Remember the Time…



"Come on, Brian," Justin pleaded for the third time that day. "How long are you going to keep this up?"


Brian ignored his blond lover and rudely looked the other way.


Justin sighed. "Fine. I give up!"


As he made his way over to the door, he stopped and turned back around to say angrily, "I don't fucking understand you sometimes, you know that?"


"Few do," Brian smartly responded.


Justin ignored the comment. "You're acting as if they're MY friends and you're doing ME a favour by coming on the fucking trip." Justin paused to take a breath. "I understand that you're pissed, but fucking get over it already! You're acting like a fucking child."


Brian had heard enough. He got off the bed so fast, Justin took a step back.


Hazel eyes burnt into baby blues.


"Yes! I'm fucking pissed," Brian spat. "I wanted to spend the first fucking weekend I have off in God knows how long with you, but what do you go and do? You make fucking plans WITHOUT even consulting me and expect me to be ok with it." Brian leaned close to the blond and said, "Well, guess what... I'm NOT ok with it."


Justin shook his head. "I said I was sorry."


"Sorry is bullshit."


"Brian, I wanted this weekend as much as you did, but you know how convincing Lindsay can be."


Brian snorted and moved away. "If you were fucking Lindsay, I’d fucking understand, but for Christ sakes, Justin!"


Justin cringed at the thought. He took a deep breath and decided to try again. Walking to stand behind Brian, he slipped an arm around his lover's waist.


"Can't we just make the best of it then?" Justin asked. “I mean, at least we’re here together.”


Brian sighed. Turning around, he pulled Justin against him. He could refuse this kid nothing. Lips brushing against each other, the two kissed and kissed for what seemed like hours. Finally, just when they were really getting into it, there was a knock on the door.


"C'mon you two," Linds called out. "Coffee and cake downstairs."


Brian gritted his teeth, his anger returning full force.


"Jesus fucking Christ!" he muttered under his breath.


Justin rubbed Brian's shoulders gently. "We'll go downstairs, have a cup of coffee and then tell them we're having an early night."


Brian was about to say 'no,' but Justin was giving him a pleading look, the one he couldn't refuse.


He let the blond drag him back downstairs.


"Well, look who decided to grace us with his presence."


Brian shot a glare in Ted's direction before following Justin over to the small kitchen table, sitting next to his younger lover. He watched with indifference as a plate with a piece of cake and a tiny cup of coffee were placed in front of him.


Pushing the cake away, he picked up the coffee cup with his fingertips by its tiny handle, grimacing at the little pink flowers that were hand painted all around it. Looking up at the blond woman, he sneered. "What the fuck do you expect me to do with this? Pretend I'm a four-year old girl playing dress up?"


"It would be like traveling back in time," Emmett chimed in, quickly shutting up when he received a disgusted look from the ad exec.


"It would be a long trip," Ted added, stretching the word 'long' for emphasis.


"You should know," Brian shot daggers at the former accountant, shutting him up as well.


"Oh, come on, Brian, just drink the coffee," Lindsay said. "Those are the only cups we have here."


"This isn't a five star hotel," Melanie said, walking up behind Lindsay.


"No shit," Brian sneered again.


"You don't like it, you could always leave," the lawyer told him.


He held her gaze for a long time before putting the tiny coffee cup on the shaky, old table and getting up. "Good idea."


With that, he crossed the kitchen and the living room, walking out of the door and toward his Jeep.


He was almost at the driver's side door when he heard footsteps behind him.


"Brian," Justin called. "Brian, wait."


The brunet stopped and turned around.


"You can't just leave," Justin said when he reached the Jeep.


"Watch me," Brian responded, opening the door.


"Brian, come on, this was supposed to be fun."


Brian turned back to him. "Fun? You think being in the same house as the munchers, the old married couples, and two merry queens is fucking fun?"


Justin couldn't take it anymore. He was beginning to get a seriously intense headache. He was sick of trying with Brian.


"Ok," he said calmly. "You're right, Brian. I never should have asked you to come here. In fact," he moved away from the Jeep slightly. "I think you should go back home. Do what you want to do with your weekend. I'll get a ride back with someone."


He walked back into the house, ignoring the brunet calling his name.


