
Seeing as I don't recall anyone asking me any questions or maybe I'm just too drained from being alive. It's a hard tast all this blinking and breathing, it keeps people up at night. It used to keep me up at night when I first came to this world. So seeing as no one has asked me any questions according to my knowledge, this will just basically be a about Hachland page. And I'm too lazy to change the logos, I like them, they are nice.

So how did this all begin? That is a great question. What if I said: "I don't know." I think that would just end this entire F.A.Q. section. But don't worry, I won't do that to myself. Because I'm cool.

It all began back in the early days of my life, I was just born and I started a website called Hachland. It wasn't on the internet nor never drawn down, it was in my head. Alright, it wasn't really a Land at that point, but it was Hachism. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket.

Actually, it all started in like 1996 when I was in the roleplaying fedeartion world in some federations, I ran my own federation for some years it was called Extrme Internet Championship Wrestling (EICW). It was great everyone thought my name was Mike Live, a ficitional character I had made up. I was in some other wrestling federations with characters known as Ishma, Mitch Morrison, Marty Sleaze and numerous other characters.

I was also working with some other guy working on a wrestling website, that well, didn't really amount to anything, I had written for some other wrestling sites. My wrestling site was known as The Wrestling Refinery. I worked for a website called Slapnutz, it was shut down. I wrote a column called Ring Rust.

Yet, that failed as well, so it came down to some year I think it was like 2000 or something, maybe even earlier, because I don't remember, I started an idea where I'd just showcase what's in my head. It became known as 76 Networks, also known as Seventy-Six. This didn't really get launched too good, 'cause I soon renamed 76 Networks to what we now refer to as Hachland.

I wrote for it all on my own for some years, I got into the launch of the blogs and hired some guys to write, of course for free. I hired a guy by the name of Mike Bennett aka PSX, hired Mr Chewy Face, who was a High School friend of mine. I also had signed a man known by the name of Steeleman, a relationship that really has never worked, but oddly I still talk to him from time to time, he's a wrestler now in the WOHW outfit, or well, atleast last I knew of. And I also had a long time working relations friend known simply as John.

Now John and I met in EICW, where he was going to be the new tourch to lead the federation into the 1998 season, but well, after running a federation all by yourself for so long you grow tired and become drained and well, some other altercations occured it closed. But me and John kept together, we launched a federation known as AHW, but that failed, as we found it was just the two of us writing the wrestling matches and no one else supporting us. Then we worked on The Wrestling Refinery together. And when Seventy-Six was born he was busy working on a Test Fan Site, which if he still has today, is a very good design. I liked it alot. And well, that's the history of John.

So back to where I left off, Hachland debuted new features such as Analyze Porn 101, a fan favorite of every gender, just not age. I also debuted things such as FU Hach, a anti-Hach page; Dissasoction Way, basically a mock of Bubba's Herb of the Week, but with the twist that Hachland offers; I also worked on numerous side projects such as: GSF (girls schmirls foundation); the Jon Lovitz Fan Site and various other projects such as the now defunt backyard wrestling federation held in my backyard known as Albany Championship Wrestling (made officail by Big Rob's Backstage B.S. - 11.18.03).

And then suddenly without warning in the year 2002, I became more heated in bringing Hachland to a larger market, yet never really wanting to buy a domain so I updated the content and added alot more, updated the look and got ready for the year of 2003, which I dubbed the Questionable Year. I also had dubbed the three previous years: My Begining Year (2000), My Breakout Year (2001), and My Emotional Year (2002).

The story of the cartoons is simple, I like to read comics, so I created some. The Remember 2 Breathe cartoon, is a deeply emotional look at what I was and where I was in my life. As for the Emo Eric cartoons, it was basically me mocking the ways I had previously felt. The Carrot Man cartoons are not mine, I'm not responsible for that mass of orange, that's all my brothers doing. And as I write this now, I've just debuted a new cartoon called Illegitimate Boy. Hopefully that will catch on.

So well, brings me to the merger of the way Hachland is here today. I had gained a strong online friendship with these two new Hachland writers known simply as Matt and Toefer. These two are great friends of mine which I gained threw that little roleplaying federation lifestyle I used to live. Matt used to run a site known as Mattitude, obviously a fan of wrestling. As Toefer who basically glazed onto the wrestling scene with the likes of me. Toefer ran a website known as The Loozer Cafe. And now I'm just happy and glad to say they are here with me in the Land of Hach. Now Matt writes a column called The Remedy, and well, he's helping and mainly launching a little section called Hachland Wrestling. It all comes back again, doesn't it? As for Toefer he writes a column called Toefer Speaks. He's our main musical genius here at Hachland. So check them out.

Speaking of these two new editions to Hachland, they're not truly new. Seeing I have forgotten a failed or untried again segment on Hachland called Government Warning. It was a little "show" which I and a guest would argue over the stories in the news. Me and Toefer (then known as Loozer) bickered over stories of Michael Jackson and Pee Wee Herman. As me and Matt did a heated argument over the war in Iraq. So again check that out, it's in our feature section.

Speaking of Government Warning, and how am I so great that I can start two paragraphs with the same two words? Well, anyhow, Government Warning wasn't the only "show" here on Hachland, as previous to the week of my 20th Birthday I attempted to do a "show" called The Hach Show. Again Matt helped me out and sat in as guest one night. As well did Bubba, my arch enemy. We'll get to that soon. As for The Hach Show it would have been a bit better if there was say a video camera or atleast a microphone present. But hey, we all can't be perfect can we? Hopefully that makes a return, that was just pure fun!

As for Bubba, this may be my only public war with another website. Me and Bub, would go head to head in attempting to one up the other. He would always try and get the cheap heat as I would go for the true fan. Although he did claim victory over Hachland, he hasn't been able to comeback and battle the likes of Hachland. Hmmm... He hasn't updated his site since the time he appeared on The Hach Show. Interesting thought huh? Well, the only thing I can say is... Bubba isn't too far behind, I sense we will see him again.

Speaking of feuds, well, if anyone knows me I did have a feud with a little place called Webslum.net. They hosted me, ten bucks a month. Yet when I asked for help with CGI and Perl. They we're nowhere to be found. But when they wanted their money, they we're all over me like a bad case of hives. So if anyone is thinking of being hosted by these degenerates, I give you this plea, don't. Just don't. You will regret it. I say go for a good hosting company, one that not only aids you, but will also give you your own domain name. And well, the biggest thing is that they don't have their server crash every weekend. Oh, and for those with their free mind view like mine. Someone who lives and loves the Declaration of Independence. So go express yourself, but not at Webslum.net.

Well, so brings us here I suppose. To the current date of November 18th, 2003. Oddly 22 weeks till I turn 21 years of age. So with the words of Wayne Campbell echoing in my head - "PARTY ON!"

If you have any questions about Hach, Hachland or any of the Hachlanders (the members of Hachland aka the Staff), then please write me a email at [email protected]. Or just go to the contact page.

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