Tutorial Section
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Lesson 1:Selection Tool;
Move Tool
In this section, you are going to learn
something about the tools that are mostly used when editing
the images you like.
Just click on the lesson number [on the left] you want,
then you will be designated on the function
and background of the
selected tool.
You can also see there
the image and subtools under
that tool if necessary. It is recommended to
start from the first lesson
and follow the lesson number. You don't need to rush
Just take one lesson
at a time.One step
at a time.
Lesson 2:Selection Tool;
Marquee Tool
Lesson 3:Selection Tool;
Lasso Tool
Lesson 4:Alteration Tool;
Healing Brush Tool
Lesson 5:Alteration Tool;
Paint Bucket Tool
Lesson 6:Alteration Tool;
Dodge and Burn Tool
Lesson 7:Alteration Tool;
Brush Tool
Lesson 8:Vector Tool;
Type Tool
Lesson 9:Vector Tool;
Rectangular Tool
Lesson 10:Assisting Tool;
Zoom and Eyedropper Tool