Shopping List

by Pig and Irina



"I'm gonna get us a cart while you park the jeep," Justin told Brian. He didn't wait for a response, but hopped out of the jeep. Armed with his trusty pen and note-pad, he hurried along to the supermarket entrance.

"Excuse me, son."

Justin looked up, his eyes landing on an elderly lady.

Offering a smile, Justin asked, "Are you talking to me?"

She nodded. "Can you help me get this cart out?"

Justin nodded and quickly reached for the cart. After much pulling, he realized what the problem was.

"Um, you need a quarter to get this out," he told her.

She looked slightly frantic. "Oh, oh, I see."

She began searching through her purse, but to no avail. "I can't seem to find one."

Justin dipped into his jeans' pocket and pulled out a quarter. "Here, I’ve got one."

He slipped it into the machine and cart came out with quick roll.  Before Justin could tell her anything else, she bumped him with her hip and was racing into the store with her cart.

Narrowing his eyes, Justin glared at her retreating back. He had a sneaking suspicion he'd just been scammed. And by an old lady too.  What a fucking laugh...

Turning around, he noticed Brian walking toward him, the older man looking sexy in his new Armani sunglasses.


Brian couldn't help but smile at the sight before him.  Justin - armed and ready...for shopping.  Until the teen had moved in with him, Brian had never done shopping in the general sense of the word.  Living mostly on take out or diner food, Brian had only purchased necessities, such as Jim Beam and lube.  Now, he had a teenager in the house with teenager appetite and teenager hormones; which automatically equated to a shitload of food.


"What's with the frown, Sonnyboy?" he asked, walking up to Justin.


"This old lady just totally scammed me!" Justin complained.

He linked arms with Brian and started walking towards the door.


Brian listened to Justin's tale of the evil old lady, doing his best to fight back the laughter.  "You got a 1500 on your SATs and some little old lady outsmarted you?" he snickered.

Justin glared. "Oh fuck you, Brian!" he said, the frustration evident in his voice.

Pulling out a cart, he headed into the supermarket. "Let's get this thing over with quickly," he said. "I want to get home in time for 'Gay as Blazes.'"


Brian groaned, once again cursing Emmett for ever introducing the young artist to the most ridiculous show on TV.


"Come along, Stud," Justin said with a grin.

He pulled out his list. "Wanna split up?" The minute the words were out of his mouth, he laughed. "Oh, wait. I forgot who I was talking to for a minute."

Entwining his fingers with Brian's, he started walking toward the last aisle - kitchen supplies.


Brian followed like a puppy on a leash. Only his leash was held by a hot blond twink and Brian found that he didn't seem to mind that as much as he would have once thought to be following the said blond twink. At least until he read the sign that read "Aisle 12, Kitchen Supplies" on it. He abruptly stopped. "Kitchen supplies? What the fuck do you need in kitchen supplies?"


"I need to get an apron and some oven mits," he said seriously. "I nearly burnt my arm off last week!"

He left the cart with Brian to push around as he checked prices and colors. "Do you like these?" He held up a navy blue pair for Brian to see.


Brian grimaced.  Even a shopping queen such as himself had to draw the line at shopping for oven mits.  That was simply the last straw.  Suppressing shudders at the thought of what this could do to his carefully maintained image, Brian made a complete 180.  Leaving the cart and his lover who was currently trying on the purple oven mitts, Brian scurried off to the next aisle.


When Justin looked up, Brian was gone.

"Brian?" he called.

And that’s when he spotted her. The old lady. Narrowing his eyes, he glared at her. When she looked up and saw him watching her, she rushed off in the opposite direction.

Justin had half a mind to follow the sneaky old fart, but he heard a, "Will you get your ass over here!" coming from the next lane and hurried over, mitt still in his hand.

Grumbling under his breath, he rejoined his lover in the canned food aisle.


