Lesson 7: Brush Tool  
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Lesson 1:Selection Tool;
Move Tool
Another tool that you can use when
editing images is the brush tool.
Actually, this tool is just like the
normal or typical brush that you will
use to create images or pictures but the
difference is that, in this tool, there are already
built-in styles of brushes with different designs.
Also, in this tool, you can change
the size of your brush.
Lesson 2:Selection Tool;
Marquee Tool
Lesson 3:Selection Tool;
Lasso Tool
Lesson 4:Alteration Tool;
Healing Brush Tool
Lesson 5:Alteration Tool;
Paint Bucket Tool
Lesson 6:Alteration Tool;
Dodge and Burn Tool
Lesson 7:Alteration Tool;
Brush Tool
Lesson 8:Vector Tool;
Type Tool
Lesson 9:Vector Tool;
Rectangular Tool
Lesson 10:Assisting Tool;
Zoom and Eyedropper Tool