Vivien's Archives

  Gyles and Vivien: Storm Rising
  Gyles and Vivien: Fallout
  Greywoods at the Gate
  A Greywood Family Reunion
  Fashionable Life in Aquila: Greywoods
  Exploring the City
  Morning at Bahlmis
  DAY 5: Visiting the Plants at Bahlmis House... and the Greywoods
  DAY 8: Absinthe and Chocolates
  DAY 9: Family Matters
  DAY 9: Fire at the Foundry (Vivien)
  DAY 10: At the Foundry: Next Morning
  DAY 12: The Star Chamber: Gallery
  DAY 12: The Star Chamber: Carriage
  DAY 16: An Unexpected Visit
  DAY 18: Preparations for the Fashion Show


  Jenever's Archives
  Delphine's Archives
  Henry's Archives
  Il Diavolo's Archives
  Septima's Archives
  Vivien's Archives
  Letizia's Archives
  Cordelia's Archives
  Theo's Archives
  the Count's Archives


  Flames and Mirrors

  Index Stock

Visiting the Plants at Bahlmis House... And the Greywoods

    (Day 5)

    Devon walked up to the front door of Bahlmis House. He paused once there, checked his shirt and slacks for neatness, and brushed a long lock of dark hair back behind his ear. His clothes were indeed neat, although somewhat rustic, and the beaten leather pack against his hip had seen better days. He reached over to pat the pack, checking to see if his glasses were still in their pocket and hadn't been lost on the way -- they were.

    He stared at the door before knocking. He was already welcome here for the salle... and now Dr. Bahlmis said her plants were here. And that they would feed him as a part of his wages. It seemed he would be spending a lot of time here at Bahlmis House. He wondered what Gyles... or his father... would think of that.

    Then, a little nervously, he knocked upon the door.

    The door was opened by a slight man with a thin weathered face. He wore plain black rather than Bahlmis livery, although there was a knot in Bahlmis ribbons at his shoulder. Dev recognised him as Talaren's manservant, Tomin.

    "Yes?" he said briefly and then, with recognition. "You're the fencer, aren't you? Over in the salle?"

    Devon nodded. "Devon Byeroth," he stated. "But actually, I'm here for something different today. Dr. Bahlmis sent me over to meet with Lady Greywood about the plants. She's asked me to help out." He looked into the house, as if he might somehow see the rows of plants just sitting there, then sighed. "Could you tell me where I should go?"

    Tomin nodded.

    "Make your way round the back of the house - to the gardens. You'll see a long sloping lawn stretched in front of you - it extends perhaps two hundred yards before it reaches a high stone wall, and to the right there's a stout box hedge of yew. A tunnel cut through this will get you through to the formal gardens and the greenhouses. First off, you'll be in a walled knot garden with herbs growing in the borders. That'll tell you you're going the right way. You'll see a high red wall opposite, and a wooden gate in that. The greenhouses are on the far side, but you might find Miss Greywood in the herb garden, or there. Don't touch anything less she gives you the say so. Some of those native plants can bring you out in hives.

    Devon nodded. "Dr. Bahlmis said as much. She's already showed me some." Devon started to turn, then stopped. "Thanks." With another curt nod, he made his way back out and around back, following Tomin's directions until he reached the first herb garden. He looked around for someone as he walked, moving more slowly, wondering where he'd find Miss Greywood -- with the herbs, or in the greenhouses.

    There was a petite dark-haired girl working in the herb garden. She wore a simple but very well-tailored blue dress and gardening gloves. She seemed to be weeding, and she did not notice Devon's approach.

    Devon stopped at the edge, hands shoved in his pockets. He watched the girl working for a moment, then shrugged to himself and called out, "Excuse me." Slouching gave his thin frame some seeming of bulk, but the angular planes of his face were still graceful as he shook long hair out of his face. "Sorry to bother you, but Dr. Bahlmis sent me out to see the greenhouses, and meet Miss Greywood, if she's here."

