brian was already under the covers. He collapsed onto the bed, exhausted.


"How long is this gonna go on for?" Brian asked as he rolled onto his side and propped his head on his hand.


"Pride is only a few days away," Justin reminded him.


Justin heard Brian sigh exaggeratedly. Looking up to give him an amused look, he received a slap against his butt.


"I've got to be in the office at 7 in the morning," Brian told him.


"Fuck, that's early."


"Yeah, and I'm fucking tired," Brian said. He kissed Justin quickly. "So we should probably stop talking right now and just fuck."


Justin laughed as he felt his shirt being pulled up over his head and tossed onto the floor.


"I'm up for it!"




Justin opened the loft door as quietly as he could, making sure to close it just as quietly.


It was after 2 in the morning and Justin was just getting back from Derek's. He had gotten so caught up that he'd completely forgotten the time.


Kicking off his sneakers, he tiptoed into the bedroom. Brian was asleep, so Justin quickly got out of his clothes and gently lowered himself onto the bed.


When he was under the covers and sighing with relief that he hadn't woken Brian, he heard, "Nice try, Sunshine, but I heard the elevator come up."


Justin groaned. "Sorry, Brian. I didn't mean to wake you." He slipped an arm around his lover's waist.




Brian glanced at the clock on the night table. It was after two. Third night in a row that Justin was not in bed after midnight. No, they didn't have any more of their old stupid rules. The curfew had been forgotten a long time ago.


That wasn't why Brian was upset. He was just...fuck it...he missed Justin. Being completely swamped at work, the only time Brian had caught even a glimpse of his lover lately was on his way to the office while Justin slept after a long night of working on the float.


He finally heard the elevator and a couple minutes later the door slid open and then closed.


"Brian?" Justin called out when he noticed the lights turned on in the bedroom. "Why are you still up? Don't you have an early meeting tomorrow?" he asked as he climbed the steps to the bedroom.


"You look fucking exhausted," Brian commented, noting dark circles under the baby blues. "You'll need a fucking facelift by the time you're 25."


Justin rolled his eyes and proceeded to remove his clothes. "Now you sound like Debbie."


"Well, for once I can honestly say, Debbie got it right."


Justin sighed. "Two more days and it'll be over."


Brian shifted into a sitting position, scooting over to the edge of the bed where his lover was sitting. "I thought you wanted to do this because it was fun."


"I did," Justin agreed.


"Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but this certainly does not look like fun. It looks like fucking work. Hard work."


He noticed a tiny smile grace Justin's lips. "No, not the good kind."


Justin sighed again. "It's just - there is so much that needs to be done and I have to do it."


"Why?" Brian inquired.


"Why?" Justin echoed the question.


"Yeah," Brian nodded. "Why? Just quit."


The blond shook his head. "I can't."


"Why not?"


Justin shrugged and looked away.


"Look, it's one thing if you really want to do this, but if you're just doing this because you think you have to - well, fuck that."


Justin touched Brian's face with the palm of a hand. "I'm not even going to answer that. You know how much Pride week means to me, and you've always said, ‘to achieve perfection, hard work is mandatory’."


He brushed his lips against his lover's for a quick kiss before getting up and heading for the bathroom.


"I need a fucking shower, I stink."


He turned on the taps and got under the warm water. He closed his eyes, letting it massage his aching shoulder muscles.


When he returned to the bedroom, Brian was still up waiting for him. Justin crawled under the covers and into his arms.


"Wait until you see us!" he told Brian. "The costumes look fucking amazing."


Brian ran his fingers through the sea of blond silky hair, watching Justin's eyes flutter and close. "I'm sure," he said quietly as he watched his lover give in to sleep.


Justin couldn't stay awake a minute more; he was exhausted. He cuddled up against Brian, placing a small, wet kiss on his lover's bare shoulder.


"'Night," he told him.




"I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight," Justin said excitedly. "I'm so excited about tomorrow!"


The gang was at Woody's having drinks before the big parade in the morning. The bar was packed with gay men, all enjoying the Pride week celebrations.


"Well, then we shouldn't waste one minute more," Brian reached out and took the glass out of Justin's hand and placed it on the bar. He then reached with the same hand and took Justin's in his, pulling the younger man off the stool and toward him.


"See you later boys," Brian tossed casually over his shoulder at the rest of the gang enjoying themselves at the bar and directed Justin toward the exit.


"Brian," Justin said through giggles. "You're being incredibly rude."


