Exercises #4
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Exercise 1:Selection Tool;
Move Tool
Get some pictures that has some imperfections
and get picture of a perfect skin,
possibly yours and of
your flawless idol. After that
use the healing brush tool to fix
the imperfections the image you
get have using the skin of
your idol as the target.
After that, be proud of your
beautiful, flawless and perfect skin.
Exercise 2:Selection Tool;
Marquee Tool
Exercise 3:Selection Tool;
Lasso Tool
Exercise 4:Alteration Tool;
Healing Brush Tool
Exercise 5:Alteration Tool;
Paint Bucket Tool
Exercise 6:Alteration Tool;
Dodge and Burn Tool
Exercise 7:Alteration Tool;
Brush Tool
Exercise 8:Vector Tool;
Type Tool
Exercise 9:Vector Tool;
Rectangular Tool
Exercise 10:Assisting Tool;
Zoom and Eyedropper Tool