    The girl rose and moved gracefully toward him, slipping the glove from her right hand. She was quite pretty, with strikingly pale blue eyes. "I'm Vivien Greywood," she said, putting the emphasis on her first name. She extended her hand, although she didn't seem quite sure if she intended him to kiss it or shake it, it was thumb-up, but a little overextended. "I moved out to the garden to get a bit of air... I do like working with these plants, but I can't say I like the hats and veils much, Mister...?"

    "Byeroth." He took her hand automatically, looked down at it as if surprised to see it nestled in his hand, then shook it once before releasing it. "Devon, really. Unless you'd prefer to keep formal."

    "No, call me Vivien," she said, flashing a brilliant smile.

    He looked at her, then at the far wall, beyond which he knew the greenhouse would be. "Hats and veils? I'm only just starting this job, and I'm not sure I know what you mean. I told Dr. Bahlmis I've done outdoor gardening -- farming, really -- but she offered me this job and I'm willing to learn." He paused again. "Hats? Veils?"

    "The environment inside the greenhouse is fragile, and many of the more exotic flowers could be damaged by contaminants we brought inside with us, is I think what Aunt Olivia and Lady Bahlmis said when we first went in... I'm not really an expert, I'm just a volunteer. Not many city folk know anything about working with plants, so my grandmother and I said we'd help. It'll be nice to have another person with some experience, though, since Nana gets tired out easily and I've got... other things to think about as well." Vivien said all this as she led Devon toward the greenhouses. "Not that you don't of course, but it will be easier to divide the work load with more people - the hours can be more convenient. Say, do you like burgundy?"

    Devon's mouth was open, about to respond, but her question brought a furrow of confusion to his forehead. Whatever he'd intended to say was lost in the simple question, "Burgundy?"

    "Burgundy. The color." As if she were oblivious to his confusion, although actually she was quite enjoying it, Vivien gestured at the herb gardens as they passed, "these are mostly medicinal. I don't know how many you recognize, but caring for them is relatively simple. They're not nearly as touchy as the ones in the greenhouses."

    Devon looked at the herbs as they passed. "Most of them," he said. "At least the ones I know what they do, and a few I didn't know could be used for healing. I'd be interested in the knowing; I've got a friend back home who'd like to..." His voice trailed off. "Burgundy. The color. Well... I don't really think about it. Why?"

    "Mostly because it's a habit of mine, designing," said Vivien. "Perhaps a little because I'm looking for some people to help me with a charity event to raise money for the hospital. And I did say the herbs were mostly medicinal - there are some here for seasoning, of course." She smiled again. "So, you work at the hospital, Mr.- I mean, Devon?"

    Devon nodded, his expression easing as he stumbled back onto a more familiar conversational ground. "Just getting started. That and this'll be a good way to earn some extra money. In between classes and studying."

    "So you're a busy man." Vivien now was leading him toward the doors of one of the larger greenhouses. She stopped and cocked her head to the side, considering him. "You know... I've heard the name Byeroth before. Is it common in Aquila City?"

    Devon stopped as well to look at her as he shook his head. "I doubt it. I've only ever known my own family, and we're from the country. The only other Byeroth I know in the city is..." his voice slowed down. "My uncle Gyles." He cocked his head and looked at her.

    "Gyles is your uncle?" Vivien's face broke into an enormous smile. "Why, that's amazing! Coincidences abound here, I expect. We met at my home in the country - he sold my brother Liev and I some dyes."

    "He did? He didn't tell me he'd found a buyer," Devon said. "I knew he was going to try. Those are dyes my friend Amy started working on, and I'd helped her out. Back home, of course, before I came to University. I'm glad he found someone interested in them." A smile lit his eyes, erasing tight lines from his forehead, and his stance relaxed.

    "Well, fabrics are something of a family business," said Vivien. They had arrived at the greenhouse door, but she stopped so that she could continue this part of the conversation. "So you worked on them, too? You might get a chance to see them used on cloth if you come to my fashion show. They've been implemented in many of my designs."

    "I'd like to see them. I've seen what Amy did with them, but that was all just things around the house. Farm things." Devon looked at Vivien. "But a fashion show?" He scowled. "I can't even imagine such a thing." He looked at the door, a sudden hunger in his gaze. "Is this it? Where the plants are?"

