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LANCE!  The X-Men: Evo version of Avalanche! XD

Old-school Avalance

Dominic/Avalanche takes his helmet off... and decides to leave his pals Pyro and Blob to die in Kuwait...


: It's Lancie, the Brotherhood's fluffy team leader! Marvel at his outstanding cuteness-- which doesn't come close to mine, but how can you NOT love those big brown eyes, and that stupid brown vest and... and... Lanciepoo!
: Hey! Pietro, remember that talk we had about pet names that should only be used in the bedroom?
: Uh... not really, Lanciepoo!
: I don't think Pietro should be allowed in Starbucks ever again. He gets hyper and... weird, yo... O.o
: Agreed. Anyway! Read on to learn more about me, Avalanche, the craaazy not-really-Greek supervillain!

Name: Lance Alvers
Age: 17-18 (probably 18)
Grade: 12th (he's da big man on campus!)
Nifty Mutant Power: He can manipulate wacky seismic waves that hurt his head and make him grunt "Rrrr!" or "Argh!", and then the earth does funny things. Silly Avalanche!
First Appearance: Season 1, Episode 2 - "The X Impulse"
Fave Quote: "Blah blah, rock, blah!" - okay, he doesn't really say this, but he should.

Random Crap: Lance is an orphan from the wrong side of the tracks-- or so claims the WB/Marvel, who try to show his badness through ripped jeans. O.o; Odd. I know CHEERLEADERS who wear ripped jeans, so I don't think that says much! Yeah... anywho! When we first meet Lance, it turns out he lives in a foster home. This means that Lance doesn't have parents (who are willing/capable/alive to take care of him), so you'd THINK that Professor X would at least ATTEMPT to talk to this poor, neglected lad rather than make Kitty-- happy Kitty with her two Jewish parents and suburban home-- his priority. This is exceptionally odd because apparently Cerebro picked up Lance BEFORE Kitty, but they didn't even bother to go to Illinois until AFTER it picked up Kitty. Stupid X-Men. But I digress because I probably wouldn't watch the show if Lance was part of the X-Men :P

Anyway! Lance is pretty bitter against "the man" and authority, and he thinks that schools and tests are made to keep people down. He's like a young revoutionary :P Of course, it's a little hypocritical that he ends up working for Mystique, the principal of Bayville High...

Lance, aka Avalanche, (yes, he's a walking pun. How sad is that?) is the team leader of the Brotherhood. He's like the BH version of Scott, which is why they probably don't get along at all. :P You'd think they would, though...

Some people think that because Lance is the oldest, coolest member of the Brotherhood, he should get with Rogue because she, too, was a member of the Brotherhood and she's female, so HA! Take THAT, slash fans! (haha ha haaa...) That'll show you for pairing him with Pietro! (yes, I'm joking). No, seriously, I can't stand that pairing at all. Lance/Rogue. "Rola". Made me want to puke because for a brief period of time it was like the next "Kurtty" AND Lance wasn't EVER IN CHARACTER (okay, he was in a few fics...)! It made me NUTS! He's like obsessive stalker lad in those fics! Or hypersensitive! Or beating-up-on-Pietro-for-no-logical reason! Or "Gee, maybe the X-Men ARE better because this gives me an excuse to get closer to Rogue!" And he says "gosh" and "darn" in those fics, too! How many angry 18 year old guys do you know say "gosh" and "darn"? The ones I know would be like "Fuuuuck!!" and so forth. Apparently, most of the authors who write Rogue/Lance have little grasp on his character, and a lot of them are the same people who write Kurtty! Hell! Most of them can't even spell Rogue right! Of course, this is just a huge generalization. Some of the fics are very good and keep everyone in character (I love you, Shindo! :P)... And I know I'm not the greatest author, and I'm sure Lance slips in and out of character quite frequently in my fics, but at least I ATTEMPT to keep him more in character than out. Oh well. Why the hell am I ranting about this? Must be my bad week talking, so I apologize and I'll probably take this down whenever I think of something that makes sense to stick here. :D

Personal Opinion: LANCEEE!! I love Lance! *snatches Lance and gives him a big hug*
: Bitch!
Ahh, shaddup, Pietro. ^^ Anywho, I love Lance as much as I love Pietro (sometimes more, sometimes less) probably because I've always had a thing for the "hot badass" type guys O.o; Plus, he's just cool, and he's a hell of a lot more interesting than the X-Men. Yep. Lance is, along with Pietro, my favorite X-Men: Evo character :D

Old vs. New: *sigh* I used to dislike Avalanche, but now he's one of my most favorite characters (right under Pyro, Iceman, and Deadpool). He's just cool! And he's kind of a sweetie and he was sooo close to redemption, it seemed... until Cable #87 (the issue where Pyro died). In that issue, he was just a big dumb "Kill Senator Kelly!!" thug-- AND he didn't do ANYTHING when his bestest buddy (or lover, according to SOME people who actually aren't me, which is odd because I love slash... anyway!) bit the dust! Of course... he was probably unconscious when it happened, but still! I think it would've made Pyro's death mean a LITTLE more to show the people (or person >.<) who loved him and how they reacted to his death later (of course, from what I've heard, since his death there's been not ONE reference to his sacrifice or existence... sad.)-- especially Avalanche's reaction! Also... it looks like they're going to take his character in a very SCARY direction soon with "X-Corps". I saw the sketches, and he looks like a scary facist (and looks like he's aged horribly since Pyro died >.<)!! AAH!! What are they doing to Avalanche?! Because they're screwing around with his character so much right now, I'd have to say that I prefer Lance Alvers to Dominic Petros. :(
: Oh, no. Don't sound TOO thrilled about liking me.
Sorry, Lancie :D

This site is copyrighted (too lazy to pick up the nifty copyright symbol...) by DMB/Rosiel - 2002. Of course, the Brotherhood and just about everything else on this site belongs to Marvel Comics and the WB.
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