Poetry Fountain
Poetry Fountain

The following is a poetry set written by some of Haiti Forum's
Some of these poems are written either in English, Spanish,
French or Haitian-Creole (kreyol). If you wish to have your
poems published on this site, click here to submit them.

The Rose

If beauty was a flower
and I saw a field of those,
They would all be dandelions,
and you would be a rose.
And people would come from miles around
your loveliness to see,
And they could pick the dandelions,
but the rose belongs to me!

Island Princess


Underneath my maple tree
birds come by two and three.
Jumping, hopping to and fro
In and out the gazebo they go.
A flap, a flutter, wings in the air
Seeds go flying everywhere.
Falling down onto the ground,
feet and feathers all around,
Together singing in a lovely tone.
Out jumps cat and, SWISH, they're gone.



The birds that visit my tree
Also come in increments of two and three.
But, before you know it, my pretty,
They can be as numerous as thirty.
Maybe it's because they're encouraged
Or (one might even say) invited
By a multitude of bird feeders:
So, they ALL bring their feathers
To the branches which hold those feeders.
Their feeding frenzy is soothing to watch
But they're highly aware that they're no match
For neighboring cats that jump and try to snatch
One or two to make a stomach patch.
In the backyard, also comes a squirrel
That fearlessly goes down in a barrel
And eats a row of corn (like a brave colonel)
Out of the cob placed for him in the "apparel".
In the distance, the siren of a fire truck wails
And, immediately as well, the neighbor's dog wails:
He'll be calm again, but at the speed of snails.

Parson II

On The Wings Of A Dove

On the wings of a dove she came,
Her fathers love she became,
His pride and joy,
His baby girl, his little toy.
She brought meaning back into his life,
Took away all of the hurt and strife.
No more running and playing the game
because, in his life, this baby came.
All of the hardships and all of the pain
Were well worth it if this is the gain.
This little angel was sent from above,
On the wings of a white-tailed dove.
So hold her in your loving arms
and keep her far away from harm
This is your duty, this is your task;
A father's love will forever last....

Island Princess


+He comes to me in dreams
More real than any other
It is a sacred moment
As we sit across from eachother

+He comes to me to visit
And he comes to me to speak
And right before he leaves me
He kisses my bare cheek

+He is like none of the others
But he can be like all the rest
It's only due to miracles
That I met and passed his test

+He will still send me more to pass
And I may fail a few
But he would rather I do that
Than seat me in a pew

+He may come to greet you
And you may not know his name
But you will feel his legend
Then you will play his game.

+For Papa Legba, my love, my life, my humour


The Threshold of The New Age

Sitting in meditational posture,
Toying with the conjecture
That the Past comes here to pasture
And prepares to yield to the Future
At this crossroad of Milleniums:
Yes, this Piscean Age of aquariums
Is yielding to an Age of New Idioms,
An Age of Hieroglyphic Mediums
Which shall aid our computer,
In its mission as teleporter,
To ignore the archaic border
And bring us all together!

Neg Lacaye

Pondering on The Meaning of Life

79 years ago, a baby boy was born,
He was made strong by milk and corn.
Eventually, he became a father, tooting his own horn
Because, through him, 7 children were born.
Today, his passing we all mourn,
Feeling so sad, so puzzled and torn,
Pondering on the meaning of life. Darn!

Zabbell Buck

My Neighbor

Dennis was my neighbor,
A man of leisure, not of hard labor.
To have known him was an honor
For he was a generous donor
Who volunteered his time as a favor
To anyone, whether a person or a beaver.
To be of assistance, he was always eager:
Maybe he saw himself as a benevolent tiger,
A cartoon hero or a savior.
I've never seen such affable behavior!
You know, they say the good ones never last;
that explains why he was gone so fast.
At 32, he had a heart attack
But, from the hospital, he luckily came back.
Last year, he took that incident with optimism
But last week, he ended up dying of aneurism.