    "Yes, this is it. We can go in whenever you like," Vivien murmured, enjoying Devon's obvious interest, but wishing it had been directed toward something that interested her more. "And yes, a fashion show - Aunt Olivia needs some help with some money for the hospital and I thought that a fashion show might interest some nobles enough to work up some money. If you come, you'll be able to see the dyes on some fabrics... Actually, if you'd like, I could use some male models..."

    "I can't pay to come," Devon said. "I'll help the clinic by not taking what it gives out free and paying for what I get. Models?"

    From the furrow of confusion, he's not sure what she's suggesting.

    But Vivien was still thinking about his first comment. "Pay to come? Of course not. We don't want to limit this to only the richest of people - it's meant to be entertainment as well as a fundraiser. We'll have signs that say donations are welcome, and we might sell some of my pieces, and probably raffle off some prizes, but we won't charge at the door. And I certainly won't make the clinic pay for the party. I may not be rich by the standards of Aquilan royalty, but I know that my family can afford to throw a gala or two." She laughed, a rich, dark sound. "Yes, models. Someone to wear my designs - I haven't had much luck finding anyone yet."

    Devon shook his head. "Well, I'm not the one for that. I could ask some of the nobs I know. Acciaio -- he'd look good up there, I bet."

    "I would be very grateful," said Vivien. She looked slightly disappointed, however. "Very well, on we go, then."

    She showed him the hats with veils and the protective gloves. "Better suit up if you'd like to see the inside," she said with a smile.

    Devon's eyes widened. "Isn't this the same sort of stuff that grows in the scrub all around home?" he asked. "Although, yeah, the one she showed me gives some people nasty rashes." Still, he took the protective gear and with little grace, wrestled himself into it. Once he got the hat settled, and the veil pulled down, he made a face. "Never thought my gardening and my fencing would come to seem so close together. Like going on attack against the plants."

    "You fence?" Vivien's eyes lit up for a moment with renewed interest. "I don't suppose you - oh, no, of course not... Well, I think a few of these plants do cause allergic reactions in most people, but some of them are delicate themselves and could be damaged by having other pollen and whatnot from outside brought in - at least that's the way I understand it. I'm not an expert at all, just a volunteer who's seen some of these plants, when I lived in the country."

    She put on her own gloves and hat, leaving the veil for the moment.

    "This is different than anything I've done with plants before," Devon muttered. "I'll do my best anyway. And..." he glanced over at Vivien. "I meant it. I'll talk to Acciaio, and I know some of the girls. You want people modeling my dyes... I'll see if I can get 'em for you."

    "I'm very grateful to you," she said again. "Although I'd hate to put you to too much trouble - you have got two jobs and all - but if you'd put in a word, and ask anybody who might be interested to come see me - either here or at the Greywood House, that would be really smashing of you."

    She lowered her veil and pushed open the door of the greenhouse.

    "And now," she said, "without further ado, the flowers!"

    Devon followed her into the greenhouse, his gaze drifting over the plants, noting which ones looked familiar, and which didn't.

    Vivien also cast her eyes along the plants, noting without much interest which areas needed to be weeded and which might take a bit more water. "Those are my favorite," she said, gesturing toward a spiky plant with a purple flower. "Hard to take care of, but they're worth it. I like things that give return on an investment. I guess... the harder a thing is to care for, the more it's worth caring for, eh?"

    That gets a surprised laugh from Devon. "That's an interesting way of looking at it, but yeah, I suppose you're right. Sometimes the dearest things are the most difficult." He takes a close look at the plant, and while speaking almost automatically begins gently picking weeds from the dirt, looking around for a place to discard them.

    "My, you are a natural, aren't you," said Vivien. She picked up a bucket and placed it near him. It already had a few weeds in the bottom.

    "Do you mind if I ask personal questions? We are going to be working together a bit and I'd like to get to know you."

    Devon dropped the weeds into the bucket and kept his concentration on the plants and his work. "You can ask. I don't make any promises to answer if I don't like the question."

    "That sounds fair." The dark-haired girl took a seat on a nearby bench and pursed her lips. "Let's start small then... What do you like to do for fun?"