"Is everything ok, sweetie?" Linds asked kindly.


They were all seated in the living room now. Justin could tell from everyone’s faces that they had been peeping outside and listening in on the conversation.


Justin forced a smile. "Sure."


Mel snickered, earning a glare from her spouse.


"Is there any cake left?" Justin asked, intending to get things back on course.


"Lots," Em told him as he rubbed his tummy. "You better eat the rest before I get to it. I really don't need to add on any more calories."


"I'm sure you will find ways to work it off," Ted commented slyly.


Justin got comfy, hugging a cushion to him as he picked up his coffee cup.


Conversation revolved around more or less nothing for a few minutes. Justin tried to concentrate, but his attention was elsewhere... on Brian to be exact. He hated it when they argued. It made him feel as if the bottom of his stomach had been permanently removed.


All of a sudden, conversation stopped.


Justin looked up and saw that Brian had walked back into the house. The brunet locked eyes with him, an apology clearly written in the hazel globes. Justin got up and excused himself, as he followed Brian outside.


"Um..." Em bit on his bottom lip. "Can I just say, I don't think I will ever understand those two?"


Mel snorted. "Is such a thing even possible?"


"I think it's very simple," Linds said sensibly.


Ted raised a brow. "Care to share with us lesser mortals?"


Linds grinned. "They obviously love each other very much."


Mel snorted again.


"Oh, come on!" Linds defended. "Don't tell me you don't see it."


"I don't."


"I do," Emmett butted in.


"Tell all," Ted quipped.


Emmett laughed. "Well, remember the time Justin was still working at the diner and he was craving soup?"


"No," they all said in unison.


"Oh, wait," Em said. "None of you were there." He paused to laugh. "Anyway, Brian comes in and Justin tells him that all day he's been thinking about the amazing soup at where the fuck ever. So they have lunch with me, Justin just picking at his own, his heart set on his soup."


"So?" Mel asked.


"Well, let me finish!" Em scolded. He took a deep breath. "I end up returning to the diner later that evening just as Justin's shift is about to end and guess what?"


No answer.


"Brian walks in with a huge bowl in his hand. SOUP. Soup for Justin. Soup that Justin's craving from the posh restaurant a zillion miles away. Soup that Brian went and picked up himself because the owner won't sell the soup on its own, but for Brian Kinney... well, rules get bent apparently." Emmett sighs. "I mean, it was so sweet. He even offered to feed it to the kid... I was amazed."


"You're lying," Mel said in disbelief.


"I wouldn't be so quick to accuse Em of telling tales," Linds said with a smile. "Be honest Mel. We've seen some pretty adorable Brian and Justin moments."


Mel refused to agree.


"Remember the time we had them over for dinner?" Linds recalled.


"They're always free loading, so be more specific."


"Spaghetti and salad night."


"Oh. The night Brian refused to even taste my special recipe?" Mel sounded insulted. "He would only eat the fucking salad! And with only a tablespoon of fucking LIGHT, FAT FREE dressing!" She shook her head irritably.




"That asshole, he had every excuse in the book. His loss anyway."


Linds laughed. "While you were in the kitchen cleaning up, I went back to get some more dishes and saw Justin feeding him. It was cute. 'Open up for the meat ball train.' I was in total shock."


"Even Gus isn't stupid enough to go for that choo choo train garbage," Mel snapped.


"What a disturbing story," Ted said with a worried expression.


Outside, the two men chuckled, the memory of that day fresh in their mind. And it had nothing to do with how good the meatballs were. That night, on the way home they had stopped at a convenience store near the loft to pick up a box of their favorite ice cream. Needless to say, the two had quite a night together.


Justin looked up and smiled at Brian. He still couldn't believe the ad exec was still there. He figured Brian would have been long gone by now, yet here he was.


"I wish we had some ice cream," Brian said, his way of apologizing to his lover.


The blond's smile got wider. "There's cake."


Brian pretended to ponder on the thought for a moment. "Emmett's probably taken care of that by now."


"Yeah," Justin said quietly. He took a step closer. "I'm glad you didn't leave," he said honestly.


