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Episode 15: Badda Bing, Badda BOOM! (I think it was originally Ep17)

Introducing: Boom Boom's father. And... that's it, really.

The Gist of It: The episode opens with the X-Geeks training. Kurt has to pretend to be unconscious, and they have to "rescue" him. So, they send Boom Boom to do it. Unfortunately, she's deeeeply retarded-- I swear! She's like unbalanced or something! She just starts going "WOO WOO WOO!" for no reason, making up stupid jokes/puns worse than Lance's, and firing off her boomy balls everywhere! Sooo, the result is that Kurt plummets nearly to his death-- he's unconscious by this point, so he can't bamf away. Thus! Scott and Wolvie save the day because they're cooler than her! After all's well and saved, she and Kurt are grounded for being stupid.

Cut to! A trashy home! The Brotherhood home!! XD Yes! You get to witness the BH in all their at-home glory! Unfortunately, they're out of food... So, Todd eats flies, Pietro and Fred whine, Lance is like "You're dumb! I'm going to school!" They have a KMFDM poster (I used to like that band back in my... crazy bad music days :P). Well, okay, it doesn't happen in that order. I mean, Fred and Pietro whine, so Todd's like "Damn it, yo, I know Mystique left money", so he hops past Lance up the stairs and slams himself into her locked door repeatedly, hehehe. I wonder why they don't just get Freddy to open it... Well, anyway, Fred grabs Todd and is like "Not that I like ya or anything, I just don't wanna see you get hurt", so Todd smiles cutely at him and it's all cute! Then Pietro's like "What if Mystique comes back and gets pissed!" and.. uh... then Todd gets thrown into the wall while Lance is like "I'm going to school." and Todd's like "Me too! For my own safety!" or something. Cute!

And theeeen. Uh. Cut to the school, where Tabitha's dad wants to see her, and they're like "No, but we can refer you to the Xavier Institute blah blaH" and he looks evil and stuff. Oh well. Then we see Kurt and Tabby in the hall. She blows up a locker that's not hers, acts generally super-obnoxious, and I blanked out during this scene. Heheh, okay not really. She takes Kurt's book, he has a big crush on her that destroys all hope for Kurtty, and runs into her father. He's like "Tabby, I need you and I generally sound like a child molestor" and she's like "Fuck off, dad!" and runs off. Don't you like my dramatizations?

Anyway, we then get to see Scott at lunch looking very sad because Skanky Jean is off sitting with Duncan. Poor Scott. :( He goes off to sit with Kurt, who's like "HI TABITHA!! I'm a drooling moron for you!" and she wrote all over his book... And she takes his drink. And she goes to the vending machines where Lance is shaking his drink out because he's nifty. And she's like "Blah blah, I'm a ho, blah" gets her drink by blowing up the machine (wow, you'd think kids would notice explosions following her around likes flies on rotted meat), and Lance is like "Huh huh huh, girlie."

Uh. I'm trying to remember what else happens. Basically, her father comes to her at the Institute, wanting her to steal some money from the school (which is having a carnival fund-raiser thing) for him. She's like... I dunno, really. Like "I'll do it if you go away", but then it looks like later she has no intention of doing it. *shrug* Anyway, she convinces Kurt to sneak out of the Institute with her to the carnival, and so they go around the carnival 'porting and shooting off boomy balls to ruin everybody's good time because she's a skank. Er. Yes. They also blow up Fred's hot dog, which made me feel sorry for him... Anywho, her dad's like "Help me steal now!" and so she does... they get the money out of a safe and the BH shows up to solve their money problems. Now, here's where they're deeply stupid. They need to steal something, but they don't bring Pietro along. This is why the X-Men show up to kick their asses.. then the cops show up and arrest Tabby's dad.

So, she's like "I'm not X-Men material, pity pity sob." and she walks off into the sunset--

Cut to the BH home! There's no more water. :( Lance is like "I'm thirsty" takes a bottle of water, and Boomers shows up and steals his water, says "I'm joining", blows Mystique's door open and takes the room. I hate her. And then Pietro's like "Make her go away!" and Fred's like "No, you do it!" and Todd's like "She's not allowed here!"... but she joins and I want to stab her in the head.

Brotherhood Moments: We get to see the BH's home life *squee!* I've been waiting for this since... like... "Survival of the Fittest"! And Lance goes to school! And Todd repeatedly slams himself into a door! And he and Freddy have a cute buddy-buddy moment! And Pietro's still fruity! And they have a stupid scheme to get money which fails because they NEVER think to have Pietro help them steal stuff! Oh well! And then we get to see them at home again when... Boom Boom... joins them. Bleh.

My Opinion: I hate Boom Boom. She's the Poochie of X-Men Evolution. Anyone remember Poochie the talking dog on the Simpsons? They tried WAAAY too hard to make him hip and cool and likeable that he took up all the screen time, was totally lame, and everybody wanted him to go away? That's what Boom Boom is. To me, anyway. Heheheeee, I hate her and I can't believe she joined the BH. Of course, I knew it was going to happen. My pessimistic mind has a knack for predicting the horrible. Except I was wrong in thinking the BH was gonna get lynched in "Growing Pains", but that was a good wrong!! Well, I wish I was wrong about her joining. And now HERE'S a problem: If she pulls a Rogue, the show's redundant. If she doesn't, I'm gonna stab myself in the head. Well, not really... I'll just... write a fic where Wanda joins the BH and... accidentally makes something large and heavy fall on Tabitha with a hex bolt. By accident, of course *rolls eyes*.

But, despite my utter hatred for Boom Boom, I kinda liked the episode ONLY BECAUSE it had some really, really good BH scenes and I WAS RIGHT!! HAHAA! Er, I mean... I used to rant about how fics with the BH (way back when people first started posting Evo fics on FF.net) always portrayed them as beating up on Todd, and I was like "I doubt it! They prolly get along like a family! And I bet he and Freddy get along best!" and I was riiight. Blah. I'm trying to make myself feel better for the god-awful ending.

Rating (out of 5): Well, this was tough. For all of the atrocious Boom Boom scenes and the HIDEOUS ending, I wanted to give this episode a... 1.5 or something. BUT then I remembered the fun BH at home scene, which made the whole craptacular episode better, sooo it's getting a 3 JUST because of the BH.

BH Babble:

: *rocks in a corner* Make her go away...
: Well, I'm sure she'll... grow on us...
: Yeah, like a fungus. *rolls eyes*
: She stole our last bottle of water!
: Now we're gonna die of dehydration!! *sobs*
: Hey, Rosiel, does this mean you gotta make a chibi of Boom Boom now?
Rosiel: HELL NO!! *screams and runs around in circles* I mean... just look at Pyro and pretend he's her. I mean... ya know... he's blonde and... dumb... and...
: HEY!!
: Why couldn't they bring Sis into the show instead?!! Why'd it have to be BOOM BOOM!! *sobs again*
Rosiel: There there. Once I make a Wanda chibi, she'll be able to throw her comments around, too, and you won't be... uh... sisterless anymore.
: YAY!!
: Oooh! Pietro's sister *grin grin*
: You'd better not be thinkin' about her the way I THINK you're thinkin' about her!
: Hey! Waitaminute! She stole the last bag of M&Ms!
: WHAA?!! Kill her!!
Rosiel: I'm sorry. :D I apologize now to all Boom Boom fans. ^^

This site is copyrighted (too lazy to pick up the nifty copyright symbol...) by DMB/Rosiel - 2001. Of course, the Brotherhood and just about everything else on this site belongs to Marvel Comics and the WB. But I made the chibis! Oh yes.
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