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This weeks interview with Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Model Search Contestant Shannon!

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If you were stuck on a island with a condom, a thimble and a pineapple. Who would you rather see win the Super Bowl?

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  Super Bowl At Large
         Patriots Beat Eagles 24-21, Packers On The Prowl For Next Year
February 1st, 2005
Super Bowl XXXIXSo the Packers won the Super Bowl! Wait... That's next year. Hehe.. The Patriots pulled it out for the 2nd straight year, the 3rd time in 4 years. And well, the brother's of love in South Philly just couldn't pull it out. And ended up losing the game.

The main emphasis was on how great Terrell Owens was doing, as he caught a total of 8 passes during the game. But it quickly changed in the later part of the 4th quarter, as Donovan F. McNabb and the Eagles seemed to slow things down dramictically and just didn't want to win the game. The saddest part of it all was, the final score was 24-21. The sad part being it was so close and the Eagles didn't have any desire to get going.

But the only change from the first 2 Super Bowls the Patriots won, this time we have a new MVP. Although just like the previous one's this one could strongly be debated. Yeah, Deion Branch caught the ball 11 times and tied a Super Bowl record. But Rodney Harrison caught the ball twice, and he's on defense! He also tallied up one sack. So in my mind, he would have been a good MVP canidate. But then again, it could have been one of those early catches by T.O. that cost him the title.

The funniest thing has to be, the amount of Eagle fans compared to Patriot fans at the game. They say it was a 10 to 1 difference. And yeah, at times, if you ask one of my uncles I was a fan of both of these teams. And yeah, I remember why. But that's a entire differnet run down on why and such.

And yeah, you're wondering why... So let's give it to you like this... I liked the Giants, because my dad did and this guy called L.T., the original O.G. and then I liked the Eagles, because of the late Reggie White... I liked the Cheifs because of the late Derrek Thomas. And I also like the Patriots because of the once great Drew Bledsoe. But hey, I can like other teams. But we all know the Packers are the best team.

Speaking of Super Bowl's and the Packers... Hoping everything works out with Our Man Four. It looks to be a real good chance that the Packers could find themselves winding up in the Super Bowl next year. With not only a great offense, the Packers have done a great job by singing the third defensive cordinator in three years, this time they signed Jim Bates. Remember him? The guy who lead the Miami Dolphins the last half of the year, and ended up defeating the Patriots!

And why is this such a good thing for Green Bay Packers and their fans? Well, having a defensive minded man the likes of Jim Bates, it's just too easy now. With the current likes of who the Pack have with Nick Barrnett at middle linebacker, Bates can easily turn the average graduate of Colorado into one of the top five linebackers. And you know what, even if Favre still has a bad day like he did versus the Vikings in the playoffs this past year, it'll be no problem with a possibile top ten defense holding the score down just a tad.

So in other words, Go PACK!
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  Yum, Yum, Hottie
         A look into the
Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Model Search
Feburary 1st, 2005

Who's your favorite hottie? Your wife, your girlfriend, your mom? Well, I only have one of those and my mom is cool and all, but she ain't me hottie. So who's Hach's Hottie? It's simple, this hottie chick from Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Model Search. Yeah, I know, another reality show. But this one is filled with purified hotties. And hey, everyone has to have they're favorite. And mine is Shannon. She's just pure hot.

So what is Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Model Search? Well, it's this television show that obviously first doesn't get respect like it's reality show counterparts like American Idol or The Apprentience. But this show is so well, in the terms of a 13 year old - "cool". It's a show that follows the search for the next Swimsuit model, which started with 12 models is one of my favorite shows. Yes, it's focused on chicks and gay photographers, but hey, you can't hate the hotties!

Straight from the horses mouth, the webite for the Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Model Search the whole objective of this show is described in these three simple paragraphs, although you may have to learn how to congigate the verbs, so here it is:

According To The Website:
During Sports Illustrated's search for an undiscovered model for the popular Swimsuit Issue, the six-episode series will focus on what it takes to become a successful swimsuit model. Twelve selected finalists will live in Los Angeles where they will compete for the chance to appear in the best selling issue of any magazine in the world and win a million-dollar modeling contract from NEXT Model Management.

The series and competition culminate with the final two contestants who will be flown to an exotic location to shoot a photo spread for Sports Illustrated. No one will know who the winner will be until America votes as part of the series finale in February.