    "This," he answered honestly, moving along from plant to plant as he weeded them clear. "Fence. I don't have much free time generally, anyway."

    "You really like weeding?" Vivien laughed. "You're a man in a million, then, Devon. And... let's see - did you say you went to University?"

    Devon nodded. "I grew up doing this," he pulled a weed and tossed it. "Whenever I got in a temper, I got sent out to weed. So I ended up liking it." His tone was shaded with defensiveness. "And yeah... I'm at the University. Economics."

    "Economics?" Vivien made a face. "You must be like your uncle then. Handsome, but much too serious for your own good."

    Devon flushed, even as he looked over at her, startled. "Gyles? Serious? Well, I guess, when it comes to taking care of things, yes. Where we come from you have to take things seriously or you end up starving, or worse yet, dead. I'm doing economics so when I go home, I'll be able to help make things better, and so I'll be ready to take over my father when he's gone. I suppose a nob like you wouldn't understand that." With a sour expression, he turned back to the weeding, back hunched.

    "I suppose not," Vivien said in a neutral voice. She rose and moved to work beside him, taking the pruning shears with her and cutting back a few overgrown plants. Quietly she said, "But you can't really hold that against me, can you? I think it's very good of you to want to make things better. And I'd like to understand. But my parents - well, they never really wanted me to get involved with anything except parties and galas and playing dress up - the serious stuff was always for Liev - that's my brother. That isn't a "poor me" line, not at all, since up until recently I wasn't interested in anything much beyond making friends and conquests and designing clothes... But Aunt Olivia... has sort of shown me that a woman can do more than that... and maybe, if she can, she should..."

    "You're right, she should," Devon said, voice flat. "The person who discovered those dyes was a woman, and she made the first batches by hand while I helped. The income she brings in will be welcome to her family." For a moment something hitched in his voice, and he paused, yanking a weed out and tossing it into the bucket. "It's good you've realized that, because everyone's needed if anyone's ever to make a difference. Women or men. And if you don't want me to hold it against you, maybe you shouldn't hold being serious against me. Or Gyles."

    Vivien's eyes widened, her mouth parting slightly as she stared at Devon. "I don't," she said finally, just a little too lightly. She rose and dusted off her skirts. "Would you like to see the rest of the greenhouse, Mr. Byeroth?"

    Devon carefully finished where he was working, pushing the soil back around the roots with careful gloved fingers. Then he stood as well. "Sure." He motioned for her to lead on.

    Vivien led him down the path toward the more elaborate part of the greenhouse - the area that had taken her breath and tugged on the homesick heartstrings. "Almost like home," she said, gesturing around them.

    Devon stopped as he saw it, taking in the trees, the water... the natural way it was all arranged. His voice caught as he echoed, "Almost like home." He turned, taking it all in, and Vivien might think she caught a shine in his eyes behind the mask. He took a deep breath. "Add in the fields and the crops, and it would be home... well, and a lot more land. Having something like this, here, in the middle of the city..." his voice trailed off, and when he spoke again, it was barely a whisper, "I'd work here without getting paid."

    Vivien smiled at him, their recent exchange forgotten.

    Their peace was disturbed by a soft rustle followed by a loud squeak. A short, elderly lady was approaching, pulling something behind her. Wisps of white hair stuck out around the straps of her mask and her chubby arm was waving in their direction.

    "Vivvie!" she called. "Wait until you see what the gardeners made for me!"

    Stopping in front of her granddaughter, she gave one last tug on the leather strap. The contraption, which looked like a short stool on wheels, lurched forward, bumping into her leg. The woman stumbled, grabbing Devon by the shoulder.

    As she caught him, Devon turned, both hands out to catch her and help her stand.

    "Oh oh… now I'll be bruised for weeks," she sighed and then looked up at her makeshift support.

    "Hello there! Sorry about grabbing you like that." She patted the lanky youth's shoulder then let her arm drop. "I'm not sure we've met. I'm Gloria Greywood, Vivien's grandmother."

    "Ma'am. I'm Devon Byeroth, and I've been sent over to help out in the greenhouses." Devon nodded politely. "Vivien's been showing me around."

