Marie's Website.
(just so I can say I have one)
This is just a place to call my own.  I will use it to post pictures that I take or paper that I write. Whatever I feel like putting up. Most of the pictures that will be posted are the ones that I take at the Institute. As a LDS college student, my life mostly revolves around the Institute of Religion where I go to take religious classes and to have a social life. I love it there. It's one of the greatest places on earth. There's such a wonderful feeling of love and friendship. I wouldn't trade my experiences there for anything in the world. Any paper that I post will be ones that I have written that I actually like or ones that I enjoyed writing. I'm no English major, but occasionally I'll write a paper that I'll actually think is not bad. Those will be the papers I post. Anyhow, sign my guestbook. Enjoy my little corner of the world wide web!
Institute Council Spring 2004
My Pictures: Papers I Have Written
I Feel Pretty-The process of getting ready for a date
Institute Formal
The Sound of Emotion- An extended definition of music
Random institute pictures
Grant's Farewell
The Despicable Spectator-- Something I wrote imitating the style of Jamaica kincaid
The Tear in the Heart--A little work imitating the style of Hemingway. I had just found out something that made me really depressed. I put it to use.
Other Websites
My Xanga friend's website. No updates for 2 years though. He's on a mission!
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