As soon as Justin rolled to a stop next to him, Brian dumped three cans of sodium free Butter Ball chicken broth into the cart.  “It’s a lot better than boiling the fucking chicken for four hours,” he explained when Justin looked at him confused.  When the blond still didn’t seem to understand what he was referring to, Brian pointed to a place on Justin’s list where it said, “Chicken legs (for broth).”  “And faster too,” Brian added.  Before Justin could reply, or rather object, as Brian expected him to, the ad exec pushed the cart down the aisle.


Justin sighed and gave in, picking up a couple cans of tuna in the process.

"Do you want any soup, Bri?" he asked as he read the labels. "Oh, here are those beans I was looking for. Maybe we can try that Cajun recipe this weekend?"

At Brian's confused look, Justin explained, "The one your friend left us. You know, Mr. Hot-lanta?"


Lips rolled into his mouth, Brian graced Justin with a half-smirk, half-smile, his mind leaping two years back to their first attempt at living together, which was almost as disastrous their second try.  “It’s always better the second day,” he remembered Justin saying.  The same could have been said for their relationship.  Although, Brian wondered how Jambalaya tasted on the third and if needed on the fourth day as well.  He bet it wasn’t as good as Justin always tasted. Justin-taste seemed to improve every day, which was a thought he planned to keep firmly to himself. “Sure,” was his only reply.


Justin snorted. Every time he thought about his and Brian's past fuck-ups, he got annoyed.

Shooting Brian a quick glare, he focused his attention on the canned vegetables. As he loaded the corn, carrots and peas into the cart, he felt eyes burning into his back. Looking up, he found Brian watching him, eyes narrowed.

"What?" he grumbled.


Brian shook his head in response. Apparently Justin wasn’t satisfied with the answer, because he continued to stare expectantly. “What’s with the country-wife routine?” Brian asked, his lips stretching into a thin curve.


Justin snorted. "Why did you even bother coming if you were going to be this way?"


Holding up his hands in defense, Brian shrugged. "Hey, just minding my own business here," he replied, curious as to what exactly crawled up Justin's tight little ass.


Justin was about to grumble a retort when he spotted a curly white head. Out of reflex, his eyes narrowed and his mouth pressed together tightly.

Seeing the confused look pass over Brian's face, Justin said, "That's her! The scheming granny!" He pointed a finger at her, his earlier problem with Brian forgotten.


Brian turned around, following Justin’s gaze, his eyebrow arching in amusement.  “That crone?  But she’s so…”  Brian searched for the right word.  “Old.” 


"Obviously she's still got her wits about her," Justin muttered. Eyes never leaving the old woman's head, he added, "I still can't believe it! Are there no decent people in the world anymore?"

His voice had risen when he said this, and the old woman looked up, catching his blue eyes hotly glaring at her. She looked taken aback, but then returned the gaze with equal venom.

Justin huffed. "Did you see that?" he asked Brian, a trace of amazement in his voice.


Brian stifled a laugh, his eyes drifting between his lover and the tiny old lady who looked more like the picture on the menu in a pancake house he used to go to when he was a kid and less like a crook who would steal a poor college student’s quarter.  Covering his mouth with his right hand, Brian finally managed to look serious when he once again met Justin’s eyes. 


Justin shook his head. "I just don't get it," he continued, oblivious to the brunet's amusement. "The nerve of some people."

He tossed the first can his hand landed on into the cart without even looking to see what it was. He saw Brian pick it up, read the label and break into a wide grin.

"What?" he grumbled.


Brian wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand. “SPAM? You’re buying SPAM?”


"Oh, fuck," Justin muttered. "Was that what that was?"  He didn't look overly concerned, eyes still following the woman.


