Videogames and anime go hand in hand. Both borrow different elements from each other. It's little surprise then that the large number of videogamers are also anime fans. Hence, this anime section.

Living in the UK, I don't really get as much access to anime as I'd want - the genre has slowly died over the last few years, and I doubt it'll ever see the glory days of the early 90's again in this country. However, in the US it's still a big business, and getting bigger all the time, with several anime TV series making their way onto US television (Dragonball Z, Gundam Wing, etc). If anyone out there wishes to contribute a review, feel free - you'll be credited of course. I want to make this section quite broad in scope - and based on just my own reviews, that isn't going to happen.


Record Of Lodoss War Complete Series (DVD)

RG Veda

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