5 legs & 2 wheels
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bc day 15
Date: June 15, 2002
Start: Cochrane
Final Destination: Calgary
Start Time: 8:00 am
Stop Time: 11:00 am
Total Biking Time: 1:40:52
Total Distance: 38.80 km
Trip Distance: 1343.15 km
Average Speed: 23.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Weather: Sunny and warm. Light tail winds.
Road Shoulder Condition: Good.
Road Condition: Good.
Route Description: Big hill leading out of Cochrane. Mostly flat after that. 2 lane changed to 4 lane divided highway about 15 km outside of Calgary.
Traffic: Average.
Significant Elevations: N/A

Had an early breakfast at Timmy's and hit the road. There was a big climb right off the bat. Near the top of the climb are a lookout and a plaque dedicated to the towns hand gliding pioneers (it's the only hill for miles - it make sense). The ride after that was easy. Flat to ever so slightly downhill with a light tail wind on my back. With the exception of the morning hill climb and some slow navigating in Calgary, my average speed for the day was more like 30-35 km/h, much faster than any previous day.

The ride to Calgary was uneventful and uninteresting, but blazingly fast. Downtown Calgary itself turned out to be pretty interesting. I toured a market area by a river and a pedestrian street remarkably similar to Sparks Street. I found a hotel near the airport, picked up some newspapers, turned on the TV, and started catching up on two weeks of news.

I looked in a full-length mirror for the first time in ages. I was several shades darker and several pounds lighter than when I started in Vancouver two weeks ago. My hands were dark, cracked, and wrinkly. They looked like the hands of a 70 year old. My legs felt like cast iron. My belly was almost flat again. The "Hop on a bike and go across BC" weight loss plan had been effective!

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