Neg Lacaye

And Sometimes I Cry

Sometimes I don't know
who I am
where I am
or why
And sometimes I cry

Sometimes I have pride
walk with a stride
and then I don't know...
who I am
where I am
or why
And sometimes I cry

Sometimes I take control
feeling so sure and so bold
and then I don't know...
who I am
where I am
or why
And sometimes I cry

Sometimes I am happy who I am
learned much from where I've been
and then I don't know...
who I am
where I am
or why
And sometimes I cry

Sometimes I dare to dream
and life is good so it seems
and then I don't know...
who I am
where I am
or why
And sometimes I cry

But I do know this
My life is a mess
always being put to the test
and then I don't know...
who I am
where I am
or why
And sometimes I cry

Island Princess


Re: And Sometimes I Cry

Sometimes you feel as priceless as a pearl
And, other times, it's as if you're in a whirl.
Sometimes you feel tall and lean
And, other times, life isn't worth "bean".
Sometimes you feel smart and keen
And, other times, you wonder why life is so mean.
Sometimes you dare to hope and dream
And, other times, you're swimming upstream.
Sometimes you feel proud of your existence
And, other times, you think it's sheer Penitence.
Sometimes you're bursting with activity
And, other times, you think it's (in reality)
Just an exercise in futility.
Sometimes you're good and ready to confess:
"Life is nothing but a mediocrity, a mess!"
And you say to yourself or out loud: "What a pest!
Why am I always being put to the test?"
But, my dear, it's because you're the best!
A test is just an appraisal of your life's quest
And you pass it by surviving and doing your best.
The very fact that you survive those dire straits
Means you got what it takes
No matter how high the obstacles and stakes!


Si tu �tais ma copine

Si tu �tais ma copine,
Que tu sois "marabou", "shabine"
Ou une belle sir�ne nageant dans la piscine,
Je te chouchouterais de la t�te jusqu'aux racines.

Si tu �tais ma copine,
Je discuterais avec toi, ma chopine,
La philosohie d'Aristote qui est si fine
Et La R�publique de Platon qu'on croit �tre sans �pines.

Si tu �tais ma copine,
J'utiliserais l'index de ma main caline
Pour te caresser la narine
Et m'acheminer vers ta jolie poitrine.

Mr. Rios

I wish I were at Sea

Wish I could smell the salty air
that dances across my Ocean fair.

Wish I could feel the briney mist
that gently puts my hair atwist.

Wish I could see the whales afloat
that swim around my swaying boat.

Wish I could hear the gulls at sea
that sing about my love for thee.

I wish I were at Sea



Salut l'ami, As-tu vu passer Macoule?
Elle s'est sauv�e avec ma poule
Et elle a m�me emport� ma boule.
S'est-elle r�fugi�e ici et cach�e parmi la foule?

Sur l'Internet, je brave la houle;
A sa recherche, partout je roule.
Je m'�vertue et je me foule:
Se serait-elle masqu�ee d'une cagoule?

De mes yeux, les larmes s'�coulent;
Dans ce vieux bar, je bois et je me so�le.
Je crois l'avoir perdu dans la foule:
Devrai-je la reproduire dans une moule?

Elle s'appelle Immacula, mais son surnom est Macoule;
Elle est tr�s belle, en dessous de sa cagoule.
Je sais bien que tu aimes les femmes-poules:
Alors, l'ami, es-tu s�r de n'avoir pas vu Macoule?

Mr. Rios


I remember the first time I laid eyes on you!
Right then, I knew I wanted you!
I remember snapping pictures of you from afar
As if, in the sky, you were a distant star!
The memory of that two-day concert outdoors
Still sends goose bumps bumbling under my pores!
On the second day, I saw you again
Then I knew I should begin
A courtship by which I would gain
Access to those lovely breasts
Which I knew were in your chest.
I also enjoyed exploring that furry nest
Surmounted by a beautifully pierced crest
Adorned with a golden jewel.
All that caught my attention and made me drool!
I could have easily fallen for you, like a fool
But (thank God!) I played it cool
AND kept my cool.
By having taken it slow,
I had a chance to foresee that blow
Which, ultimately, came from below;
'Cause, when all is said and done, Shallow:
You're callous, dirty and low!



Pssst! Oui, toi, Tulututu!
Belle femme au chapeau pointu!
Oh, ma jolie, comment vas-tu?
Que tu es bien v�tue,
Pleine de gr�ce et de vertu!
Je suis amoureux fou de toi, le sais-tu?
J'aime ton visage rond, ta bouche pointue,
Ton corps robuste, tes seins pointus,
Tes fesses rondes, ton bassin bien poilu
Tes beaux jarrets charnus,
Ton allure lascive que tes hanches accentuent.
Accueille-moi dans tes murs, veux-tu?
Allons, ma ch�re, ne sois pas t�tue!
Ton cynisme, ton silence et ta froideur me tuent!


