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This was one of my first cartoons, which I did when I was in my early teens. I used "Zip-A-Tone" film for the shading, which I had had to be cut out with an Exacto blade. In those days I designed my cartoons for the express purpose of using lots of this film because I thought it looked so cool. My fingertips are quite thankful for the modern invention of computer graphic shading.

I did this strip for an underground newspaper in the '80s. I thought I was being very clever by using the pseudonym," H.P.Rum" ("Murph", backwards).
This was one of the cartoons I did for the insurance agency (see "The History") that made me think I had enough ideas to try a daily strip.
Another insurance strip, which was supposed to be a humorous science fiction serial. I don't know how funny it was but I thought the explosions were quite successful.
A strip called, "Floyd Beefwax", my first attempt at syndication. It starred a clueless character named Floyd, who had a pet blowfish and an interest in aviation. Where do these ideas come from?
My second syndication try, "Reptile Ranch", starring a talking alligator who worked at a reptile amusement park.

My third syndication strike, "Not From Mars". This strip starred an annoyingly designed alien who came to Earth to escape intergalactic bounty hunters. He is adopted by a neurotic American family and spends his time trying understand modern human society. All the syndicate editors told me newspapers hate science fiction and Alien strips.

This is a random strip that I liked and included in one of my above submission attempts even though it was completely unrelated.
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