Brian glanced one more time at the old woman, then back at Justin, realizing that he had to take control of the situation or they’d never leave the store. And Brian had other plans for the day. Plans that included lots of licking and sucking that had nothing to do with

Taking out the cans of SPAM that Justin had absentmindedly tossed in the cart, Brian placed them back on the shelf, where they belonged. Then walked around the cart to stand in front of Justin. The blond didn’t seem to even notice him, something that Brian was NOT used to. Taking matters into his own hands, literally, Brian took Justin’s face in between his palms and drew him in for a kiss.


"Brian!" Justin protested. "Not now!"

Off course, his demand was ignored, and before he knew it, a sleek tongue was in his mouth, teasing him with all its expertise.

All coherent thoughts left Justin's mind and he began eagerly participating in the kiss, wrapping his arms around Brian's waist and leaning closer to the older man.

He moaned softly.

When Brian pulled away, Justin couldn't help but give him a watery smile.

"That was..." He couldn't seem to get any other words out. "That was..."  Still stuck.


“Thanks,” Brian replied, self-satisfied smirk plastered on his face.  Turning around, he once again began pushing the cart down the aisle.


Now it was Justin who found himself following close behind like a lost puppy.  Reaching for Brian's hand, he entwined his fingers with his lover's.

"We need to get some meat," Justin told him as he skimmed through his list. "What do you want for dinner?"


“I doubt we’ll find it in the frozen foods section,” Brian replied, giving Justin the not so subtle look.


Justin grinned. "How about pasta? I can make us some penne with chicken. I think I still have the recipe that Italian guy you fucked gave us. What was his name?" Justin pondered.


Brian stopped dead in his tracks, staring Justin square in the eye.  Something about this just rubbed him the wrong way. “Do you get all your recipes from the tricks I fuck?”


"You say it like that's a bad thing," Justin remarked. Not giving Brian a chance to respond, be added, "Besides, what good are they, but for recipes?"


Brian quirked an eyebrow. "I could mention a couple of things they might be good for. But this is a family store. We wouldn't want to shock some housewives with our tail tales, now would we?" With a sly smirk, Brian proceeded down the aisle.


Justin's snort filled the aisle. Following behind, he slipped his arms around Brian's slim waist, pouting noticeably.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to go through that list with me later," Justin told him sourly. Forcing a smile, he added deviously, "Maybe while we're having some of that yummy vanilla ice-cream that you're gonna buy us?" Smacking Brian's shoulder, he cocked a brow and teasingly said, "And I promise to lick off every bit of the chocolate syrup and whip cream I'm gonna pour on your..."


Brian had heard enough. Spinning around on his heels and wrapping his arms tightly around the smaller man's waist, he pulled Justin close against his chest and covered the beautiful pink mouth with his.


Pulling back to get some air, Justin had the silliest of smiles on his face. He couldn't stop grinning.

"Can't wait 'til later, huh?" he asked.


"Fuck no," Brian growled.


Justin's dick responded to the sexy sound coming from his lover.  Leaning close, he whispered, "Do you think we could..."


He wasn't able to finish the sentence because Brian's tongue was once again slipping inside his mouth.


Justin burst into giggles. "I was only joking!" When Brian refused to let him go and started going for his mouth again, he breathed out, "Brian, stop!"

Pushing the older man away, he laughed. "This is a public place, you know!"


"Your point being?" Brian asked, giving him the innocent look. But he nonetheless let Justin go.


"Let's get this thing over with," Justin said seriously. He looked down at the list, chewing at his bottom lip.

"I don't think we need anything else in this aisle," he said.

The minute he walked into the sweets and treats aisle, his demeanor changed. Mrs. Sneak-his-quarter-and-think-she-could-get-away-with-it was standing right there, trying to read the label off a box of Fig Newtons.

Before Justin could open his mouth, he felt a hand gripping his shirt, pulling him forward.

"Brian," he started, ready to battle with his lover.


Before he could even finish what he was about to say, Brian had let him go, focusing his attention on a shelf filled with bottles of syrup. He pulled out the Hershey Chocolate one they always got and tossed it in the cart.


