For those of you who take the time to apply, your cartoons are featured here for all to see!  The name of the new HERETIC is a link their application as it was submitted to me (with last names omitted and some editing) at the bottom of which will be a link to their very own cartoon.  The more people apply, the more this page will grow!


Robin is a very good friend who sells cheese in Nebraska and he is also the one who suggested the applications for heresy.


Rebecca is a friend who had just gone back to Illinois and is preparing for mission work in Egypt.


Paddy the sheep is the brother of the cheese salesman in Nebraska.  He is notorious for drive-by sheepings and also in the shadow puppet business, for as we all know, the sheep always wins.


Jam is the Hatgirl's older sister who lives and works in Kansas, the original home of the Hatgirl.  She is also one of the few people who can intimidate her younger sister.

David and Becky

David Herricktic is Becca's brother and  is engaged to be married to Becky this May.  They need not apply for heresy for their last name gives them automatic HERETIC status so this link goes directly to their cartoon.


He may be a little guy with long hair, but Peter and his doctrinal thesis brings out the real issues behind the earlier HERETICS.


Deb is the other older sister of the Hatgirl and is a librarian in Kansas.  She is the one who originally taught the Hatgirl how to build a webpage.


Bekah is an old friend of Kolin the Raptor and works as a child psychologist.  Unfortunately, she feels she knows Kolin a little too well.


George is a good friend who has aspirations of doing mission work in India, and some of our friends are all to anxious to get him there.


Faith is a wonderful friend who has been teaming up with Nick lately in a conspiracy against the Hatgirl.

The T-town Gang

The T-town gang consists of Hatgirl's sister Deb and her friends, a lovely group of single HERETICS.

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