Actor: Robert Trebor
Biography: Salmoneus will do whatever he has to to make money and has tried several get-rich-quick  schemes in the past - toga-selling, writing biographies, founding the Olympic Games and running a house of ill-repute for his even shadier brother-in-law. While a good man deep down, Salmoneus' love of money often compromises him morally and can also get him into a lot of trouble. He even managed to offend Hera and the divine assassin Nemesis was sent to kill him. Only through Hercules' intervention was he saved. Salmoneus' fate is unclear. He apparently went to jail for tax evasion and there is also an indication that the law did not take kindly to a massage parlour he was running.
Actress: Kim Michalis
Biography: When her village was being terrorized by the Cyclops, Scilla was the only villager to think that the Cyclops was maybe not as bad as he seemed. With the help of Hercules and Salmoneus, she convinced the villagers that the Cyclops was being contolled by Castor, a servant of Hera and that if they treated him well he would become their friend.
Actor: Terry Batchelor
Biography: One of King Midas business partners in the Touch of Gold Casino. Segallus planned to marry Midas' daughter Flaxen to make himself king, but she was less keen. When Hercules began snooping around the business he planned to kill him in a fixed combat with an enchanted dagger created by Hera. He failed and was forced to work in the fields by Midas for turning the kingdom into a  tyranny.
Actress: Nicky Mealings
Biography: The daughter of Typhon and Echidna, the She Demon is just one of the many monsters who fell to evil without her father's good influence. Despite having a lovely singing voice, the She Demon preferred to while away the hours seducing men until they came within reach and then turning them to stone with her snake-like tail which she kept hidden under her long dress. When Hercules was first told about her, he was too angry at his family's death to aid the endangered villagers so Iolaus went instead only to be turned to stone by the She Demon. Hercules had a change of heart and tracked the She Demon down and trickrd her into turning herself to stone. When she did so, all her previous victims were released from their enchantment.
Actor: Ray Henwood
Biography: King of Corinth (presumably  a different Corinth from the one Jason is King of). Sisyphus wanted an heir, but not only was his wife incapable of having children, but he had forseen he would die. He persuaded one of his guards, Timuron, to swap places with him so that Timuron was taken to Tartarus instead of him. Then he tried to force Timuron's widow Daphne to have a child with him. Hercules, Iolaus and Timuron's ghost were able to defeat him with the help of his wife Queen Karis. Sisyphus was then taken directly to Tartarus.
Actor: Peter Daube
Biography; When Xena's army sacked his village, Spiros believed his baby son dead and went to take his vengeance by killing Xena. Instead he managed to wound Hercules' cousin Iloran in the chest by mistake. He aided Hercules in his fight against Xena and afterwards Xena revealed that she had saved a baby from Darphus' onslaught which turned out to be his son. Spiros aided Xena and Hercules in their fight against Darphus.
Actress: Emma Menzies
Biography: One of the many girls who flocked round Salmoneus after he had made a fortune selling Hera's treasures. She was the only one of the girls who stuck with Salmoneus when Hercules forced him to give the treasure back to appease Hera's wrath.
Actor: Michael Dwyer
Biography: Theodorus thought Xena loved him and that is why she wanted him to kill Hercules. In reality she knew Hercules could beat him no trouble, but his attack would lure Hercules to her so she could launch her trap. Hercules killed him with a rake.
Actor: Craig Hall
Biography: A guard in the employment of King Sisyphus. Sisyphus tricked Timuron into being taken to Tartarus in his place on Timuron's wedding night. Wanting to put this injustice right, Hades offered Hercules three days to fix things. Timuron accompanied him as a ghost people could only see when he got angry. They put Sisyphus back in Tartarus and Timuron was allowed one last night with his widow Daphne before going to the Elysian Fields.
Actor: Norman Forsey
Biography: This blind prophet of doom loves nothing more than mayhem and destruction. His psychic powers come in useful to Hercules, but he is often loath to help him as Hercules has a tendency for stopping destruction before it happens. Nevertheless, Hercules manages to appeal to his better nature and he proves invaluable both in pinpointing the cause of Hera's curse in Parthus and from preventing the people of Meliad from drinking the cursed wine of Ares.
Actor: Peter Malloch
Biography: With his father dead and his mother seemingly more interested in Hercules than grieving, Titus was lured to joining Ares' army by its general Aurelius and his best friend Ximenos. Infused with Ares' bloodlust, Titus almost attacked Hercules but his mother Janista was able to talk him out of it and he and the other children turned against Aurelius.
Actor: Paul Minifie
Biography: Magistrate of Pluribus and a worshipper of Hera. He disliked the way Amphion was preaching non-violent resistance to his rule of the town and so framed him for murder. Hercules, Iolaus and Amphion's girlfriend Leah exposed him by using the Sword of Veracity on him which forced him to tell the truth. He was then brought to justice.
Actor: Glenn Shadix
Biography: A friendly giant and also the father of all monsters. Knowing he was a good influence on his wife Echidna and their children, Hera trapped his leg under a rock for years. Hercules freed him and the two became friends. When it was revealed that Hercules killed many of his children he fell out with the demi-god until he realized it was only because Hera had turned them evil. He convinced Exchidna that Hercules was a nice guy and she too forgave him. They grew even more indebted to Hercules when he rescued their baby son Obi from kidnappers.
Actor: Buzz Moller
Biography: When Tyron's friend died in battle trying to save him, he blamed himself. He took his friends' arms and armour to his brothers who were also keen to blame him, and  Hercules was forced to stop them from killing Tyron. Tyron agreed to help Hercules against the Centaurs who abducted penelope and he saved Penelope's fiance from a falling boulder, but died in the process.
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