Vivien's Archives

  Gyles and Vivien: Storm Rising
  Gyles and Vivien: Fallout
  Greywoods at the Gate
  A Greywood Family Reunion
  Fashionable Life in Aquila: Greywoods
  Exploring the City
  Morning at Bahlmis
  DAY 5: Visiting the Plants at Bahlmis House... and the Greywoods
  DAY 8: Absinthe and Chocolates
  DAY 9: Family Matters
  DAY 9: Fire at the Foundry (Vivien)
  DAY 10: At the Foundry: Next Morning
  DAY 12: The Star Chamber: Gallery
  DAY 12: The Star Chamber: Carriage
  DAY 16: An Unexpected Visit
  DAY 18: Preparations for the Fashion Show


  Jenever's Archives
  Delphine's Archives
  Henry's Archives
  Il Diavolo's Archives
  Septima's Archives
  Vivien's Archives
  Letizia's Archives
  Cordelia's Archives
  Theo's Archives
  the Count's Archives


  Flames and Mirrors

  Index Stock

An Unexpected Visit

    (Day 16. Noonish.)

    It was a gray but balmy day outside when Vivien Greywood knocked on the door to Gyles Byeroth's apartment.

    She had found time to study Aquilan fashion and now was cutting-edge, albeit with a few additions of her own... a charming assymmetry to her pale pink gown, earrings just a bit larger than the norm.

    She was carrying a picnic basket.

    Gyles answered the door, his sleeves rolled up, and ink stains on his fingers. It seemed to take him a moment to realize who stood there before him. "Vivien. Ah.... you look lovely." He glanced behind him, into the room, then shook his head. "The landlady would talk, so I shouldn't invite you in," he murmured.

    Vivien laughed. "That isn't what I had in mind anyway," she said, holding up the basket. "I thought we might have lunch in one of the parks. Shall I give you a few minutes to get ready - that is if I'm not interrupting anything. I saw a lovely little shop about a block back selling these cunning little boots..."

    Gyles started unrolling his shirtsleeves while she spoke, fastening the cuffs with deft fingertips. "I don't think cunning little boots would be my style, but yours..."

    Vivien laughed. "I meant I'd wait there while you change, not I'd take you there, silly!"

    He smiled. "Give me a moment, and I will meet you downstairs. I have fond memories of our last picnic."

    It did not take long, and he was downstairs, dressed much as he had been when they first met. Good clothes, well made with utilitarian cloth, decent cut. He offered his arm. "Are we walking, or shall I secure a cab?"

    "Whichever you prefer," she shrugged, taking his arm. "I think a walk could be fun, though. How have you been?"

    "A walk then." He tucked her arm in close, placing his hand atop hers for a moment, before they began to move. "I have been busy, settling in and finding my way in the business of the city. And you? What has held your attention since we last spent time together... and what has drawn you back to visit me once more?" A sudden smile, filled with intensity and focused entirely on her.

    "I've been busy, too," said Vivien. "There are the plans for the fashion show - we've really been longer in the planning stage than I'd like, but it's dreadfully hard to get a clear time on anything here in Aquila... We hadn't been here long when the Foundry Fire broke out - my cousin Olivia is the head of the hospital and so I volunteered to help out... And there have been the Ducal hearings - and more mundane things like helping out at the Bahlmis greenhouse, designing more clothes for the show, that sort of thing..."

    "I believe I have heard that you were at the greenhouse," Gyles said quietly, but did not interrupt again as she continued.

    She took a breath. "Hmm... Why did I decide to visit you? Could it have been because I like your company?" She laughed lightly. "No, I suppose it had to be more complicated than that. Seriously, I really did want to see you, just to see you. I could add that I'm a little lonely here - Liev's in and out as always, everyone works, I've made some social contacts but no real friends - nobody who seems to want to look me up after the first meeting... I was sitting in a coffee shop by myself and I thought of our meeting and realized I wanted to see you again."

    Gyles gently squeezed where he held her arm. "I'm certainly glad for that. I've wondered how you were doing, but I've been too busy for much of anything but work lately. I should be thanking you for rescuing me, even if I've got to get back to it again later. How do things go with the fashion show?"