Brian leaned down and kissed him softly, licking the soft lips that tasted like frosting. "Me too," he whispered when the pulled apart.


"Maybe we should go back inside," Justin said.


Brian sighed. "Lead the way."


Returning to the seat he had just vacated, Justin felt Brian slipping in between his legs to sit on the floor in front of him.


"What are we talking about?" Justin asked innocently.


"The weather," Linds said.


"The birds and the bees," Emmett added.


"The fact that you and Justin are sluts," Ted tossed in.


Brian cocked a brow.


"We were just recalling our favourite Brian and Justin moments," Linds told them with a smile.


"Like, remember the time Justin stole that trick from you?" Ted asked pointedly to Brian. "When was it again? King of Babylon?" He laughed at Brian's annoyed expression.


"Hmmm," Brian mused. "I'm impressed, Theodore. I figured you would have been too busy trying to make sure your boyfriend at the time didn't OD on the bathroom floor to notice anything else."


Both Emmett and Lindsay shot Brian warning looks.


"He started it," Brian grumbled.


"Always the mature one, aren't you, Brian?" Mel bitterly asked.


"Brian's very mature," Linds said quickly, earning a glare from her lover. "Especially with Justin."


"I beg to differ," Justin butted in with a grin. "I'm obviously the mature partner in our relationship."


"Our what?" Brian asked jokingly.


Mel snorted. "See? He can't even admit he's in a goddamn relationship."


"That's not true!" Linds said.


"Oh, please," Mel grumbled. "Give me one time when you've heard Brian admit that Justin is his boyfriend!"


"Can we change the fucking topic?" Brian asked.


Both women ignored him.


"He says it all the time!" Linds protested. "I've heard him tell countless guys to back off when he sees them looking at Justin."


"Maybe 'cos he wants them for himself," Ted said reasonably. "At his age, he's got to take what he gets. No offense, Justin."


Justin glared. "Why would I be offended? I mean, I get laid every night by the best fuck in Pittsburgh. Do you?"


Brian laughed and tossed his head back to grin at Justin. Leaning down, Justin brushed his lips against Brian's.


"You know what I'll never forget?" Emmett said with a far away look in his gaze. "The fight they had in Babylon."


"What fight?" Linds asked, confused.


"You didn't hear about it?" Ted asked. "It was the talk of Liberty Avenue for hours!"


The blonde woman shook her head.


"Guys," Justin started. "We don't have to - "


"Yeah," Brian agreed. "How about we just talk about how fucking pathetic Theodore is?"


"I can't believe no one told you!" Emmett continued to gush.


"So tell me," Linds demanded impatiently.


Emmett took a deep breath. "I remember Brian dragging Justin outside."


"I didn't DRAG him," Brian defended.


"He didn't," Justin agreed. "Really."


"And Brian was like seriously pissed about something," Emmett went on.


Brian snorted. "HE was practically sucking the tongue off some guy in front of my fucking face!"


Justin hit the back of Brian's head gently. "I wasn't!"


"Justin," Brian threatened. "We are not having this fucking conversation again."


"But I wasn't!" Justin argued.


"And Brian tells Justin he's had too much to drink," Em said.


"He was so fucking drunk, Linds," Brian said.


Justin gritted his teeth. "I was not!"


"You let some fucking guy shove his tongue in your mouth!" Brian told him. "You were drunk. End of story."


Justin rolled his eyes. "I didn't let anyone kiss me, Linds. Brian is delusional."


"So Mikey and I run outside to make sure they're both ok and safe enough to get home," Em said. "We stood and watched them as they shouted shit at each other and then..." Emmett shook his head. "They start going at it like there's no fucking tomorrow. It was like a scene out of a porno movie. Brian's humping Justin and Justin is trying to take off their clothes, but they’re both too drunk to figure out how."


"I WASN'T DRUNK!" Justin protested again. He nudged Brian with his knee. "Tell them, Brian!"


Brian had other things on his mind. "I wasn't humping anyone," he said seriously. "Brian Kinney does NOT hump."




"Dogs hump. Horses hump..."


Justin wanted to smack his lover.


"Well, you guys remember when Gus turned three?" Linds said, her eyes twinkling. "Remember that hour we spent wondering where the hell Brian and Justin had gotten to?"


