new digital criminal technic and the law - the orwell-like EU

in an articel in the danish newspaper politiken the 3. march 2004, called - the digital ghosts house -, one writes :

in the future the computer will be controlled by the voice, emotions or the bodies fyscical placement, and the next step within the IT-technology will be emotional computerprograms inspired by biology and the evolution-theory.

one wille have intelligent "air" - or "ghosts", one can communicate with, and that constantly compete about your favour.

one forget, that you also has to protect the people from this development, by new laws about this area.

the backside is, that it will be easy to expose a person at the computer to psychic og fysical torture. one can even kill a person by this new technic.

it wille be so easy to install, that kind of technic in a persons home, that one can manipulate the person completely, not to take about changing his personality.

thereby one can control a group of people, from a central place. or in the extreme case, decide what a person should vote on electionday.

one risc therefor to start the beginning of an orwell-like society, if we do not regulate this area by new laws.

if that kind of new-digital-technic-systems becomes legal, the european union, will be finished being a democratic society. and will have started the beginning of an orwell-like society. where lawlessness rules, and the citicen will have lost his basical democratic rights.

the project : DELCA :
(Disembodied Location-specific Conversational Agents)

about new digital technic and torture

about torture

human right articels in englisk

brev til mennskerettighedsdomstolen 20-02-2004

1. brev til justitsministeriet 10-11-2003

2. brev til justitsministeriet 14-7-2004

new digital technic and the law in english

teknik - simulering - cyberspace

simuleret konfrontation

the limited and determined human being

forsknings projekt - DELCA

mere om forsknings projekt - DELCA - spøgelser - Forskningsprojektet DELCA (Disembodied Location-specific Conversational Agents)

bill joy - den digital teknik boer reguleres af etiske regler

Forside - - - oversigt - - - DANMARK-siden - - - Henrik Stampe Jensen

EU-modstand - oversigt - - menneskerettigheder - oversigt - - - ny kriminel teknik

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