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Crazy Naked Shinobi!  Only you can't see the naked part

Lil tiny Shinobi with his mommy!

And now Shinobi's sad...

Shinobi Shaw/Black King II

: It's odd... Here's a guy who LOOKS fruitier than Pietro, and yet... he's...
: He's a mack daddy with the chicks, yo!
: >.o I'll pay you never to use to the phrase "mack daddy" again.
: Heheh... another day, another dollar.

Name: Shinobi Shaw
Fun Fact!: Shinobi's either naked, half naked, or with a woman in almost alllll of his appearances.
Age: Early to mid twenties. Probably early twenties, though.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: Blue... or brown... it depends
Hair: Black
Nifty Mutant Power: Shaw can change his molecular density so that he can be all tough and hard as diamond, orrr phase through things like Kitty Pryde gone wrong (yet so, so right XD)
Affiliation: (currently) None, because he's in comic book limbo. (formerly) Upstarts, Hellfire Club Inner Circle (as the Black King)
First Appearance: X-Factor 67
Fave Quotes: "Shinobi?!" "For as often as you see me, I'm surprised you remember your own son's name!" (Sebastian and Shinobi; X-Factor 67)

"Oh-- by the way, Pops-- did I remember to tell you in my last letter that my latent mutant abilities have kicked in? *sticks his hand in Sebastian's chest* Kind of funky powers, actually... I can control my molecular density... (uhh... hand goes into chest further and Sebastian gets that "AAGH!" look and says... "Aaagh!") Yeah, can do all kinds of things with it... Peek into the girls' shower room... take a crowbar to the chin... induce massive coronary seizures... *Sebastian falls down all hurt 'n stuff* Geez, that must hurt! Speaking of which... do you think that since my powers are so much more like my "Uncle" Leland's, that you're not my reeeal daddy?" (Shinobi to his daddy; X-Factor 67)

*Shinobi's taking a bath in his nice penthouse apartment in Tokyo* *Bantam flies in through a crazy portal* "Oh dear... I do so hope he's wearing bathing trunks..." *falls into Shinobi's tub* (Bantam; X-Force 33)

"Bantam?! What is the meaning of this-- *X-Force flies into his room through the same portal, though they don't seem to fall in the tub like Bantam did...* oh. Why is it that all you X-Groups seem bent on breaking into my home every time I'm in the bath?" "Guess y'could say, boyo, that we're always up for a little laugh!" "That was very funny. Ha. Very funny." (Shinobi, Siryn, theeen Shinobi again! X-Force 33)

*Domino points some gun thingie to Shinobi* "[Fitzroy]'s gone, Shaw. And you'll be joining him if we don't get what we came for. The lovely Domino is now holding a wavelength scrambler. You don't need a PhD in advanced physics to figure this out, do you, boy?" "If I dematerialize, she presses a button, and I go the way of eight-tracks and vinyl records, huh?" (Cable, Shinobi; X-Force 33)

"I may act like an idiot, but do I look like one? Some assurances, Cable, please. *I'm assuming Cable nods here* Oooh, a grim nod of the head. I'm spared his mighty wrath." (Shinobi to Cable in... guess the issue!)

Random Crap: Shinobi Shaw is the one, the only, child of Sebastian Shaw! Oooh! Only he may actually be the bastard son of Sebastian's pal Harry Leland, in which case... he's the one, the only, pseudo-child of Sebastian Shaw! Anyway, growing up, he was a Mama's boy (or, in Japanese terms, uh... a... Haha no otoko? Ahh hell, I'll know when I get back to Japanese class!), and his father never neglected to remind him of that (that and the fact that he's a failure that'll never amount to anything and he's too small and he's blahblahblaaah). Despite being born to his father's great wealth, Shinobi wasn't a very happy child, since daddy had a tendency to beat him. Poor Shinobi...

Anywho, as a kid, he met Warren Worthington III, aka, the future (Arch)Angel. The two were friends, I suppose, but not close enough to be like bosom buddies or anything. Anywho, the two boys grew up and life went on. One day, in a nice Swiss Chalet, Sebastian finds that somebody went and bought out his company right from under his nose. Angry, he demands to his lackeys who could've done such a thing, when a nice, grown up Shinobi comes in and says "That would be me, pops." XD Sebastian proceeds to beat on his son, which is really not a nice thing to do, and so Shinobi makes mention that, oh, by the way, his mutant powers finally manifested. He then sticks his hand in Sebastian's chest to induce a heart attack, then the building blows up. Of course, since Shinobi can increase his molecular density, the explosion didn't hurt him at all, and he crawls out of the rubble delightfully naked!

Later, we find out that Shinobi's part of a group of crazy, rich, homicidal yhoung mutants known as the Upstarts. He gets into a little tiff with Trevor Fitzroy, a fellow Upstart, and I think he winds up getting his finger cut off (won't know until I get the issue... and I WILL get the issue...), which really doesn't make any sense, since he could phase out of trouble... Anyway! even if he does get his finger cut off, he has it reattached later and whatnot. And so, we don't see Shinobi doing much, other than hanging out with the other Upstarts (Gamesmaster, Cortez, Fitzroy, and Graydon Creed) and being interrupted when he's half naked in the middle of a date with some chick or another. As far as being an Upstart goes, Shinobi never really had much interest in the game; actually, he was quite the lazy one.

Later, he turned his interests towards the Hellfire Club, but under his rule, they didn't really accomplish much. And every time he extended an invitation to join to someone (Archangel, Psylocke, Storm, and I think Sunspot), he was always rejected.

Anywho, one day, Sebastian did what many a Marvel villain in the past has done: he came back from the "dead". Then, he proceeded to kick Shinobi's ass outta the Hellfire club and reclaim his position as Black King. And nobody's seen Shinobi since...

Personal Opinion: Shinobi's just plain great! He's got some of the best, most amusing lines ever, and he's just... a fun villain! Too bad he never got too much of the spotlight. Hell, I think he got even less than Cortez, which is kinda sad. However, Shinobi's not being dead does bring hope for his return! Anywho, I love him. He's cute. And he has nifty hair that's all long and can be put up in a crazy Tomo ponytail (that being Tomo from "Fushigi Yuugi", a crazy fruity villain with... hair in a ponytail like Shinobi's)!! And he's half-Asian... like me! Yay for the half-Asians!

Evolution: Shinobi has even less chance of being in Evo than Cortez does! Why? Because he really won't fit into any villain teams. I mean, Pyro's got the Brotherhood or the Acolytes. Cortez has the Acolytes. Sinister's got Apocalypse. But what does Shinobi have? Not the Hellfire Club, because even if they ARE brought into Evo, they'll be under Sebastian's control, not Shinobi's. The Upstarts? Doubtful. They're probably too homicidal for kiddie TV. That, and they are a more obscure villain team, since they only had their one big storyline, unlike the Acolytes, Hellfire Club, and Brotherhood, which have had many recurring appearances. Poor, neglected Shinobi... Here's hoping Kids' WB proves me wrong!

This site is copyrighted (too lazy to pick up the nifty copyright symbol...) by DMB/Rosiel - 2002. Of course, the Brotherhood and just about everything else on this site belongs to Marvel Comics and the WB.
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