Justin felt a blush creeping into his cheeks. Oh, God, no.


"I never told anyone, but I went upstairs to get a blanket for Maria's baby and..." She started laughing.


Justin wanted to expire on the spot.


"They were so busy fucking, they didn't even notice me sneak in and out," Linds went on.


Everyone was laughing, except the couple under discussion.


“Did you stop to sneak a peek?” Brian hissed at his friend.


Lindsay turned red. “Of course, not,” she said, but it was obvious to at least three other people in the room that she was lying.


“What’s wrong, Mel? Can’t keep your woman satisfied?” Brian snarled. The best defense was offense, everybody knew that. And that was exactly what Brian was doing now.


The others, though, didn’t seem to catch on.


“Fuck you, asshole,” Melanie shot back. “At least some people aren’t afraid to show affection to the person they’re with.”


Brian groaned inwardly.


It was up to Justin to defend him. “That’s not true, Mel. Brian is very affectionate.”


“Yeah,” Ted chuckled. “Especially in the middle of Babylon. Remember that one time when he was giving Justin a blowjob right there and then?”


Emmett and Michael snickered.


“Couldn’t you get to the backroom at least?” Lindsay inquired.


Brian grimaced before he looked back at the six pairs of eyes staring at him. “No,” he simply replied, much to dismay of the rest of the gang. They wanted something juicier and Brian was not about to give in.


“Ok, can we maybe talk about something else now?” Justin asked once again.


“I think you might be right,” Lindsay agreed with him.


“No, I think we’re having a wonderful conversation,” Melanie replied. “Now, how about that time Brian brought two guys back to the loft while Justin was there with his mother?”


Brian’s gaze locked onto Justin’s face. His lover had the same expression of surprise as he himself did, which could only mean that it wasn’t the blond who’d shared that story with the rest of them.


“Mom,” Justin said quietly, realizing the source of the gossip. He closed his eyes and shook his head. “I can’t believe she told you.”


“Well, actually she told my mother,” Michael explained. “And we all know what that means.”


“The whole gay population of Pittsburgh would know about it in thirty minutes or less,” Brian concluded.


Justin wondered if he could get anymore red.


"I bet she forgot to mention that Brian sent them packing though, didn't she?" he asked angrily. "I can't believe this shit!"


"Can you blame her?" Mel asked. "It's not like that was the only time. What about that time with Daphne? You came back from shopping and what do you see, but Brian going at it with some trick on the sofa."


Justin wanted to scream. He knew who was responsible for spilling that story.


"Michael doesn't know anything!" Justin muttered.


"So if Brian wasn't fucking the guy on the sofa, what was he doing?" Mel asked.


"Brian was simply being Brian," Ted observed. "He can't help it if he's an asshole."


"Thank you," Brian said with a glare. "How sweet of you to notice."


Ted shrugged.


“That was so totally different. First of all, Brian and I weren’t even together…officially then.” Justin winced at how lame and pathetic he sounded. He also knew without looking what the expression on Brian’s face was. Officially together. They still weren’t OFFICIALLY together. They just were together. And he was fine with it. But nobody else understood. Daphne. That was it. The rest of them, they always thought they knew better.


“Look, Brian and I appreciate your concern,” Justin tried again. “But stay the fuck out of our business.”


He felt a hand on his shoulder.


"Honey, gossiping about gay men IS our business!" Emmett said before walking back to his seat.


Justin sighed.


"I think they're good for each other," Linds said sweetly. "They balance each other out well."


"The old man and his boy toy," Ted tossed in. "Oh yea, they balance each other all right."


"Do you not fucking see us?" Brian asked, loudly. "Did we become fucking invisible all of a sudden?"


"Don't even try that shit with us, Brian," Mel said. "If you can dish out, you better be able to take it. You and your precious toddler."


Justin's eyes opened wide. "Huh?"


"Oh, um, sorry, honey," Mel apologized, embarrassed.


Justin stuffed a piece of cake into his mouth to stop himself from telling her to go fuck herself.


"This reminds me of the time we were all at Deb's for Thanksgiving," Emmett said, trying to return the conversation to safer times.


Both Brian and Justin groaned at the same time.


