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Uncanny X-Men 255 - O Bitter Victory (or Crash and Burn)

Featuring: Freedom Force (sans Spiral, Crimson Commando, and Super Sabre)

The Gist of It: All right. The Reavers (a bunch of nutty Australian cyborgs O.o Or maybe they were just MADE in Australia... hehe, I think they should have little labels saying that on them) are attacking Miur Island (with the aid of Legion) in the absence of the X-Peeps. Luckily, Banshee and Polaris are around to take 'em on-- but, uh, they're not a lotta help. They both pretty much get their asses kicked, BUT! Freedom Force comes to the rescue! Well, Blob, at least. He kinda... drops out of the sky and the Reavers are like "SHIT!! *runs*" Hehe, then Avalanche jumps outta the jet and lands on Blob. They kinda joke with each other ("Hey hey hey! Was that a landing, Avalanche, or what?!" "Fair to middling, Blob. Body couldn't ask for a softer cushion than your belly.") and then attack the Reavers. Meanwhile, in the plane, Mystique watches on from some tv screen thingie and tells Blob not to get too cocky, since "Freedom Force can handle it" could be considered "Famous last words". Oh yeah! Forge is with them, too, much to Mysti's dismay, as she seems to hate the man. Hehe. While she's all doin' her thing, Pyro and Stonewall are sitting around discussing literature ("Trust a lawyer to love Joyce." "Ultimate precision of language..." "It's gibberish, mate!" He's so cute... er.. anyway!)

Anywho, Mysti talks to Destiny, who's kinda... on edge. "There are moments when it's no fun being with someone who can 'see' the future." "You should try BEING that person." Destiny hints at her oncoming death ("For Heaven's sake, woman, let me help!" "It's too late for that"). As they're talking, the uber ho-bitch Lady Deathstrike jumps on the plane and kills the pilots, resulting in a big fiery crash that would've killed everyone if it weren't for Pyro ("Never a need to worry about open flames, mates, when Pyro's about to control 'em.")! Forge rescues Mystique, who's more than a little pissed off that he didn't grab Destiny, who was, I think, saved by Stonewall. Mystique orders Forge to take Destiny to MacTaggart's lab and keep her safe, and so he does. She then orders Pyro to shoot some really reeeeally hot flame at the Reavers, but uhhh.... that only powers up the bad guys. O.o;; Oops!

And so, Blob's like "Pyro's a bust" to Avalanche, who's like "Yep, so here I go!" and sends an earth wave at them, but... he ends up... gutted by stupid-head Lady Deathstrike. Don't worry, kiddles, he's okay ;D Then, I don't even know how... but, the ground under Blob turns into quicksand, so those two are outta the game. Cut to the labs, where Destiny and Forge are talking. Uh, she tells him to go to Mystique, saying "Love her, Forge, as I have. With all your heart." and then basically "Go before it's too late", and thus, when Forgie leaves, Destiny turns around and Legion's there. Turns out, she made Forge leave so that he wouldn't get killed like she was about to :P ("Hullo, Legion. Were you perhaps expecting to find two of us here to serve your pleasure, silly boy?")

Mystique, in the guise of Deathstrike, attacks the Reavers, but is then caught by Pierce. Uh, and then a telepath (Legion?) sends her the image of Destiny's body, and she screams. And so! Stonewall rescues her by tackling Pierce while Pyro shoots more fire at the Reavers. Um, but then stupid head Legion comes by and kills the flame, resulting in Pyro saying "Who snuffed my flame?" and.. uh... Pierce kills Stronewall with electric currents, causing Pyro to be like "STONEY!" and then he grabs Mystique and runs. They're kinda... screwed, though, so they stop running and say goodbye to each other. "I'll never know if my new book's a bestseller." "I'm sorry that I brought you to this, Pyro." "Break o' the game, luv. Knew that when I signed on. Worse ways to go, than with friends-- HOLEE!?!" Er... yes... Pyro's exclamation is the result of Forge blowing up the Reaver (Skullbuster) about to kill them. "Bang, Buster. You're dead." Hehe. Silly Forge! And so, the Reavers retreat, and some X-People take Destiny's body to Mystique, who basically tells Forge that "Sorry... is such an... inadequate word" and that she'll never forgive him for being responsible for the death of her daughter (Rogue, when the X-Men sacrificed themselves in Fall of the Mutants) and her lover. Then FF leaves, and Forge is moping on the island. Banshee comforts him and stuff.

BH Moments: Blob makes the Reavers scatter, Avalanche attacks them and ultimately gets gutted, Mystique does... stuff... and Pyro's generally useless :D

Characterization: This is another definite must-read. YOU MUST read this one!! It's just... gaaah! One of the best Freedom Force issues EVER! And it's so sad... so very sad... It shows Pyro and Stoney bridging the gap between the BoEM members and the Geezers with their little friendship, more of Mystique and Destiny's relationship, Blob and Avalanche being buddies... *sigh* This is a great ish.

My Opinion: Another one of my favorite all time issues. I love Mystique and Destiny... and all of Freedom Force in general, soooo... yes. I hate the Reavers... *hiss* Lousy bastards!!

Rating (out of 5): 5! 5 5 5 5!

Art Rating (out of 5): 5, again, as the art's good for an 80s comic.

BH Babble:

Can't think of anything for the moment. :/

This site is copyrighted (too lazy to pick up the nifty copyright symbol...) by DMB/Rosiel - 2001. Of course, the Brotherhood and just about everything else on this site belongs to Marvel Comics and the WB. But I made the chibis! Oh yes.
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