Den Haag, The Netherlands
Den Haag, The Netherlands
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In Bazarlaan
Our kind hostesses
Waiting for the tram
During my long week end in Holland, I stayed in my friend's flat in Bazarlaan, Den Haag. I was surprised because I met a lot of Indonesia people there; not only they who live in Den Haag, but another Indonesian from other European countries. Looked like everybody had a same plan to spend the long week end in Holland...

Dias, Fendy, Taufik, Shwita, Reti, Singgih, Uly, Martha, Andi, me
Thanks to Reti and Dias who are very kind to accept us in their flats !
Here I am with Reti, Uly and Dias.
The easiest way to travel in city is by using the tram ( to go to another city, take a train! ).
We only have to buy a stippenkaart (hope I spell it correctly), then check how many "strip" we need to go to our destination, fold the card and compose it in the machine.
I visited The Netherlands for the first time when I was working for Schlumberger in Vechta, North Germany.
I went there on September 2000 with Nadja Mueller, my Austrian room mate. We spent our week end there and stayed with Erik Koning in Ijmuiden (well, I know that his house is not in Ijmuiden, but since I forget its exactly city which is not too far away from Ijmuiden where he works for Schlumberger, so just assume that he lives in Ijmuiden, OK ! Ha ha ha...)

At that time we visited the Rijksmuseum a little bit (I want to go back there !!!), went to the beach, etc.
Unfortunately I didn't bring any camera with me, so you won't see any picture of my visit.

The second time, there was a long week end on April 2001. I made a plan to meet Martha and Agung from Germany in Amsterdam. What a nice rendezvous (although we had rain a lot, as always)!

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My life in Schlumberger
Environmental Engineering ITB, Class of 95
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