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In order to keep Haiti Forum's Chat Room a comfortable place to have a nice conversation, we would like to acquaint the potential chatter with the following CHAT ROOM ETIQUETTE . Below is a set of suggestions which can prove useful as basic guidelines of polite interaction with others in Haiti Forum's Chat Room.

As you introduce yourself and join in chat, remember that at any given time users from all over the world are logged on. It's a good idea to avoid conversation that might offend someone. The idea is to enjoy and learn from others who share the desire to experience the latest in interactive global communication.


1) Your first post should be to greet everyone in the chat (i.e. "Hi everyone")

2) Wait for your post to be recognized and others to greet you before jumping into the discussion.

3) If you do not know any of the participants in the discussion, introduce yourself briefly. You may also ask for everyone in the audience to introduce themselves individually but don't interrogate anyone or INSIST on obtaining data which they might consider personal and therefore be unwilling to share in a public chat room. Respect a chatter's right to privacy!

4) Before posting any further, try to determine the topic being discussed (or ask), and be aware of what tone the conversation has taken.

5) While chatting, make good use of the principles of politeness, decency, common courtesy and discretion. Mind your manners (or acquire some) and remember to behave yourself while in Haiti Forum's Chat Room.

6) Have fun and enjoy the discussions.

7) However, if you do not want to participate in the ongoing discussion, but want your presence known, state that you are lurking. This is polite, especially if you plan to chat once the topic shifts.

8) Be kind to chat room newcomers. These people usually are not sure of what to do and will be a bit unsure of what to say. Be friendly and welcome them into the chat room.

9) When you are ready to leave the chat area, state that you are leaving.


1) Don't annoy, embarrass, insult, threaten, harass, terrorize, or cause distress to another chat member or other individual or entity using or accessing Haiti Forum's Chat Room;

2) Don't use language that may be considered to be abusive, defamatory, vulgar, pornographic, obscene, hateful, psycologically harmful, racially/ethnically or otherwise objectionable, or in any way violates the rights of any person;

3) Don't disrupt the normal flow of dialogue in Haiti Forum's Chat Room or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other members;

4) Don't cause discomfort to another chat member by asking for and INSISTING on obtaining said chatter's personal data such as AGE, RELIGION, OCCUPATION, HOME ADDRESS, PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION, etc;

5) Don't intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, including but not limited to any regulations having the force of law while using or accessing Haiti Forum's Chat Room;

6) Don't type everything in all CAPITAL letters. It is considered to be the rude equivalent of yelling.

Now, if you're ready to have a nice conversation in an atmosphere where the mood is kept light and very pleasant, then click below and go to:


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