Charged with the task of whittling down the field of hopeful models is a three-judge panel including former Sports Illustrated model Roshumba Williams, NEXT Model Management President Joel Wilkenfeld and Sports Illustrated swimsuit editor Jule Campbell.

My Lovely ShannonBUT...
With all the girls, 12 of them, I had at first sight fell in love with one girl. Out of the 12 from Adaroa, Alicia, Betti, Jenna, Krisi, Marcela, Nancy, Sabrina, Shannon, Shantel, Stacy and Stella.. I feel in love with simply only one. Yes, I know you know it, but do you really know why?

It's real simple. I'll let you have one guess.

NO! That's not why.. Oh, maybe it is. Hmm.. Good point.

But I really like her because she has that sheik buy me look. Like if I was looking at the cover of magazines and I saw her, I'd definetly have to buy her. Yeah, yeah, it's not like I want her as say oh, a slave, with that "I'm going to buy her" point of view, but then again, wouldn't that be nice. Because hey, Britney Spears taught us to love the whole slave theory and slave tradittion again, with her song "I'm A Slave".

But then again in all realitivity, what would this beauty want to do with the beast known as Hach? I mean, come on, I wouldn't want to date me. Well, I'd rather date her! Hahaha... So Shannon, baby, doll, I'm available. I'm cool and stuff too. I live with my parents and I go to a community college. Im the catch of the century!

But in all reality, this is one of those shows that doesn't get any appreciation. I don't know why, it's one of the best concepts out there. It's not like it's The Swan where they take dead ugly chicks and turn them into plastic beauties. And it's not any other shameful reality show like Survivor or the Anna Nicole Show. This is a show where you and your kids can watch. Yes, its main focus is hot chicks in bikinis. But it's not like they have nip slips or fat and beastly women. It's a wholesome all-American show.

It's sad that this show hasn't been promoted more or anything, it's much much better than that stupid Next Top Model show. Hell, these girls atleast have hips. And we all know Hach loves hips! Because well, I'm hip!

With all the other girls mostly eliminated at this point in the contest, and we all know there already has to have been a decision made, but yeah, the fans can still vote on the final winner. It's down to my girl Shannon and Alicia, and you can vote by going to this website on Wednesday.

But Alicia is hot too.. so it's going to be a tough decision. Because you see Alicia, she's hot and she's also a web designer, just like good old Hach. I wonder if she changes her mind as much as I do. The funny thing is, she has no real experience in a live school system. According to her bio on the website, it says she's a student of the home school world. And man, has her home milk made her look good!

The only reason I can see her not winning, is well, I think Shannon is hotter. And Alicia looks a little more childish in a sense compared to what the Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit whole thing is about. Yeah, she's mega hot too. But she looks like she'd be good as a surfer girl. And yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. But it's a swimsuit issue, not a surfer girl issue.

And if you have your own favorite chick then congradulations for having your own mind. But come on, can't you see why these two have made it this far? I mean, they not only have great looks but just pruely great aspirations too. They have it all. Even in the big picture I have of all the girls on the top, you can surely tell that those two are going to make it and they know they are good. They don't have the goofy smile the rest of the girls do.

I remember watching maybe 2 epiosdes out of the 5 they've had, and one of the major problems were first this chick Bettie had a problem with her hair, because she has that afro-scheen style and it wouldn't do anything. Which in all actuality worked for her, and then there was this other chick, well, she just didn't want to do a photo shoot the way that she was forced to. She had to do it with some male models, and she kept sending them away. And she was getting away with it, until one of the producers or someone found out, it was pretty funny. She started with like five or six male models, and every few seconds she'd eliminate one, and ended up stealing the lime light because she was her own producer. Sad thing is, she already had that much "I'm good" thinking then she really deserves.

So with all the girls done with, we're left with Alicia vs. Shannon. Who will win? Tune in Wednesday night on NBC to find out who wins!

But before then, who do you think will win.. Alicia or Shannon...

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Things To Watch In February
1. Super Bowl XXXIX - It's Been On Longer Than Star Trek
2. CSI - There's one every night
3. WWE - Someone has to watch
4. Paid Programming - It's fun, especially when drunk
5. Reruns - Even the Foster-Lambert family gets air time
6. The Bravo Channel - They're not gay all the time
7. Service Announcements - Cause they're not as fun as Paid Programming
8. The Discovery Channel - I haven't seen animals since Jimmy Pop was a monkey
9. News - Cause it's better than #10
10. Snow - You know that stuff you see on channel 1,000?

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