    "Slow," Vivien sighed. "But I guess everything moves either more quickly or more slowly here in the city, and it's erratic as to which it will be, if that makes any sense. I've got a bit of advertising already, and we've probably got a locale... I'm still looking for models, though... Don't suppose you'd like to try your hand?"

    Gyles chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest. "Can you see me among your young nobles? With my sun-lined skin and rough hands? I think it would best if I don't, but I'd be happy to help behind the scenes keeping things in line. You'll need someone on the men's side to be assured that they all get dressed and where they need to be in time, I'm certain."

    Vivien laughed along with him. "Actually, I'd like to see you out there with your sun-lined skin and your rough hands - not everything I want to show is for party wear, and I think it's handsome... but if you'd rather be my enforcer, I'd appreciate that, too."

    "I'd rather be your enforcer," Gyles confirmed. "I'll see if I can get my nephew to help. He's skinny, but has a good enough temper to keep people in line. And he seems to have formed friendships with several of the noble girls at the University." This seemed to amuse Gyles. "Perhaps he could help you in your search for models."

    "You can ask him," Vivien said, shaking her head in an amused, self-deprecating fashion. "When we spoke last I upset him by suggesting that you two were a little too serious... Which proved my point, but all the same, I was sorry to make such a mistake - I liked him, and I like his uncle more."

    "As long as you like his uncle more," Gyles murmured, giving her a look that left little open for doubt of his current thoughts. "Devon is, indeed, serious. He has had a hard life, as have I, and we both have our noses to the grindstone. It does not mean that we don't know how to have fun... I know for a fact that Devon has made contacts at the fencing club at University, and apparently has a girlfriend who takes up much of what is left of his free time." There is a faint note of disapproval there... whether it is over the girlfriend in general or specific is impossible to tell.

    Vivien tries very hard not to laugh.

    Then he smiles, and the rest is all forgotten as he looks warmly at Vivien. "Now, perhaps we can return to the subject of the uncle? And how much you like him?" He seemed amused.

    "If I didn't like him," Vivien said with wide, innocent eyes, "I don't think I'd have brought him this lovely lunch, would I? Mmm... But let's see: would you like me to count the ways? I've always been better with pictures than words."

    "Were we not in public, I could think of something better than pictures," Gyles murmured. "But I suppose that should wait. Unless of course you have illustrations?" A wicked glint lit his eyes, and a soft laugh rumbled through him.

    He had relaxed, the tension easing from his body as he walked next to her.

    Vivien laughed richly, shaking her head. She snapped her fingers in mock disappointment. "Oh! I forgot to bring them!" Sidling a little closer she laid her head on his shoulder for a moment, murmuring, "Shame about the public... but you said we couldn't go in your apartment, either, so I suppose we're out of luck..."

    His fingers moved, an expert touch managing to brush the side of her bodice as she leaned into him, hidden from any prying eyes that might notice. "I assure you, my dear, we will find a place," he murmured in return. "And if I have my way, you will be most anxious to go there when our picnic is done."

    "Have you seen much of the city yet?" he asked, still keeping her close enough to gently tease.

    Vivien gave him a reproachful look. "If you keep on that way, I'll forget about the picnic. Monster."

    "There is nothing wrong with working up an appetite before we eat," he said. The smile set into his rugged features seemed innocent; his fingers remained anything but.

    She laughed. "I've seen quite a bit of it, actually. I still haven't been to the University - I meant to have a look around there, but I haven't gotten around to it. I've been to most of the main shopping areas, downtown, and to the Bahlmis house and gardens, and... the area around the Foundry..."

    "The Foundry?" Gyles looked surprised. "Why there?"

    Vivien sobered. "Well, you must have heard of the fire there. My cousin - Lady Greywood - works at the hospital and she was called in late that night. I happened to be up so I volunteered to come along and help." A rueful smile barely caught her dimple. She was looking at the ground now. "I didn't have any idea what I'd find there. But I'm glad I went."

    Gyles drew Vivien to a stop, turning to face her without releasing her arm. With his free hand, he tipped her chin up to look at him. "And what did you find?" he asked quietly, as his thumb stroked along her jawline. There was nothing sensual in the gesture, only fond comfort.

    "There were people... burned much more badly than I believed possible - there were children, separated from their parents, terrified... That was bad, but... they shielded me from the worst of it. That part of the city is... I don't know... No one has any money for food or clothing or the necessities but the tavern just down the street is doing a fine business... they charged us a gold piece a bottle for alcohol for the wounded... I was disgusted, but later I thought - maybe the owner of that place came from those streets and maybe he'll do anything not to go back."

