Perth, Australia
Perth, Australia
Australia is my first �international experience� � :)

I went there to start my work at Schlumberger. Fortunately I wasn�t all alone; I�ve got Monica with me! (thanks, Mon�)

I suppose you can imagine how big my luggage was (well, I�m such a rookie on packing, remember?); the officer in Perth�s airport only asked me a simple question: �How long you�ll stay here? 6 months?� (which was not true because the training was 2 weeks only�)
The same luggage problem happened on the way back to Indonesia; I bought too many books (the classic ones, comics, etc.) that I had to put some on Ashish's, Monik's and Yati's baggage... ha ha ha...

Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot. To meet a group of young people who are very very open minded, positive�. I�m encouraged by what I saw on my friends' characters.
It was just so great, to know that somewhere in  the world there are some nice and good people, and how lucky I am to be able to meet them!
Left to right : Jon, Monik, Mesh, Toon, Adriaan, Anubha, Danu, me and Hasmoni
Left to right : Ashish's left hand, Jon, me, Monik, Danu
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Environmental Engineering ITB, Class of 95
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