Re: Tulututu

Enl�ve-toi donc les souliers
Avant de grimper au cocotier!
Je te donne ce conseil par pure amiti�:
Ne te fais pas frapper par le coup de foudre
A cause d'un beau maquillage ou une jolie poudre!
M�fie-toi de ces femmes "tulututu"
Sinon, tu seras foutu!
Notre proverbe Cr�ole, ne l'as-tu pas appris?
"Paler Franc� pas dit l'esprit".
Sinon, rappelle-toi de cette expression fameuse:
"Les apparences sont souvent trompeuses"!!!


La Premi�re fois

Seuls, nous �tions, dans la nuit noire �tanche
d'une main rassurante je contournais ta hanche,
l'autre cueillait la lumi�re qui tombait de la lune
pour t'offrir un flambeau dans la froideur nocturne.
Ma bouche vers ta bouche comme l'aiguille d'une boussole
et mes doigts vers tes seins grouillaient comme des lucioles.
Les nuages s'empressaient, le ciel baissait sa voile
dans tes yeux scintillait la poussi�re des �toiles.
Combien on attendait d'assouvir cette hantise
qui brulait d'un feu doux nos �mes insoumises,
les brasiers du d�sir sur nos corps d�pucell�s
s'intensifiaient, une fois, l'innocence immol�e.
Pour cacher les faux pas de mes doigts maladroits,
je plagiais fid�lement des sc�nes du cin�ma.
Mais toi, j'en suis sur, expert tu m'as cru
de ne voir trembler ma bouche sur ta peau toute nue.
Combien je me souviens de ce premier baiser,
on avait pour t�moins que ce geant manguier
et tes l�vres muries au gout de sapotilles
chatouillaient tout mon �tre de la nuque aux chevilles.
Le concert des �toiles de cette nuit receleuse
me revient dans des r�ves comme une douce berceuse.


Passionately to my love

Born on the Spanish side of the coast
But rooted inside me, oh, so deeply!
Your skin just like polished mahogany,
Your eyes dark'n sweet like chocolate,
Your curls coal black'n glossy:
Embrace me, my dear, and let me
Prepare for thee my bed of lily and roses!

Don't let some ugly rags veil
Your strong beauty hotter than the blaze
: Throw them away and come here,
Among my wing-like arms,
Upon my grape-like bosoms,
And kiss my mouth redder than a rose
With your most wine-like kisses!

Make me happy, my love,
Make me the queen of your desire,
And be the liege lord of mine!

I'll enter the lists, beloved,
Wearing violet and yellow:
Your colours.
For your love, my dear
I will battle and win!



I remember as a child
back in my homeland
Strollin to the marketplace
holding mama's hand

Flip flops flappin in the sand,
the heat of the noonday sun
Beads of sweat dripping off my face
wishing my trek was done

Mom in front, big sis in back
umbrellas over our heads
I would pick a sweet bouquet
from the dusty roadside bed

I would always give them to mama
and she said they smelt so sweet
Though they were only wild flowers
picked from along the street

She always praised my thoughtfullness
and never ever did she say
That these were only flowers
that I picked along the way

I think that if I had bought them
from inside a fancy store
Mama would not have loved them
or appreciated them any more

Those days of youth are long over
but I relive them in my head
Strollin, umbrellas and flip flops,
picking flowers from a roadside bed.


Happy Birthday To You

Cric-Crac! Here's a riddle for you:
What does December 2nd mean to you?
Have you seen my friend Hugh?
Did he convey my best regards to you?
If not, Happy Birthday to you!

Guess what! I have some questions for you:
You're old today, aren't you?
Exactly, how old are you?
Are your years numerous or just a few?
Anyway, Happy Birthday to you!

Pssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst! Yes, you:
Does being a year older agree with you?
Are you tall enough to enjoy the view?
Or shall I set off some fireworks for you?
At any rate, my dear, Happy Birthday to you!

Today, you must feel exhilarated and brand-new:
You did save me a piece of cake, didn't you?
If not, "don't sweat it". (LOL) "I ain't mad at you!"
Ordinarily, my words are few
But, today I'm proud to say: Happy Birthday to you!


Un Mausol�e de Chair

Sur des vagues de larmes le petit bateau flotte
Au son de son naufrage l'humanit� sanglotte
Si pr�s de la terre ferme dans la mer frileuse
Des centaines d'�mes p�rissent dans sa cale hideuse

Petit bateau devient une ge�le flottante
De loin le cliquetis des l�vres tremblotantes
D�chire la conscience de ses griffes incisives
A l'horreur des cadavres de nos fr�res sur les rives

Petit bateau aux prises a des cupides caprices
D'un capitaine en proie d'insatiable avarice
Cette gente voyageuse entass�e en grang nombre
Elle est ens�velie dans ces eaux froides et sombres

Petit bateau brillera d'une ardeur vivace
Pour toujours au milieu des souvenirs fugaces
Mais pour ces esprits engloutis dans la mer
Batissons dans nos coeur un mausol�e de chair


Hi, Big Pretty Sweetheart!

