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Episode 31: Day of Recovery
Guest Review By: Joe

Introducing: Caliban

The Gist of It: The episode starts off right where DoR left off. Mystique in a standoff with the X-Men. Scott demands for Mystique to tell him where Professor X is, and she refuses. Jean then attempts to probe her mind, but Mystique is using some sort of mental block. When demanding again, about 30 police cars and several Army vans show up, the soldiers we saw in DoR pile out.

A long detailed fight goes on here, I'll explain it best I can. As a group of soldiers rush towards them, Iceman uses his powers to make them slip and fall. Scott shoots the tires out in an approaching hummer, which then skids out and hits another one. Beserker frys a couple of police cars scattering the cops. A police officer tackles Jamie, who splits into about 10 of him. The Jamie he grabbed was just a copy . Boom Boom is being chased through the woods, she throws some fireworks knocking a few trees down blocking their path. A police officer calls for backup and more soldiers pile out of a van, who start chasing Wanda, Lance, Todd and Mystique. Wanda HeX bolts a couple of the soldiers and Toad makes a comment about her being "beautiful and bad". A couple of helicopters start coming down and Storm uses her powers to make them fly away. Police officers grab Jean Grey and throw her in the back of an empty police car, but Kurt teleports in the front seat and drives away (lol ). Kitty runs and phases into the car too, but Scott becomes surrounded by about 15 soldiers; Storm then flys down and carries him off in flight. Bobby is shooting ice to hold enemies off, Kurt comes over and picks him up in the car too. As they're making their escape they approach a road barrier, Jean uses telekinesis to make the car fly over it. As they're flying in the car away Scott says "Everyone meet tonight at lookout point", and the scene ends.

The news footage from Day of Reckoning comes on, and shows that the mutants in it have been positively identified. They explain it's Kitty Pryde who goes through the car window, Jean Grey using telekinesis, Evan Daniels using his Spikes and it shows the goo'd characters being loaded into the back of a truck. It explains that they went to Bayville High, and students there have told of strange phenomenoms going on - Principle Kelly explains people to stay calm. A whole "City in Panic" scene goes on, showing people in the streets running to get home; and people already home hiding away. The papers read "Aliens among us", "Mutants or Monsters" ect. ect. The President urges everyone to stay calm.

Police are in the street looking for the mutants that got away earlier, they pass by an ally and don't see anything, but once they're gone it shows every new recruit except Iceman lead into the sewers by Beserker, who claims he knows a place where they can hide.

The meeting at lookout point is about to take place, Jean/Kurt/Kitty/Bobby are all there. Scott and Storm come out of the woods, Bobby fires ice at them in paranoia thinking they're soldiers - he misses though. Mystique and the remaining Brotherhood come out of the woods too at that moment Scott yells at her that he wants answers, she replies when she's ready she'll give them to him. A conversation goes on here, and in a nutshell she's saying that what's happening in the city proves that humans and mutants cannot live together. She wants to team up with the X-Men because the Military also has a member of her team that she wants back and explains that she wasn't part of Magnetos plan. Nick Fury comes out of the bushes saying that maybe he can help them, when Mystique makes a threat 20 soldiers surround them. He snaps his fingers and they stop aiming their weapons at them explaining that he doesn't want to capture them - and if he did they would be captured already. He gives them a gadget showing where their teamates are. Storm starts taking command, but Mystique immediately takes over explaining that she knows where the professor is. Her first order is for Toad and Wanda to go to New York to check if Magneto was crushed by the Sentinal. Everyone else is to go on the rescue mission.

They're at an air force base now, where you see a soldier guarding a helicopter. Jean uses her Telekinesis to fly the aircraft over the fence, to outside. As they fly, Mystique tells Storm the cordinants on the device Nick Fury gave her. Bobby locates it on the map, and says it's Nevada... Area 51.