Justin, suitably distracted, shut up. He followed behind, eyes searching for something specific. When his gaze fell on the maple syrup, he reached out and got a small bottle, tossing it into the cart.


“Planning breakfast activities?” Brian smirked at him.


Justin cocked a brow. "I'm a growing boy," he said sweetly. "I need my daily dose of sugar, protein and," Leaning closer to Brian, he whispered. "A nice big cock up my ass."


"And here I thought you could survive on spying on poor old grannies who steal your quarters," Brian teased.


Justin groaned. "Don't remind me." Refusing to look back, he asked, "Is she gone?"


Brian nodded without even looking. “Ding dong, the witch is dead,” he singsonged.


"Good," Justin mumbled.

He looked down at his list again. "Sugar, rice, flour and potatoes."  He skimmed through the aisle. "Ok, I think we can move on to the next aisle."

As the boys walked past, Justin's eyes landed on a can of whipped cream.  He reached out and dumped it into the cart. Seeing Brian's cocked brow, he blushed.

"What?" he asked.


“Are you planning a fuck-fest or just trying to kill me with massive amounts of sugar?”


Justin pushed Brian against the shelf, rubbing his slightly hard, denim covered cock against Brian's. "Fuck-fest?" he breathed into Brian's open mouth. "I kinda like the sound of that."


Brian's mouth spread into a lopsided grin. He leaned in to kiss Justin when his eye caught the sign for a restroom. Taking out the can of whipped cream that Justin had tossed into the cart moments before, he took Justin's hand in his and pulled him in the direction of the brown door.


His heart beat accelerating, Justin tried to match the taller man's footsteps.

"Brian," he got out. "Slow down."

The ad exec ignored his request and Justin found himself being pulled into the men's washroom. He tried to catch his breath as Brian did a quick scan of the area. Just when he thought he was gaining control of his breathing, his arm was yanked and he found himself in a small bathroom stall.

His butt was pressed against the closed door before his mouth was covered with a sneaky, moist tongue. The kiss turned out to be less passionate than expected, Justin's laughter getting in the way of Brian's lovemaking.


"And what exactly are you laughing about?" Brian asked while his hands struggled with the zipper of Justin's jeans.


Justin licked his lips. "You," he replied with a grin. While Brian fiddled with the zipper, he shook the can of whipped cream.  Getting the cap off, he tossed his head back and squirted some of the creamy substance into his mouth.

He heard Brian's sexy intake of breath seconds before he felt the skillful tongue trailing down his neck. Slipping his arms around Brian's neck, he moaned, "Don't stop."


Snaking his hands under the material of Justin's sweatshirt, Brian pushed it up, trailing his palms up and down the smaller man's torso while his tongue created a slick pathway up Justin's neck, heading directly for the sweet mouth.


Justin tried to suppress his moans as Brian greedily sucked at his tongue. Someone could walk in and catch them at any moment, it was the thrill of the fuck.

When Brian pulled away, Justin saw him lick his lips. It was enough of a hint. He squirted some whip-cream on his chin and immediately, the sleek, pink tongue was out from Brian's mouth, sucking at the spot.

Justin giggled and squirted some more on his neck, giving Brian's eager mouth easy access.


Brian licked and sucked every drop of the white substance, the sugary taste mixing with Justin's driving him wild. He opened his eyes and looked at his lover. Justin's eyes were closed, his head dropped back in complete ecstasy.

Brian took the can from Justin's hand, grinning when Justin's eyes opened and stared at him in surprise. Moving quickly, Brian pushed Justin's jeans down to his ankles. The white underwear soon followed, freeing the already leaking cock.

With one last glance up at Justin and a smirk, Brian began creating a white foamy trail from the blond's belly button down to the tip of his cock.


Justin's mouth opened wide as he watched his lover lick his way down to his growing shaft. His fingers ploughed their way through Brian's thick mass of brown hair, the need to grip onto something.