Hi, Big Pretty Sweetheart!
I must tell you from the start
My heart is a very old-fashioned heart:
I like a Big Beautiful Woman who's young at heart
And I get turned on by her every single body part;
I believe a pleasantly round body is a work of art.
Contrarily to everyone at the mall or at the mart,
I appreciate a woman who's big, pretty and smart,
One who has maternal instincts and a big heart,
One who's affectionate, loyal and not a tart,
One who's sensual, attentive from the start
And quite mindful of the apple cart.

Hello, you cute and plump sweetie!
Wow! You're so attractive and pretty!
What's your name? Tell me, cutie!
Is it Jenny, Jasmine or Betty?
How do you like your man, my pretty?
I sure hope you appreciate honesty
And I hope you're not fiesty
But maternal and full of beauty.
I hope you're a lady,
One whose compassion comforts the needy
And whose love makes a man feel mighty.
May we live in eternal harmony & romantic unity!


Al C. East

My name is Al C. East
And I am just what you missed.
You call yourself a realist
But, when I'm around, logic doesn't exist:
Everything steps aside and lets ecstasy prevail.
You gladly take off your veil,
Let your hair down and exhale
While I drill myself into your soul.
You raise a foot and show the ceiling your sole;
You gladly call my name
And say that I make you humble and tame.
I play with your mane
And I lick your chin as you go insane,
Calling my name (the ravishing beast) :
"Al C. East! Oh, sweet Al C. East!"

Alcius Caesar Eastwood

La Vieja

En la plaza hay sentada una vieja,
Una vieja y sus sue�os.
El calor del sol seca todo.
Pero, en sus sue�os,
El calor alimenta la pasi�n.

Ahi!! La pasi�n!
La pasi�n de la juventud,
Llevado por cada aliento,
Hasta los pulmones cantan

En su sue�o,
Ella baila como un tompo.
Los brazos de tantos hombres,
Extendidos a ella, como tent�culos
De miles de pulpos amorosas.

En las noches, noches como terciopelo negro
Ella se acurrucando encima
De pechos y brazos fuertes y mansos.
Tantos labios buscando sus orejas finas
Para darla palabras de miel.

Ahi!! Para ser tan querida!!
Ahi!! Que dias fue esos!
Ahi!! Que sue�os.
En la plaza hay sentada una vieja;
Una vieja y sus sue�os.

Jillian Ramsay Stern


Caras vemos, corazones no conocemos

Cuando yo era joven,
Encontre una hija del sur,
Yo perdi mi corazon
Pero salte en el surco.

Y los viejos me decian
Caras vemos, corazones no conocemos.

Cuando yo era un hombre,
Encontre una mujer de locura
Yo perdi mi corazon
Pero se despidio a literatura.

Y los viejos me decian
Caras vemos, corazones no conocemos.

Cuando yo era maduro,
Encontre una feminista,
Yo perdi mi corazon
No fue cosa de risa.

Y los viejos me decian,
Caras vemos, corazones no conocemos.

Ai de mi, mis compadres,
La hija fue una traidora.
La loca fue una anarchista,
La feminista fue la esposa del medico,
Y yo haciedo el oso.

Y los viejos me decian Caras vemos, corazones no concocemos.

Ahora soy viejo,
Y he encontrado mi corazon,
Yo he perdido mi locura,
Yo tengo mi amor.

Y los viejos me decian,
Caras vemos, corazones no conocemos.

C. Levenstein

y ahora las noticias en espa�ol

poema encontrado
escrito en el lado
de una caja de carton
en harvard yard
esta tarde de primavera
durante la leccion de salsa
que tuvo lugar
entre las cinco y las seis
ante el edificio ocupado
por los 39 estudiantes
desde hace doce dias
(la musica era alegre
pero la policia no bailaba)
"Ay, San Anselmo,
que me suban ese sueldo!
"Ay, San Macario,
queremos mejor salario!
"Ay, Santo Enero,
Ellos tienen el dinero!
"Ay, Santa Alicia,
Exigimos la justicia!
"Ay, San Fernando,
Estamos aqui luchando!
"Ay, San Francisco,
Diez veinticinco!
"Ay, San Patricio,
Que nos den los beneficios!"

