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Strength Training Format

Warm up

  • Brisk walking is best.
    • This is easy and elevates heart rate.
  • Low impact, follow the leader aerobics works, too.
    • 5-6 minutes

*You may add some leg stretching here (Runner's Stretch/calf, Hamstring Stretch, Inner Thigh & Quads/front of thigh).


  • It is recommended that you begin working the large muscle groups (Legs, Chest, and Back muscles).
    • This allows the smaller ones to get warmed up (Biceps, Triceps, and Shoulders).
  • The perfect weight is when you can complete 8 but no more than 12 repetitions of each exercise. Recommend doing 2 sets per muscle group.
    • 12 reps in the first set and 8-10 in the second set.
  • One minute stretch between sets.

*Purpose for stretching- When you lift weights, you are literally breaking down muscle. Then your body rebuilds that muscle, making the resulting muscle stronger and sometimes tight and sore. Stretch until you feel some resistance and hold for 10-30 seconds (this is very important).


  1. Legs
    • Leg exercises - squats, plie's, single leg split lunge, travel squats, squat & toe raise, etc..

  2. Upper body (Large Muscles- chest & back)
    • Chest exercises - chest press, open fly chest press
    • Back exercises - bent over shoulder blade squeeze and release, single upward row, double rows on floor.
      Back extension and lower (lying on floor, facing downward and lifting upper body with hands on forehead- inhale and lift/exhale and lower). Back extension with opposite arm and leg (lift and lower).

  3. Upper Body (Smaller Muscles- bicep, tricep, & shoulders)
    • Bicep exercises - Bicep curls, hammer curls, concentrated bicep curl, bucket bicep curls (rotate hands outward and curl like picking up a bucket).
    • Tricep exercises - Tricep dip and extend (standing).
      Tricep kickbacks, skull crushers (lying down).
      NEW exercise for triceps. Terrific triceps may be done on a step, inclined step, or floor (while lying on back). Take one weight and hold the ends in your hands, take the arms back so they are running along your ears, movement is from the elbows to the weights, press the weights up towards ceiling and back down.
    • Shoulder exercises - Side arm extension and lower, overhead press and lower, single overhead press and lower, side arm lift/rotate and press to overhead/lower to shoulders/rotate and lower, shoulder lift and lower with weights, 1 1/2 shoulder lift and lower (advanced). Use bent elbows with side arm extensions

  4. Abdominals, outer thigh exercises on floor, inner thigh, hips/gluteals.

  5. Conclude with stretching and relaxation. Allow students to leave feeling good.


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Created April, 2000
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