Justin gasped as Brian sucked on the taut skin just below his navel, aware that he was leaving a mark. He sucked in a breath when he felt hot air swirling through the fine blond curls leading a path to his cock.

His eyes remained fixed on Brian's head as the older and more experienced man prolonged the teen's ecstasy.

His cock was practically begging to sink into Brian's warm mouth.  "Brian," he whimpered.

The tip of his cock was leaking of both cream and sperm. Combined, the mixture provided a more enjoyable treat for the brunet. He grazed his teeth along it causing Justin to clench his fingers in his hair, a deep sigh escaping from within him.

Justin couldn't take another minute of the teasing torture. He took matters into his own hands. Gripping Brian's head, he slid his hard cock into the other man's mouth, ignoring Brian’s attempts to foil him.  Achieving an in-and-out movement, he squeezed his eyes shut and in moment, spilled his hot cum into Brian's mouth.

Opening his eyes, he watched as Brian, swallowing, jumped angrily to his feet. Not giving Brian a chance to react, he grabbed onto the front of Brian's shirt and pushed him against the door.  Kneeling in front of him, he had Brian's jeans unbuckled and down to his ankles in one swift motion, and was spraying whipped cream into the other man's navel.

Eyes never leaving Brian's, Justin held the hard cock in his hand, mouth inches away from it.

"I'd take a deep breath if I were you," Justin advised with a grin, seconds before his mouth engulfed the throbbing member.

He heard Brian's low growl and pulled back to smile at his lover. He wasn't given much of a chance to do any such thing, his head being led back gently to the dripping cock.

His cock-sucking technique would land him at the top of the class.  Brian came in no time at all, his breathing ragged. Justin, self-satisfied brat smirk in place, watched smugly as the man recovered. Squirting some of the remaining whip-cream into his mouth, he offered the can to Brian.

"I think I like the taste of you better," Justin teased. His bare bottom half was crushed against another bare half in response and his mouth invaded by a seductive tongue.

Justin accepted the sweet kiss. When Brian pulled away, he sighed, "No contest. You taste ten times better than this shit."

”And have fewer calories.”  Tossing the can of whip cream on the floor, Justin slipped his arms around Brian's neck and got on his tippy-toes to smash his lips against Brian's. Unfortunately, Brian was serious once more. It was getting late and there was no way in hell he was getting locked in a public washroom. It was time to go home.


Somehow Brian found himself being moved over to the faucet.  He watched with more than a little amusement as the teen took a paper towel out of the dispenser and wet it under the water before beginning the clean up work on Brian's stomach.  Justin methodically mopped up, removing all the remnants of the creamy white substances - well, both of them. 


When Justin was done with him, Brian repeated the same action on his younger lover.


Both of them cleaned off and zipped up, the pair headed toward the door.


"Wait," he heard Justin say at the last minute. 


Turning around, Brian saw the blond running back over to where an empty can of whipped cream still lay on the floor.  The teen picked it up and hurried back into Brian's awaiting arms.


At Brian's confused look, Justin said, "We didn't pay for it!"


"Are you sure you weren't a boy scout in your previous life?" Brian asked, as the two of them headed back to their cart, arms around each other. 


"How do you think I learned to suck cock with the best of them?" Justin retorted smartly. He felt a hand squeeze at his butt. His baby blues connected with soft, hazel eyes.


Brian smiled slyly at him.  “I’d say you had a good teacher, but you know how modest I am.”


Justin smacked Brian's chest playfully. "You?  Modest?" He snorted. "Remind me of this conversation the next time you ask me if I think your *mighty big cock* has gotten *even bigger* than it supposedly already is!"


“I didn’t think you’d be complaining about my cock,” Brian replied, pushing the cart down the aisle.


"Who's complaining?" Justin replied smartly, arm snaking around Brian's slim waist as he kept up with his lover's pace. "I happen to adore your cock. Want me to show you how much?"