Recogido por su servidor,
Peter Desmond

Creole Halloween

Hey Foute!
Vive clairin ac cassave nan macoute!
Vive Papa Gu�dh�
Qu'ap simin la gait�
Nan coeur toute la soci�t�!
Chaque 1er et 2 Novembre, Banda mari�;
Tambour frapp�: toute moune tomber grouiller.
TiPuce Lacroix, grand com�dien,
Metter toute moune dents grignin.
Vagabonds comme mounes de bien
Camper sous deux rangs pou y'ap gader.
Y'approcher plus pr�s pou yo ca tender
B�tises qu'ap saute nan bouche Papa Gu�dh�.
L'appuy� sous yon queue macaque bien plant�e
Et li tomber chanter:
"Moin dit Pine nan tchou, c� moin-minm'!
Papa Gu�dh� qui pas con-nin b�tiser,
Pine nan tchou, c� moin-minm'!
C� moin-minm', Calicot Blanchi, c� moin-minm'!
C� moin-minm', Calicot Blanchi, c� moin-minm'!
Papa Gu�dh� qui pas con-nin b�tiser,
Oh, Pine nan tchou-wa, c� moin-minm'!"


Flooding The Pantry with Poetry

Poetry, oh sweet Poetry,
Nowadays as abundant as poultry
In Haiti Forum's refrigerated pantry,
What a pleasure it is
To finally feel at ease
In a website dedicated to these:
Poets who compose verses!
Thanks to poets like ADA, Angeloa, Neg Lacaye,
Belfam1, Peter Desmond, Genetic Reel and Butterfly,
We may joyously take off and fly
Through that beautiful Poectic Sky
And let their rich imagination take us high,
As their Ispiration affords us that wisdom
Which comes from having seen the New Millennium
With that "Third Eye" given only to a Medium!

Jah Ruth


La jounin se pou the boss
A swe se pou les gosses
et Lan nwit se pou le mari
Kote mwin gin tan pou la poesie!
Glass ceiling pou mwin kase
Prejije pou mwin kraze
Petition pou mwin ekri
Kote mwin ka nan li pwezi!
Sin yo pou mwin adore
Zanset yo pou mwin selebre
Lwa yo pou mwin sevi
Kote kouraj pou mwin recite pwezi!
Mwin paka sispan trase Veve
Mwin paka sispan combat blan explwate
Mwin paka sispan lite pou Haiti
Kouman ou ka vle pou mwin ekri pwezi!


Appel Au Po�te

Mon cher ADA,
Toi qui vis � proximit� du Canada,
Viens donc participer � ce Banda,
Ce joyeux Calinda,
Cette danse magnifique,
Ce gala po�tique,
Ce d�fil� esth�tique
De po�sie sympatique
Qui s'effectue dans la section po�tique
D'Haiti Forum, ce site fantastique!
Viens donc contribuer tes si beaux vers
Qui font fuir le froid d'hiver
Et nous r�chauffe le coeur
En y installant de bonne heure
Ce grand bonheur
Qu'on ressent toujours ici
En savourant tes r�cits!



La solitude d'un endroit d�sert et po�tique,
La musique triste et lamentable
Ont sur moi des effets magiques
Qui me poussent � rechercher un coeur secourable.

Apr�s une averse, en pleine campagne;
Dans les champs et les pr�s en floraison
Je dois avoir une �me soeur, une compagne
Si je tiens � conserver ma raison.

Durant l'�t�, la gaie saison;
Pour les jeunes et les viellards
D�s que le soleil resplendit � l'horizon;
J'ai besoin de quelqu'un qui ne soit pas mouchard.

Car, si je suis un romantique,
Je ne suis point pleurnichard!
Je suis gai, pas m�lancolique...
Et j'appr�cie le rire joyeux des campagnards.

Je suis un natif des mornes, des vall�es!...
Je suis sensible aux charmes de la nature;
Et si dans mon pays, je devais retourner;
Je pr�f�rerai le cheval � ma voiture!...



If the devil had a human face
It would be as ugly as your face,
Stoic and cold like a tombstone,
Utterly horrific and chilling to the bone.
It would be as dull, depressing & gloomy
As that of a cursed mummy.
It would give me the creeps
And put me into Disgust's grips...
The utterly negative energy
Emanating from your effigy
Would behave like a vampire
To siphon my soul's vivacious fire,
Replace it with a lackluster feel
And spit out the peel
For lack of more vital essence & appeal.
It would, however, haunt me like a ghost,
Address me an occasional post,
Scanning for renewed vitality,
Only to be told: "Move along, Evil Entity!"

