Lesson 1: Move Tool  
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Lesson 1:Selection Tool;
Move Tool
The most basic skill when it
comes to adobe Photoshop is
the move tool. From its name,
we can easily determine the function
of this tool which is to transfer
or move part of the image and if
possible, the entire image.
But, remember that in order
to use this tool, other tools
should be used to select which
of the parts of the
image will you transfer.
These tools are marquee tool
and lasso tool which will be
discussed on the next
lesson number.
Lesson 2:Selection Tool;
Marquee Tool
Lesson 3:Selection Tool;
Lasso Tool
Lesson 4:Alteration Tool;
Healing Brush Tool
Lesson 5:Alteration Tool;
Paint Bucket Tool
Lesson 6:Alteration Tool;
Dodge and Burn Tool
Lesson 7:Alteration Tool;
Brush Tool
Lesson 8:Vector Tool;
Type Tool
Lesson 9:Vector Tool;
Rectangular Tool
Lesson 10:Assisting Tool;
Zoom and Eyedropper Tool