Brian stopped and gazed at his lover, eyebrow arched when the teen flashed him a smile. “You know, being a cock-tease is considered a crime in some countries.” 


"Really?" Justin playfully responded, the tip of his tongue slowly tasting his top lip from one end to the other. "I wonder what the punishment is?"


Brian felt his cock stir in his pants - the usual response to seeing the teasing bubble-gum tongue. He opened his mouth, then closed it, pushing the cart around into another aisle. “Keep this up, Sunshine, and you won’t be able to walk for a week.”


Justin laughed and followed Brian. "What? Gonna take another dose of Viagra, are ya?" He sauntered off when Brian stopped, whistling happily. Stopping at the rice section, he picked up a small bag, then opted for the medium sized.

Turning around, his face connected with a solid chest.


Brian pressed his long, lean body against the smaller one, grinding his groin against Justin's. "Does this look like a man who needs Viagra to fuck your tight little ass from now until Independence Day nonstop?"


Before Justin had a chance to respond, he saw a familiar white head slowly making her way up the aisle pushing a half-laden trolley.  Seeing the two men practically making love against the rice shelf, she made an irritated sound and gave them the *evil* eye.

Justin was tempted to stick his tongue out at her, but he squelched the urge. He felt Brian tense up against him and then, his arm was being yanked, yet again, into the next aisle.

He heard Brian mumble something under his breath to the effect of old fart and young princess and tried not to be offended.

He remained silent as Brian sped through the aisles, shoving item after item into their cart. Justin chewed on his lower lip and took in the scene in utter shock. Brian had gone into his *in charge* mode.  Nothing was going to curtail it.

Before Justin knew it, he was standing at the cash-counter, helping his partner unload their supplies on the counter. While the cashier tallied, his eyes once again landed on a familiar white head.

He didn't know why his feelings were quite so intensely negative.  After all, she was just an old cunt. But really, did she have to steal his quarter? Justin made a move to walk over to her, but got no further, his shirt being pulled back, so that he landed against Brian's
chest yet again.

"Brian-," he began, but was cut across.


"Your forgot the can," Brian pointed to the empty can of whipped cream still clutched in Justin's hand. 


Not waiting for the blond to respond, Brian took the can and tossed it onto the counter.  He clenched his jaw when he saw the intense looks directed at them - some curious, some disgusted.  Nothing he hadn't seen before.  Nothing he hadn't experienced more than once in his life. 


The ad exec turned his head, challenging anybody to say a word.  Nobody did.  Except for the same old crone who seemed to have been following them wherever they went.  She again made the sound of combined disgust and irritation that she’d made earlier in the food aisle. 


Giving her his patented superior smirk, Brian looked down at the man still pressed against him.  Glancing once more at the old woman, Brian dipped his head down and covered Justin's mouth with his.


Justin was taken aback, but responded all the same. How could he not respond to *that* warm, demanding tongue?

When Brian pulled away, they shared a gentle smile. Collecting their bags, Justin turned and saw the old woman staring at them, her mouth open wide in shock.

Smiling down at her, he was tempted to reach out and snap her mouth shut, but Brian's hand pushed him towards the door.


Making a point to a bunch of local heteroes hadn’t been Brian’s intention, but from the look on the old crone’s face, he realized that it was exactly what he had done.  What they had done.  Once again they had had to prove a point.  But now, staring into the baby-blue eyes of his lover, he realized he had a more important one to make.


He hadn’t forgotten their recipe conversation, and needed to make sure that his Sunshine knew that what was cooking between them had a much longer shelf life than the already-past-their-use-by-date snack foods provided by his tricks. It probably meant that this ‘no carbs after seven’ rule was out the window, but, watching Justin’s ass sway as he pushed the trolley towards the car, he figured he’d work off the extra – one way or another.


“Let’s go home,” he said, wrapping his arm around Justin’s shoulders.


 The end.



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