Wanda and Toad are looking at the Sentinal crash sight, when a crane lifts the Sentinal up, they see no Magneto. Toad gets an idea after hugging her against her will, they knock on the back of a news van and when the guy opens the door, it shows a shadow of Toad picking him up with tongue. They look at the footage from the day before, at one point replays the part where he jumped off the lightpost and said something like "you see, the camera loves me" which was pretty funny . They go to the part where the Sentinal fell and supposedly crushed Magneto, after playing it a couple of times in slow motion you can see Pietro run over and grab him, and carry him off at super speed. Wanda is upset that he's alive and blows the TV's in the van up.

The new recruits are progressing through the sewers when a bald pale guy drops down, he asks why they're there and Beserker explains they're mutants, just like him and they're being hunted, the other man replies he knows- he always knows. The pale bald guy says he knows a place where they'll be safe, and tells him to follow behind; which they do.

Their stolen helicopter approaches pretty close to Area 51, and a bird (Mystique) flys into the structure. A soldier approaches a guy who's watching security TV's, and tells him the captain wants to see him. The guy walks off muttering "what did I do this time?", the soldier sits down and turns into Mystique (big suprise ). She reports over a radio that sensors are off, Kitty runs Jean and Bobby through the gate, Kurt teleports Lance and Scott.

Inside a machine is cutting the goo that is holding Blob and a military leader is demanding answers out of Wolverine, he asks if he built the robot and who he is. Bobby and Kitty have split up into one team, the rest have split up into another. Mystique tells Bobby to go into the third door on the right, when the security guard comes back and sees Mystique she kicks him. Bobby and Kitty arrive at the main security room where the floor panels are still on. Bobby just uses his ice powers to glide himself and Kitty across without setting an alarm off. She asks if he knows what he's doing, he replies if he doesn't every alarm in the complex will go off. A moment of tension goes on, when he's choosing the right wire to cut, he cuts a wire and nothing happens. He sighs in releif and spins the cutters around on his finger, he looses control of them and they hit the floor setting off every alarm. Kitty says "you mean like that?".

The whole complex starts going insane, trucks driving everywhere and soldiers patrolling the halls. Kurt Scott Jean and Lance are surrouned, Jean uses Telekinesis to knock them back and Lance uses a tremor to knock another group down. The captain is distracted by the intruders, so Spyke shoots a spike out of an airhole in his containment chamber, hitting one of the chains that were holding Wolverine down, he uses his claws to free himself - then frees Spyke. He tells Spyke to free Beast and Rogue, he'll take care of the army. Spyke frees the as blob is breaking lose in the research container he was held in, he picks it up in the air and throws it at a bunch of soldiers. Beast/Blob/Wolverine throw some soldiers in it and put the top on, trapping them. They all run off.

As they're making their escape Lance says they're still being chased, Mystique orders him to bury them. Jean uses telekinesis to save their lives though. The doors close and it seems they have no way out, but Bobby spots a hatch with a ladder that goes up to the roof. They start climbing up, blob can't fit through so Kitty helps him with her powers. Mystique is the last one to start up the ladder, and Scott closes the gate warning her that in three seconds he'll close the top door unless she tells him where the Professor is. She says that he doesn't have the guts to do it, but he interrupts her sentence by closing the door .

They all pile into the Helicopter, Scott is the last one in - he has to grab on and climb up. They're flying away and being chased, a few Missle Turrets are ready to fire but Storm zaps them. A bomber shoots a couple of missles at them but Scott and Bobby intercept them using their powers. The X-Men/Brotherhood escape.

Toad is hopping on the top of the Brotherhood's house with a bag, he jumps down in the backyard handing them the bag. Lance complains that he was supposed to get their clothes and Toad only got Wandas stuff. Toad suggests an outfit for her to wear, and she pushes him down.

The X-Men are reunited at lookout point now, wondering what to do. Kitty mentions that they have no place to live, they can't go back to school, the Professor is missing and it's open season on mutants. Scott blames himself for locking Mystique in the complex saying he messed everything up, but Wolverine says that if Scott hadn't done it he would have. Storm says some line about there's a world out there that fears them, and they have to teach the public that they're the good guys - End of Episode.

This site is copyrighted (too lazy to pick up the nifty copyright symbol...) by DMB/Rosiel - 2002. Of course, the Brotherhood and just about everything else on this site belongs to Marvel Comics and the WB.
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