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Episode 14: Growing Pains

Introducing: A lot of new people! Iceman, Jubilee, Cannonball, Multiple Man (I'm stubborn. Jamie will always be Multiple Man), Boom Boom, Berzerker, Sunspot, Wolfsbane, Magma, Principal Edward Kelly, and we learn Taryn's last name!

The Gist of It: Well, for starters, I missed the segment before the opening theme, so I really don't know WHY, when the episode started, there was a car about to fall on a bus. :D In any case, the bus was filled with small children and Kurt, Kitty, and Scott were all standing around contemplating their options. Well, they're basically like "AAAH!! WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!" "But what of our secret identities?" "Screw dat, yo! People are gonna die!" (okay, no "yo"... Todd wasn't there) And so, rather skillfully, Kurt bamfs several times to get the driver out of the car and 'port him to safety, then 'port himself away as Scott zaps the car away from the bus. Then the driver's arrested, but I don't know WHY (because I missed the beginning and it looked like it was all an accident to me sooo whatever), and Kitty phases Scott and Kurt to safety.

Wow. Cut to: the Institute! Here, we get to see all of the new recruits not looking AS sucky as they did in their sketches-- though Berzerker, Jubilee, and Magma still look the worst, I think. >.< Anyway, Storm tells the Prof to turn on the TV, where the news is showing the car being deflected by a spoooooky red beam of mysterious origin. So, Chuck lectures Scott about keeping their identity a secret (and at first I thought he was chewing him out for saving the people! O.o). Scott's like "Man, I wish we didn't have to keep our cool mutantness a secret" and THEN we get to see him talking to Alex through a computer! This is a major cute scene o' fluffiness and I find that Alex is strangely growing on me.

Next, we get to see a pep-rally/assembly thing at Bayville introducing their NEW principal Edward Kelly! Yes, that's right. Edward Kelly, NOT Robert Kelly. Maybe they're half-brothers or distant cousins or something. So, we get to see a little scene of Scott looking cute and trying to get Jean to notice him-- and then Duncan waves to her and she totally blows Scott off to sit with Dunc. Poor Scott. Cut to: Cutie BH scene! They're kinda standing off to the side being silly and as cool as always... and Pietro makes little remarks about Lance's crush on Kitty-- only to be almost smacked by Lance (though I think Todd ends up getting hit O.o). Theeeen we get to see Rogue meeting a new, semi-Gothy girl from England! They seem to hit it off well, and... well, they gave off HUGE slashy vibes! O.o Watch the scene! Rogue's expression's like "Huhuhuh... you're purty. I like you."

Anyway, Lance tries to impress Kitty by making the ground shake from under Kelly, and she finds this amusing until he makes this big thing fall and almost crush the principal. O.o But Jean moves it to safety and the crisis is averted. Blah blah. Next, we see Scott outside waiting around for Jean, who blew him off. Then he overhears Kitty and Lance arguing (with the BH sitting in the jeep giggling-- Look at Pietro while he does this! He's all girly and stuff when he laughs! Or I was just tired and imagining things...) and rushes in to save the day, only to be called "goggle boy" by Lance, hehehe. Anywho, he's like "Damn, can't zap him in public" and he and Kitty walk off.

So, next we see the Girls' Soccer Team (or something) and.. and... Jean's on it, and so is Taryn, and stuff. Everyone's like "Woohoo!" and then the BH pop up and come out of the closet! I was half-expecting Lance to say "I'm also called Avalanche, because I'm a mutant. By the way, I'm HERE! I'm QUEER! And... and... yeah!" Anywho, the BH wreaks some havoc, exposes the X-Geeks as mutants, and wackiness ensues!! They also harass Kelly more. O.o;

So, the X-Men suit up for a generic battle scene and save the day (and Kitty's holding Lance at the end of the fight O.o). Professor X pops up and wipes the minds of the innocent bystanders, even though there's tons of 'em, and then his brain goes into overhaul when he tries Principal Kelly, soooo he doesn't get to wipe the dude's mind. Instead, he's like "Oooh" and blacks out.

So, Professor X wakes up and the X-Men are like "Dude, we're safe now. Cool. Oh, by the way, Magneto's still alive."
Chuck: Dang it. Oh well. Ohhh and I didn't wipe Kelly's mind. Oops.

The End, I think. :D

Brotherhood Moments: They didn't get lynched! WHEE! Anyway, the BH has quite a bit of casual time in this ep. They're just kinda lounging and saying silly things. (Pietro: K-I-S-S *zips away as Lance tries to smack him* Todd: OW!) And... uh, oh yeah, Lance does a lot in this ep, since he's sorta like the "Villain of the Day" for the episode. Of course, most of his villainous deeds stem from his trying to impress Kitty... >.< Oh well, he's such a cute lil dork! Watching this ep only makes me love the Brotherhood even more. Even though they start this huge fight... which is cool! Todd actually uses his slime to spit in someone's face!! And Pietro... runs like he always does! And Freddy... smashes things! (of course, the people sitting on the bleachers deserved to get injured if they were dumb enough to just stay there going "Oooh" while everyone else was running for the hills). And Lance is Lance and tries to get Scott to zap him, for some bizarre reason... Then when he does get zapped, he's knocked out and in Kitty's arms O.o It's WEIRD! Anyway... yeah. This is a good ep for the BH because you get to see them interact with each other (ooh a feat that hasn't been done since Survival of the Fittest! :P)

My Opinion: Usually, I have to watch an episode twice to formulate a concrete opinion (otherwise, it'll be a repeat of how I reacted to the Cauldron O.o At first I was like "DUDE!!!" and then I watched it a second time and was like "Blah..."), but I really REALLY liked this episode!! First of all, there was SCOTT! Lots o' Scott! And Lance! And Pietro! And Todd and Freddy!! And it showed Jean being the bitch she really is (totally blowing off Scott, but then when everyone's like "Gah! Mutants", THEN she's like "Oh, Scott!" and gets close to him. Ho). And, come on, there were HUGE slash vibes between Rogue and I-Forgot-The-English-Girl's Name. HUGE! I almost wanna write a fic about it, except that I don't write femslash well and... I don't write Rogue well. :P Oh well!! I just loved seeing my favorite characters getting some attention! And, as usual, every time I saw a random blonde guy or fire I was like "PYRO! Haha, I know it's not really Pyro but I'm going to pretend it is!" Anywho, wow, the new mutants actually look pretty good. I was like "Sunspot... cute?! What's the world coming to?!!" And Bobby!! XD Bobby didn't look like he was six anymore!! He actually looks like a teenager and not half bad! And Sammy doesn't look like a hideous Lance/Alex hybrid anymore! And... Berzerker, Magma, and Jubilee still look dumb. Poor Jubes. She shouldn't look so freakin' conservative!! And Berzerker just looks dumb. He'd better not join the BH, either! They don't need him, they need Pyro and Scarlet Witch and Phantazia and... other... not-Berzerker people... Yes!

Rating (out of 5): Uhh, I dunno yet. At the moment it's like a 4 1/2 with me. :D

BH Babble: Blah. I'll write this later. :D

This site is copyrighted (too lazy to pick up the nifty copyright symbol...) by DMB/Rosiel - 2001. Of course, the Brotherhood and just about everything else on this site belongs to Marvel Comics and the WB. But I made the chibis! Oh yes.
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