"Who cares?" Brian snapped, pulling Justin against him for a wet, open mouthed kiss.


"Get a room!" someone shouted.


The couple ignored the request and continued sucking at each other's tongues hungrily. Finally, they parted, gazes locked.


"I bet you're hard," Brian said with a grin.


"I bet you are, too," Justin replied, licking his lips.


"I'm always hard."


Justin let Brian drag him down the steps of Woody's, but at the bottom, he pulled on his lover's hand, making him turn around.


"I'm not fucking you on these steps, Justin," Brian joked.


"Tell me you'll change your mind in the morning," Justin said softly. "It'll make me feel ten times better."


Brian snorted.


Justin kissed Brian's bare shoulder. "Please?"




"Please, please, please," Justin whispered, kissing the same spot each time.


Brian felt his rock hard cock press against the tight confines of the rough denim material. The little fuck knew exactly how, when, and where to push his buttons. But this was non-negotiable.


Brian pulled away. “You told me that this is something you have to do.”


“It is,” Justin agreed.


“Well, this is something that I DON’T have to do.”


Justin’s shoulders slumped a little, but he nodded. He understood.


There were different ways to show your pride. His was to dance on the float. Brian’s was – well, it was just different.


The blond leaned in and brushed his lips against Brian’s.


"I still love you, don't worry," Justin teased when they pulled a apart from each other.


He entwined his fingers with Brian and started walking towards the jeep.




"Justin, come on!" Brian called once again. "Would you get your ass out of the bathroom?"


The blond was taking an uncharacteristically long time getting ready and Brian was at the end of his rope. He tossed aside the thought that this what Justin might feel like every time it took him an hour to get ready and focused on the fact that he was not getting any younger while the young artist put the finishing touches to his ensemble.


Justin took a deep breath before opening the door and walking out.


He saw Brian taking a sip of water in the kitchen. When his boyfriend caught a glimpse of him, he gulped and nearly choked.


Justin saw the dumbfounded look on Brian's face.


"You don't like it, huh?" Justin said nervously.


Damn. He had gone overboard. He knew he should have kept the white satin shorts the way they were and not trimmed them shorter. His taut belly was on display along with his legs.


Not to mention his wings - he had added more fluff to them. And as agreed upon by all the 'angels,' a dab of pink blush on the cheekbones was imperative along with a curl of black mascara. Girlish, yes, but it emphasized the angelic look they were going for.


Justin had rolled a cube of ice over his nipples to get them hard and had agreed like the rest to do so throughout the parade. His hair was spiked into place to give a sort of 80s look.


He thought he looked cute... hot even, but the look Brian was giving him told another story.


"Brian," Justin said softly. "Say something."


Finally, Brian found his breath to mumble hoarsely, "You look fucking hot."


Justin could barely hear him. "What?"


Brian cleared his throat. "You look fucking hot," he repeated a little louder, already crossing the room toward Justin.


Justin grinned, wide.


Brian wrapped his arm around the blond's neck and pulled him in for a big, wet kiss.


"You realize that I'll never live this down, right?" he asked when they pulled apart. "I don't think even your mother has seen you in less clothing than that since she had to wipe your little tushy with baby wipes," he said in a mocking voice.


Justin snorted. "Now you're getting gross. And since when do you give a fuck what anybody else thinks or says?"


Brian shrugged. "I don't. But you, little boy," Brian reached around Justin's torso and pinched his silk covered butt. "Will be paying for every sarcastic, snarky comment that will be thrown my way because of this event for the rest of the year."


Justin laughed. "Now you're just being silly."


He brushed his lips against his lover's. Taking a deep breath, he said, "I think we should get going."


As he walked towards the door, he said with a grin, "I'd use my wings and fly, but why bother when I have my very own Superhero?"


"Rage's taken a day off," Brian responded as he locked the door behind them.


"I guess the Jeep will just have to do," Justin responded, sighing for dramatic effect.


Brian couldn't believe how many people were already cramming Liberty Avenue. Even though the parade did not begin for another couple of hours, the street was packed. Seemed that this year there were more people than ever on the streets. It took them over twenty minutes to find a parking space and Brian honestly did not even want to think about the fact that they had to walk three blocks down the packed street with his boyfriend's ass hanging out of the tightly-fitting whities.


"Well, you might need a superhero to defend you now," Brian commented as the two started walking toward the Liberty diner where the rest of the angels were gathering.


