Autism News Network


PARENT'S   INTRO  PACKET, on-line version

(an on-going work in progress. Many parents have provided input -   contact JFS ,  with info.)

To start the packet, please redirect to packet1.html

There is help "out there" for parents of newly diagnosed children
  One difficulty is that not only do you need to learn about many different therapies, treatments, and potential support services all at once, but also have to decide what help to seek first - set up an ABA program or do floortime?  Try a special diet, or do an overnight EEG?  Arrange for private speech and OT, or accept as sufficient what your local school offers?  It helps to reach out to other parents, both on the phone and in person, and the best place to find them is through a support group.  I have listed here all I know of in Northern Illinois - do not hesitate to call  the person listed for each group for meeting dates and times.

Most important: join the on-line list.  If the information you seek is not on the page, then some one on the 500-member list might know.  You can most any autism-related question.  You can choose from several delivery options, from individual emails as replies are posted, or get one daily digest.  We like to swap contact information for different therapists and therapies, and pass on promising research.

Packet Contents

Support Groups Illinois Family Assistance Program Books Articles
Newsletters Therapies/Treatments Private Schools Dietary Treatments
"Twelve Commandments" Research More Resources ABA
Educational Materials Autism Society therapy summary Extra Stuff tax deductions updated link!


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