
Vital Information

Real Name: Unrevealed (possibly inapplicable)
Other Aliases: Funny-Head (what Hulk calls them), B.B. (She-Hulk's nickname for them), Skull-Brother (what they call each other), Warrior (what the lower head called the upper head... man this is wierd).
Identity: By now the public is probably aware that the Bi-Beast likes fighting the Hulk, has a thing for strong green women, and is obsessed with living in the air.
Legal Status: creation of the Bird-People.
Occupation: Records-keeper and protector of Aerie.
Place Of Creation: Sky-Isle.
Marital Status: Unrevealed
Known Relatives: other Bi-Beast androids; It's own brother.
Group Affiliation: Periodic partnership with the Man-Beast, former leader of hundreds of mindless human slaves, servent of the Bird People.
Base of Opperations: Aerie (various versions), SHIELD Hellicarrier, flying city of his own design. The Bi-Beast has also used two ships of his own design, a massive bug-shaped vessel, and a short-range weapons ship, presumably both are based on avian designs.
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk Vol. 1 #169
Origin: The Bi-Beast retells his origin every chance he gets.
Height: (originally) 20', (currently) 7'8" (possibly varriable)
Weight: (originally) 1,000 lbs., (currently) 360 lbs. (possibly varriable)
Eyes: black
Hair: none

Note: The Bi-Beast is technically an android, but it does posses some sort of biology, including glands and tissues.

Knowledge and Personality:

Both heads share a knowledge of all record avian science, while while they have been known to disagree, their arguements are never heated, and have yet to prevent them from completing any task at hand (short of being defeated in combat that is).

Upper Head: Depository of all avian warfare history and combat knowledge. This head is naturally the more agressive of the two.

Lower Head: Depository of all avian cultural history and knowledge. This head is the more genial of the two, and most likely to fall in love with green women.

Powers and abilities:

Strength: Apparently 100 classs strength, enough to give the Hulk, Thor, Iron Man and She-Hulk a run for their money.
Intelligence: Incalculable. The Bi-Beast possesses all of the cultural, combative and scientific knowledge ever recorded by the Bird People (he just doesn't know how to use it well).

Superhuman Powers:

For some unexplained reason, a knowledge-transfer with the Man-Beast caused the Bi-Beast to shrink to almost a third of its original hieght, but in later appearances, it seems to have grown some. This could be a power the Bi-Beast has yet to control, or it could be a byproduct of the machine used in the transfer.

The Bi-Beast is extremely durrable. Bullets have no affect on it, and it can easily take some of the Hulk's strongest punches without pausing a sentance. He has taken similar blows from Thor and Power Princess (Marvel's Wonder Woman), and fallen from as much as 8 miles in the air without suffering damage.

Although seldom used, the Bi-Beast can blast an unknown form of energy from the palms of his hands. One blast could rip an alligator to shreds or send Thor reeling.


(this is the brief version of Incredible Hulk Vol. 1 #169, 215, 216, Thor Vol. 1, 315, 314)

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