Justin stopped and turned around so fast, Brian bumped into him. He saw the look of bemused alarm in the blue eyes and immediately asked, "What?"


Justin chewed on his bottom lip. "You're going to laugh if I tell you."


Brian rolled his eyes. "What's wrong?"


"Promise me you won't laugh first."


"I'm promising no such thing."


Justin groaned.


"So?" Brian persisted.


Justin sighed and reluctantly gave in. "I think my fucking pants are stuck in my ass... and I can't fix it here... in the fucking street."


Justin had to raise his voice as Brian's laughter was getting louder by the second.


"Brian," Justin whined, shutting up immediately when he realized that he sounded exactly like Michael.


"Help," was the only thing he had left to say, as he pleaded with his boyfriend.


Finally, calming down, Brian turned the blond around and pointed toward the diner. He then slipped his hand down to cover Justin's ass as the two of them walked up to the crowded doorway and made their way in.


Saying quick hellos the two made a hasty retreat into the back of the diner and snuck into the bathroom.


Back outside and everything sorted out, Justin greeted his friends and fellow angels. They hugged, kissed and complimented each other on their stunningly sexy attire.


"You look fucking fabulous, baby," Emmett gushed.


Justin shrugged. "Really? Thanks. I was like in and out of the bathroom so quick. Brian was rushing me."


Justin saw the look Brian tossed his way and grinned in response.


“You never rush a masterpiece,” Emmett chided, turning to Brian, who just rolled his eyes.


The brunet had gotten the duty of baby-sitting Gus while his mommies were out having fun marching. He and his son watched as Justin helped organize his group of proud faggots.


The blond walked over to them a few minutes later.


"Hey, Gus," Justin greeted the toddler, brushing a quick kiss on the tiny forehead. To Brian, he said, "You guys better start making your way towards the North side. You're going to try and get to the front, aren't you? I want to see you!"


Brian nodded. "I'll be the one hiding behind the big bear."


Justin grinned. "As long as you’re not fucking him."


"Not my type."


"We hope."


Justin leaned across to insert his tongue into his lover’s open and willing mouth, enjoying the taste of coffee.


"Later," he said, waving goodbye as father and son walked away.




"Fuck, it's hot!" Derek complained.


"So is HE!" Troy shouted back, his gaze centered on a guy in the crowd.


"More ice! More ice!" Ben called.


"Nipple alert!" Mikey giggled behind his boyfriend.


"Shake that ass, Sunshine!" Emmett laughed, his butt rubbing against Justin’s as they danced on the float.


"Its likely to fall out soon," Justin joked. "Bon-bon shaking overload!"


"BRIAN!" Mikey shouted. "There's Brian!"


He started waving frantically.


Justin saw his boyfriend in the upcoming crowd, his trendy Gucci shades hiding his expression. He winked and saw Brian grin. The brunet had Gus up on his shoulders.


“Jusin,” Gus screamed at the top of his lungs as he tried to climb down and get to his other favorite person. Brian was barely able to hold on to the toddler. He took Gus off his shoulders and held him tightly. In this crowd, you never knew what could happen.


“Jusin!” Gus yelped again.


“You want Justin, Sonnyboy?” Brian asked his son, smiling when the younger Kinney nodded his head. ‘Get in line,’ Brian thought.


He looked back up at the float, his eyes meeting a pair of blue ones, a bright smile blinding him. There were thousands upon thousands of queers here and they all wanted his boyfriend. Which was their tough luck because Justin was his.


Brian clutched Gus closer and made his way through the crowd toward the float, smiling at the blond as Justin stuck a hand out when the float neared Brian. The ad exec held out his son and Justin took him, passing him quickly to the munchers. He then held out his hand for his boyfriend, pulling Brian up to stand next to him.


Justin's smile was at its brightest.


He hugged Brian tightly. "I'm so proud of you," Justin told him.


Brian’s only response was to lean down and cover Justin’s mouth with his own in a passionate kiss.


"Look at them go at it!" Derek screamed.


"Gorgeous together, aren't they?" Troy said.


"Looks like that angel has found his match!" someone in the crowd shouted.


Emmett nudged Ben and Mikey, who tapped Mel and Linds on their shoulders. All eyes focused on the angel and his man.


Justin and Brian were oblivious to everything and everyone around them, too wrapped up in their own special moment.


They were gay.


They were proud.


They were content.


They were together.


JUNE 2003 - 28th






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