Exercises #3
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Exercise 1:Selection Tool;
Move Tool
Think of some objects with
irregular shapes. Then download some
of it. After that, use the lasso
tool to combine all of these
images and create an image. For example,
download images of different types of fruits.
After that, combine all these
to make a fruit salad.
Post it or share with your friends.
Be proud of what you did
and also be proud on your
final product as a neophyte.
Exercise 2:Selection Tool;
Marquee Tool
Exercise 3:Selection Tool;
Lasso Tool
Exercise 4:Alteration Tool;
Healing Brush Tool
Exercise 5:Alteration Tool;
Paint Bucket Tool
Exercise 6:Alteration Tool;
Dodge and Burn Tool
Exercise 7:Alteration Tool;
Brush Tool
Exercise 8:Vector Tool;
Type Tool
Exercise 9:Vector Tool;
Rectangular Tool
Exercise 10:Assisting Tool;
Zoom and Eyedropper Tool