"God, I still can't believe you fucked in my room," Michael whined.


"It's not like it was the first time," Justin replied, grinning sheepishly when the brunet glared at him.


"You could have waited 'til you got home," Michael argued.


"I can't help it if turkey makes me horny," Brian replied, smiling when Justin caught his eye.


"Everything makes you horny," Justin said quietly, gently rubbing Brian's arm.


"Damn right," Brian agreed, his fingers entwining with the blond’s. “This fucking floor is damn uncomfortable,” he grumbled, getting up to squeeze himself next to his lover. His hands immediately found their way up the blond's neck, getting lost in the soft locks of his lover.


"You know, Brian," Melanie butted in once again. "You're not a teenage boy anymore. It doesn't become you to hump everything in sight."


"Actually, it's totally Brian to hump and jump and screw everything that moves," Emmett added.


"Has to have a dick too," Brian corrected him. "Can't forget that."


"And a blond head of hair," Lindsay said, thinking that she was somehow helping the couple. It seemed she was the only one in the room on their side, although the two men would have preferred that she did not help them.


"Actually, Linds," Justin said. "Brian prefers brunets."


"Tall, dark, and handsome," Michael added, proud that he knew his friend so well.


"Don't forget well hung," Brian added, leaning over and grabbing Justin's crotch with his hand for added effect.


"Brian!" Linds yelled.


Justin pushed his lover's hand away when he felt fingers beginning to get too frisky. “It’s funny that he got stuck with a blond. Must have made a change,” he continued, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he gazed into his lover’s eyes.


Brian snorted. “Stuck is an appropriate word.”


Justin laughed and leaned in to lock lips with his boyfriend.


"Sex, sex, sex," Mel grumbled, her eyes enviously drinking in the way their bodies fit each other perfectly, even as they sat together on a sofa. "Don't you two get tired of just having a relationship based on sex?"


"Don't you two get tired of just having a relation based on..." Brian sneered. "What IS your relationship based on?"


"Love," Linds said sweetly.


"Trust," Mel added.


“How boring,” Brian said. With an exasperated sigh, he added, “Jesus, don’t you ever get tired of talking about this over and over and over again?" Brian grimaced at the couple. "Do you want to know what a REAL relationship is based on?"


Everybody stared at Brian with a little surprise written on their faces, but also anticipation. The great Brian Kinney was going to teach THEM something about relationships.


Brian snaked his fingers around Justin's neck and leaned forward, his face pressed against Justin's. Brian kissed his lover's lips softly at first, then a little harder, making the full pink lips of the blond slick with his saliva. Finally, he sneaked his tongue into Justin's welcoming mouth and pressed Justin's face closer, just like he always did when they kissed - when just a kiss wasn't enough anymore, when he wanted to devour Justin whole… knowing that the young artist felt the same way.


Fuck trust, fuck love, fuck all the other words lesbians, nelly queens, and straights used to cover up the fact that they were stuck in something they didn't feel shit about anymore. THIS was what it was all about… this…this feeling when he had his arms around Justin.


Nothing had ever, COULD ever compare to that.


Finally, both men breathless, they pulled apart, but not completely. For a few seconds, they stayed in their own world, smiling at each other, oblivious to the fact that everyone in the room was trying to read what it was that they were saying to each other - without words.


Brian was the first to break the spell. He looked up, a satisfied smirk spreading on his lips when he noticed the awed looks on their friends’ faces.


"That was..." Emmett was speechless.


"Hot..." Linds said, fanning herself. "In fact... um... I think I'm gonna go upstairs for a little while." She raced towards the stairs. "Um, Mel... do you wanna come... rub my... back?"


Justin laughed when he heard Brian gag.


Emmett was fast on their heels. "I have to… do something in my room!"


Ted looked around and without a word, got up and left.


Michael stared at the couple, whose eyes were on him.


"Don't you have someplace to go too?" Brian asked.


Mikey shook his head.


"Well, um," Brian cleared his throat and stood up, pulling Justin behind him. "Don't stay up too late."


"And if you hear anything like the earth moving, ignore it," Justin tossed over his shoulder. "It'll just be Brian fucking me senseless."