Soldier Mun

Edgar's Vinegar

Lately, something's been bothering Edgar:
He looks "full of piss and vinegar",
The slightest thing makes him act vulgar.
He seems rather confused and extremely angry
So, finally, he confides in his friend Harry:
He's mad at the world, and especially at Laurie.
She came into his life four years ago,
Their relationship has always been on "stop & go".
They moved in together two years ago
And she's been treating him like a possession,
A sextoy/handyman/houseboy combination.
He shakes his head and deplores the situation:
How did he switch from being an independent entrepreneur
Only to become someone stripped of self-esteem and honor?

Sean Rogers


Was it all a Dream, the little white
stucco cottage, you & me, we finally agreed
on Alameda.

The broken screen door always
slammed & the rent agreement said we had
to keep the grass cut, and we snuck in an extra
cat, and we lived in that tiny place
our plants outgrew their flower pots, the clotheline
the curtains became tinted with your awful cigarette
And the tiny flying moths drove us both bananas.

Where did they come from??
Were they part of the rent agreement?

Nancy Wilson

-Out of Life's Surprise Packet-

He was parked at the harbor.
In sight: not one neighbor!
Suddenly though, he heard something creeping:
It was an old SUV, turning, beeping.
In the camper shell were two dogs,
No longer puppies, yet not fully grown dogs.
She took them out for what seemed like a walk
And waved at him but didn't talk.
After a while he heard her driving away.
Not much later the canines came, sniffing away
Only to assume almost right away
Their newfound status of "thrown away".
Yet they couldn't quite understand
And, on his vehicle, one came to stand.
He once had a bad experience with a dog, y'understand?
So he abruptly told the beast to go elsewhere & stand.
Then came time for him to move on
So he opened his car door, aloof, carrying on
But (surprise!) the canines jumped at him, barking
Confused, obviously angry and not faking.
He rushed back inside his vehicle
Temporarily fearful & frozen as a Popsicle.
Soon afterwards he "popped" the trunk from inside,
Rushed (to the trunk) outside
And grabbed a club that he's been keeping aside.
With it in one hand
And some food in the other hand,
He faced the canine pair
And said: "I know, it's unfair!
You've been abandoned & betrayed.
You feel as if you've been "played"
And you wish she had stayed
Instead of leaving you here, stranded and afraid.
I can only offer you this bit of food
Hoping you'll think it's good!"

Phil Hippowitz


It's been three years,
Or so it appears,
Since live music has touched my ears.
But, last night, one of my peers
Expressed his fears
That I might now have rusty gears.
He suggested I reopen my frontiers
And go to this club near those piers.
There, I was greeted by the cheers
Of some of my long lost peers
And quickly got hit by three spears
Thrown at me from a female's rears:
You should see how she moves and veers!
I'd love to caress those rears
But my life is now in arrears
So, instead, I went & danced with 3 deers
Though they seemed out of their spheres
Or just trolling without their fakirs...

Phil Hippowitz

-The wafer of lust-

Often, while sitting in his vehicle,
He watched her pass by & thought:"what a pickle!"
Her cadence and persona did indeed tickle.
But, wait! Was that her coming to his quadricycle,
Introducing herself to him? What a miracle!
Who could have predicted that? Not even an oracle!
She said she got tired of him watching her as a spectacle
And finally decided to offer herself to him as a receptacle.

He thanked her for her kind offer
But said: "my solitude I value and prefer.
Though we may henceforth frequently confer,
Though we may often interact in the zephyr,
Though we might even end up sharing a wafer,
My solitude I'll always value and prefer
'Cause, when the euphoria is over,
I don't wanna find myself lonely & have to suffer!"

So she quietly walked away, disappointed.
He hoped she wasn't offended
'Cause malice was not at all intended.
She suddenly turned around, quite excited,
Got in his vehicle, seemingly titilated
And they drove off to the beach, exhilarated.
There, they quickly got uninhibited
And did things that could get them excommunicated.

Phil Hippowitz

This might mislead ya!

Reading my newspaper "El Dia"
Given to me by Mr. Arandia
As a sample of Spanish media,
I reached for my encyclopedia
Instead of asking miss Lydia
For the meaning of "Que buen dia!"


More To Come...

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