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Everyone knows about the maggot, it comes in many different colours but is a great fish catcher. From the tinyest minnow to the largest carp every fish everywhere will have a go a maggots. However they do tend to crawl away or burrow into silt when used as feed so if you fish a silty venue freeze the maggots for 24 hours beforehand to kill them.


This is a smaller version of the maggot which comes in fluro of red. It is more for a small fish but however I favour this to maggot in the winter due to the size not over feeding the fish.


These are smaller still and usally white. They are best used for small fish on canals and/or in the winter. They do not crawl away in silty botomed venues so are beter than the maggot.


Caster is the crysalys stage before a maggot turns into a fly. It is a great bait for all manor of fish. When on the bank make sure your casters are in water othewise they will float. A good tip is to take a few out so that they turn into darker floaters then use them as a hook bait as they will fall at the same speed as the feed.


There are many different types of worms but the main ones used for fishing are:

Lobworms: These are the largest and can be dug up in your own garden for free. They can be used whole on the hook, hooked once through the sadle, or in bits, when hooking a worm piece cut of the end neerest the hook to let the jucies attract other fish. When feeding worm a pole cup is easiest for chop, this is worms choped into lots of pieces. this is the most effective way of feeding worms. They are used for bream, carp, large perch and a bunch for specimen eels.

Dendrobenas: These are smaller than lobworms but used in the same way.

Redworms: These are smaller still and also used in the same way.


Luncheon meat and sausage meat are the most common and you can buy it at you local supermarket or at your local tackle shop who will sell flavoured meat specially made for fishing. Meat works best for carp although tench and bream will often take it.


Sweetcorn is a great bait for carp, tench, bream, big roach and chub. It will sort out the bigger fish. I find the best varieties are tinned, especially jolly green giant nibblets,  however you can buy flavoured and coloured corn from your local tackle shop.

Trout pellets

These are man made pellets which most spiecies love especially carp, you can now buy carp pellets from your local tackle shop, wherethey may come flavoured and/or coloured.

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