Justin knew he was being mean, but he didn't care.


Brian turned around to give him a shocked look.


Justin shrugged. "Well, it's not like I'm lying."


Brian couldn't resist. His lips met his lover's for a deep kiss, his tongue sucking on Justin's. He heard a tiny whimper and pulled away quickly.


Without another glance in Michael's direction, he dragged Justin into their bedroom. Slamming the door shut, Brian pushed the blond against the wooden door, his mouth eager for another taste of his lover. The coffee, cake and Justin's own original taste were overpowering. Brian's dick was throbbing, begging to be released from the tight restriction of his jeans.


"Oh, fuck," Justin groaned loudly when Brian pulled away from his mouth to attack the soft pale skin of his neck.


Justin’s hands clasped his lover’s head, his fingers dragging through the brown hair, till they tightened, gripping the locks at the back firmly.


"Take off your clothes," Brian demanded of the blond, but Justin was too turned on to concentrate on the fine mechanics of that task.


Brian had to tug the t-shirt off, tossing it over his head to join his own. The hard pink nipples that greeted him were too cute to ignore, so Brian flicked his tongue over one, then another.


Justin moaned. "You're fucking killing me," he murmured. "Don't stop."


Covering the pink lips with his, Brian suppressed another loud moan. His hands eagerly attacked the zipper on Justin's jeans until he felt the pants sliding to the floor. His own jeans were long gone, his dick rock solid and condom clad.


Finally, his fingers connected with cool, soft skin.


Palming the perfect mounds, Brian lifted the teen off the floor gently and slowly, ever so slowly brought him down, so his dick could penetrate the tight hole.


Justin gasped, his eyes fluttering close. The pleasure of the motion was intense.


"I'm too heavy for you," he told Brian softly.


"Do you like how it feels?" Brian asked him, ignoring the blond’s concern.


Justin opened his eyes to stare into his lover's beautiful hazel orbs. His fingers lightly caressed the nape of Brian's neck.


"It feels so good, Brian," Justin said softly.


That was all Brian needed to know. Slowly, he began encouraging Justin to find a rhythm. Having his lover ride him like this, the full weight of the blond coming down to encase his dick... it was fucking amazing.


Justin felt each thrust pressing deeper and deeper into him. He closed his eyes and tossed his head back, uncaring that the door was scraping against his back. He would have a bruise tomorrow.


"Fuck," he moaned, his mouth open against Brian's cheek. "Fuck, this feels good."


Brian groaned, but said nothing, his attention fully focused on making the intensity last and ensuring they both found their release at the right time.


"Oh, fuck!" Justin moaned again, his body beginning to tremble. With every thrust, his dick pressed harder against Brian's belly. He could feel his sticky moisture on his lover's stomach.


Brian licked Justin's mouth open, allowing their tongues to meet for quick, sloppy kisses.


And then, it happened.


Justin shot his load all over Brian's chest as Brian exploded inside the blond.


Collapsing on the bed with Justin under him still, Brian thought if he died tonight, he would die a happy man.


Justin couldn't move. He was stuck to Brian... literally.


"Oh, God," Justin moaned. "That was..."


"Amazing," Brian agreed. He brushed the hair off his lover's forehead and placed a small kiss there. He pulled out of his boyfriend quickly, the pleasure of the movement still intense.


Justin moaned.


Brian laughed. He couldn't resist leaning across to plant a kiss on the swollen pink lips.


His expression was tender when he asked, "Are you ok?"


Justin snorted. "Ask me again in a couple of hours."


Brian laughed, leaning down to settle in his lover's arms.


"So I guess we should maybe start being more careful when and where we fuck, huh?" Justin asked after a few moments of peaceful silence.


Brian propped himself up on his elbow. "Screw that," he said. "I'll fuck you where ever the fuck I want to."




"It's a free country isn't it?"


Justin grinned. "I don't like it that they know so much about us," he said seriously.


Brian sighed, but nodded. He understood Justin's point and agreed, but he had talked enough for the night.


Leaning over the beautiful blond boy, he said, "Remember the time you shut up and let me fuck you?"


Justin laughed. "No," he said as he inched closer. "But maybe you could remind me?"



The End.



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