Assmonkeyology - The Story
Assmonkeyology - The Basics
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The Ass Monkeys
If the Christians can make it up, why can't we?
Assmonkeyology was founded in 2007 by Reverend Rich (Wahoo The Druid) and Reverend Dave (Krakah). Both were ordained in 1996 and have been practicing ever since. They decided to form their church in order to gather others who feel betrayed by so called mainstream religions, which are nothing but cover ups for the dregs of society to hide behind God and to ask for forgiveness as they commit every kind of inhumane atrocitiy that they can think of. Plus, the Assmonkeyologists really hate the manatee and they believe in evolution. So they decided to combine everything and start a grassroots movement known as Assmonkeyology. Death Metal Marc is also considered an official founder of the church, and although he is not yet ordained through traditional (?) methods, his contributions as an Ass Monkey have been invaluable.
Worship With Us!
We worship every (well most) Saturday, pretty much all day. Our service consists of drinking beer and bitching about things that we dislike. To be part of our service, all you have to do is worship in your own special way and drop us a line to let us know that you participated.
In order to donate, you can click the link to the right and you will be supporting a very worthwhile cause. If you would like to receive a special Ass Monkey blessing from either Reverend Rich or Reverend Dave, simply donate a minimum of $5 and tell us what you need blessed. We are legally ordained Reverends and we will say a special blessing on your behalf during the next service after your request is received.
Assmonkeyology is dedicated to the eradication of anti-boating laws and a portion of our proceeds will go towards that goal.
Official Holidays
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