Welcome to the
Autism News Network.

Current Monthly newsletter:

April 2002

This is Amy's latest issue of the AutismNews! 
Come see it!

Our Mission:

We believe that most of the information about autism is with you, among the parents of children with autism and PDD.  We seek to put you parents together so you can improve the lives of your children and families.

Autism News delivers a monthly newsletter providing meeting information to the people of Illinois and articles of interest to all regarding scientific and medical breakthroughs, political issues involving protecting our children's rights, educational rights information, witticisms, and other articles you may enjoy.  The newsletter will notify you of meetings close to you where you can meet other parents and of conferences where professionals give their advice.

The on-line eMail list is another vital source of information.  Imagine asking a question about your child and having over 200 parents who have faced the same question see the question and offer advice.  When you post an eMail question to the list, it is automatically transmitted to everyone on the list.  Those who can answer the question will suggest an answer, and often inspire others to post further leads.  Do you have a question about a particular doctor or a therapy, the side effects of a suggested medication, the policies of a school district, how to handle grandparents, or how to teach a discrete trial drill?  The topics discussed by our on-line group are endless and lively.  You sometimes can get an answer within minutes of posting to the list.

Over the last few years, parents have increased the public awareness of autism and increased the funding of medical research to discover the causes and cures of whatever underlies autism and PDD.  Only when we parents stand united will our children have medical attention they deserve and protect their educational rights.  We hope that this network of parents, by facilitating communication among the parents,  will form the seeds of the organization of progress.

The Autism News Network is noncommercial and your email address will not be sold.  It operates solely on the volunteer efforts of you parents and the newsletter moms and dads.  An annual subscription is $15.00 for the snailmail version.

Being the parent of children with autism or PDD is challenging and demanding.  We ask for a blessing on you for your undertakings and hope that your families achieve as much progress as possible.

To contribute an article, send an email or write to:

Autism News
P.O. Box 1255
Crystal Lake, IL  60039-1255

[email protected]

To join the e-list, send an email to 

[email protected]

We also have a New Parent PacketThis is a first source to find help in these parts, and is loaded with facts, phone numbers and lists of help.

Favorite Links:
Mothers From Hell2
Beyond Autism

Autism Society of Illinois

NW Suburban ASA

Pediatric Neurology, SC


Email: [email protected]



Look here for information about where to find a support group near you or with your interests, or to find a conference to address your child's particular needs, or for news about autism, PDD and Aspergers.  Some support groups are organized by region, some by diet and others by disability.  Find the one best for you and your child.  We try to list every conference,  training session, and fundraiser in these pages, too.

More Articles and information:

Why methodology belongs in your child's IEP

Repeated by popular demand, this review of the Federal Regulations is a must reading before any IEP or placement meeting.

Attorney General Opinion
In this 1991 document, the Attorney General of Illinois gave an opinion that Illinois law permits parents to instruct their children at home, including children with special needs.  This opinion may be relevant for those doing a home program.  This file is a seven-page TIF document of the opinion.

Questions and Answers 

of the the U.S. Department of Education.  This is appendix A to the 1999 Regulations, in an easy-to-read format, answering most questions about the IEP process. a new autism-mercury site.

Packet of information for parents new to autism
(tons of leads and contacts)

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