    "If he did, then his heart is no longer with the people he once called family." Gyles tone is hard. "Those of us who come from difficult places, once out, do not forget those we were with. Were he a good person, he would have helped, not hindered your effort. And you..." He smiled then, eyes holding hers as the edge of his thumb brushed the corner of her mouth. "You stepped outside of your world. There are a lot of places which have lost their shine... and in many cases, their hope."

    Vivien looked away, then back. "I... guess that's hard to think about. I don't know what I'd do without hope."

    "That is why it is so important that those of us who have hope give some to them. Which you did, did you not?" His voice is low, almost a whisper, thumb still gently touching her skin.

    "I don't know... I doubt it," Vivien shook her head. Modesty was not a usual quality of hers, so it was obvious she was troubled. "I told stories to some children and I tried to calm down the injured so Dr. Gallfrey could work. It wasn't anything that would change a person's life."

    "What would you do... if you could change their lives?" Gyles asked.

    "I don't know, just... regular food, clothing, enough room to sleep," Vivien shook her head. "I'm a poor cousin, and I've got more money in my pocket than they'd see in a lifetime."

    "Which is my point, and a point I tried to make once before." HIs voice is gentle, his gaze into her eyes intense. "You are a poor cousin, but you have so much in you and in your life, that to waste it is well..." he chuckled. "A waste. Here's an idea... turn your designing talents to finding a way to clothe the poor in better, less expensive, clothing. Or as people come to you for your designs, take some of the money and create a fund to help feed those who have less than you. Adopt a family and buy them food... but first learn what they eat and how they make what little they have stretch, so that what little you can give them stretches as far as it can. Come winter, some of these people will freeze, or starve. You can help them."

    Vivien considered his suggestions. She was nodding. "Yes, I can... set aside some money for a fund for the less well off - to design and produce warm, resilient clothing we can sell for reasonable prices - I'll need to do some research, talk to some people - style's really more my line than production, but it can be done... and I like the part about the fund to feed the hungry, too... Perhaps I could open a little place that would offer food for... well - is it better to have to pay a little for it, so as not to feel like you're accepting charity?"

    Gyles thought about that for a few minutes. "You'd need to make sure that the people who came in were indeed needy. Not just too drunk to work. Nor playing games of some kind. Those who are proud would rather give something for what they get, but not everyone has something to give. Think about how you might get around that." His arm on hers tightened. "I like this, Vivien. This is much better than so many things you can spend money on."

    Vivien returned his smile warmly, but then perhaps had been serious for too long, because suddenly the smile broke even wider and her eyes sparkled and she said, "Not to disappoint you too much, but I will still be spending money on more frivolous things - like gowns... and picnics..."

    "I would not argue you spending money on any of those things... as long as you spend your money on things to for your betterment." Gyles grinned in return. "And speaking of picnics, we should have ours, so we can move on to other pursuits. If you have time enough in your busy schedule, that is..."

    "This is my busy schedule today," she replied, laughing. "After all, I came to you, didn't I?"

    She started walking again and they arrived at the park in short measure.

    "You did indeed, and I am most glad for that, my lovely lady," Gyles told her. "So what is it you would have of me, to entertain you today?" He took the basket from her arms, seeking the tablecloth inside to lay upon the ground so that they might sit.

    There was indeed a tablecloth inside, of purple and white checks. Vivien helped him spread it and then sat gracefully on one edge. "Hmm... What about an account of what you've been doing in the city? What keeps you so busy?"

    "Among other things? I have been writing for the publication Aquila Awake! With help from certain people in the background," Gyles told her. He sat with her, just far enough away to be within propriety, but as close as possible within those bounds. HIs hand rested atop her fingers. "There are other things which have stolen my time... other endeavours. But unfortunately, I have promised those whom I aid that I will not speak of their employment. What I have been doing is selling my business sense to those who have need of it."

    "Indeed? Aquila Awake, I myself, and... who else?" Vivien looked down at their hands and then back at his eyes, smiling.