    "And what have you got there, Nana?" Vivien said, stooping to inspect the support. "I wonder if we could rig a better way to attach it your clothing... so it wouldn't bruise you. Poor dear."

    She kissed her grandmother's cheek.

    "Devon Byeroth..." Gloria's voice trailed off as she looked at the young man, placing his name and face in her mind. "A pleasure to meet you."

    "Good to meet you as well," Devon nodded politely.

    "See what the gardeners made for me? They're so clever." Addressing them both, she stepped aside so the pair could better see her contraption. It was a stool, cut down to knee high, with wheels attached. "They lashed two baskets here and here so I can keep my tools in one and throw clippings and weeds in the other. Now I can scoot along and work instead of all that bending." Gloria's eyes sparkled with delight over her new toy.

    "That's an excellent idea," Devon said. He fell silent, gaze drawn to the environment around them more than the people he was with.

    "It is a marvelous idea, but perhaps if I added a strap here, and tightened this strap here... it'd be a bit more suited to you when you want to walk someplace..." Vivien continued to inspect the invention. "All the same, the little baskets are brilliant."

    Devon moves off to let grandmother and granddaughter speak, drawn to the plants instead.

    Gloria smiled lovingly at her granddaughter. "Thanks, dear. Do you remember Olivia saying if any of these plants were good for healing bruises?"

    "I don't... think so..." Vivien glanced around the greenhouse. "Oh, but that one's supposed to be good against pain."

    The grandmother shuffled over in the direction that Vivien indicated. "Was it the leaf, or the root?" she wondered out loud. Her hand shook slightly, holding a gardening knife over the plant.

    "The leaf, but you'd better let me," Vivien said, kneeling beside the plant and taking the knife from her grandmother's hand. She gently cut a sprig and crushed one of the leaves against her thumb. It gave off a slightly antiseptic scent.

    Gloria slowly, carefully lowered herself down on her little stool. Glancing over to ensure Devon's attentions were elsewhere, she pulled up her skirts to reveal her pale, fleshy calf, a red streak showing where the cart bumped her.

    "He's a handsome young man," she whispered to Vivien. "Is he a new gardener?"

    "Yes, Nana," Vivien said, pouring a little clean water into a tin and crushing the leaves into it. She then dipped a clean rag into the mixture and applied it gently to Gloria's bruise. "But I don't think he likes me."

    Vivien was not speaking loudly, but she was not whispering either.

    It was impossible to tell from the set of Devon's shoulders whether he had heard or not. He continued tending the plants in silence.

    Glancing toward the young man and back to her granddaughter, she chuckled. "Oh, Vivvie, you just met him. Don't be so judgemental." Gloria fanned her skirts until her leg was dry.

    Vivien pouted. "Everyone's saying that to me today. I am not judgmental, Nana."

    "How long do you want to work today? I have an errand or two to run on our way home."

    "Oh, a few hours... I think we're supposed to see Lord Tremontaine about using his house for the fashion show soon - but I can't remember if it's today or tomorrow or... Everything's been so busy here. Do you think the city's always like this?"

    Her grandmother responded with a twinkle in her hazel eye, "It's an adventure. That's why you came, wasn't it?"

    "Oh, I guess so," Vivien smiled back. "I was thinking more of parties and galas, though. Ah, well..."

    "Ah, well..." Gloria echoed. "Perhaps it's the wrong season. We'll see what happens after your fashion debut."

    Vivien's eyebrows moved in consideration, then she shrugged. "Well, whatever is the case will be fine, I'm sure."

    Gloria turned and tugged her contraption down the path to where Devon was working. Scooping up his pile of weeds and clippings, she let out a soft murmur of appreciation.

    As she approaches, there is a tension over his shoulders that shows he knows she is coming, but his attention is all for the plants.

    "Wonderful work... Thank you, Mr. Byeroth for helping with the plants."

    He sat back on his heels and pushed long hair back from his face. There was a soft pleasure lighting his chocolate eyes when he looked at her. "It's a pleasure, Ma'am. Can't think of many better ways I could earn some money. I'll make sure to send over my schedule when it's all settled, so you won't be surprised when you see me here."

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