    His fingers moved over the back of her hand in a light, sensual touch. "Ah, but did I not just say I couldn't say who? What I've found is that often those who most need help with business sense do not wish others to know it, in case someone might consider to take advantage of their natural lack. So I will remain saying that I am uninvolved should I be asked, and allow them to take full credit, and keep their reputation safe."

    "Oh, well, it was worth a try," said Vivien lightly. "Are you doing anything socially? Anything for fun?"

    Gyles' sigh was almost theatrical. "Unfortunately, no. Being a cit, I don't have much entrance into the good social circles. And I have no desire to involved myself with the more tawdry elements of the city. So I have been far more about work than play. Which leaves me certainly ready to play."

    "Eat first," Vivien said with mock sternness. "I'm starving." She begin to lay out the items in the picnic basket: a loaf of bread, some cheese, some apples and grapes, smoked fish, and a bottle of wine. The glassware came out last, very carefully wrapped in napkins.

    As she cut up the bread and cheese on wooden cutting boards, she said, "Are you political at all, dear?"

    "Those who read Aquila Awake will certainly think so." He lifted a piece of cheese and set it onto a slice of bread, then held them up in offering to her lips. He smiled. "I am a farmer, my dear, and a businessman. My involvement in noble politics is simply a way to ensure that the things I care about remain well. Why do you ask? I didn't think you would find such a dry topic as politics entertaining."

    "Well, that does depend on the politics, after all," she replied, leaning forward and taking a bite of the proffered food. "Some things affect everyone, and I have to be interested in those. And I've always had an interest in power - who has it, who doesn't, who can make things happen."

    She offered Gyles a grape.

    He leaned forward to take it between his teeth, nipping at her fingertip as he did so.

    "Then I am assured to disappoint you, my dear, as my power is not political, but economical. What is it that you are thinking of, in particular?" Gyles selected a second grape for himself, then offered another to Vivien.

    "Disappoint me? How? I only said I was interested, not fixated. At present, most of my interest is in the succession - and what happens once its chosen."

    In contrast to her words, which were relatively serious (for Vivien), she bent forward to receive the grape - and somehow seemed to miss, taking his finger and thumb in her lips for a movement, before she drew away with the fruit.

    A quick hiss of breath. He brushed his thumb over the corner of her mouth before he drew away. "The succession is one of the most important decisions facing the political world," he agreed. He captured another grape, offering it with a smile. "Do you have a preference between one or the other?"

    "It wouldn't be very fair of me to, since I've only met one - Harold. I liked him, though. He seemed a nice enough man - wears his power without letting it wear him. But I'm not sure choosing either will be good for Aquila in the short run."

    She bent forward for the second grape, kissing his fingers as she took it between her teeth.

    "You distract me," Gyles murmured, eyes on hers. "Why is it that neither would be good for Aquila?"

    "Um... I just think that a lot of people put a lot of energy into this - give it a lot of personal importance, and I'm not sure they're the kind of people to just step aside if they're thwarted." Vivien shrugged. "I hope I'm wrong."

    "If either is willing to sacrifice our world for their power, then they are unfit to have the position," Gyles says firmly. "And I suspect there are those who will recognize it." For a moment he seems about to say something else, but he ends instead with a tight smile. "If they do continue past the point of the choice, they will be sacrificing us to their desires. The people of Aquila need a decision, and once made, they need to move forward."

    "That seems to be the general consensus," Vivien said. Then suddenly she smiled, and it was impossible to say if the serious girl of before had been the mask, or if this new light-hearted debutante was the facade, or possibly both. "And I don't know a thing about politics, anyway."

    Gyles raised one eyebrow and smirked. While he had enjoyed the debate, he enjoyed the light-hearted girl equally as much. And had plans for the latter, with any luck, in the near future.

    She raised her glass toward Gyles. "To the reunion."

    He brought his up to meet hers in a soft clink. "To our reunion. May it be sweet and filled with passion." He took a sip to seal the toast. "You've changed, Vivien. I find myself intrigued and wishing to unwrap the layers that are you."

    She sipped her own wine, then looked at him with smoldering eyes. "Unwrapping layers sounds good..."

    "Perhaps then we should finish our meal and adjourn to a carriage..." Gyles murmurs.

    "A carriage?" Vivien's eyes lit up. "I don't think I've ever tried that before..."

    And in return, Gyles' expression smouldered. "Then, my dear... I would be honored to treat you to a new experience."

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