Places for adventurers

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A canadian canoe is not good to match sea waves , but in good weather conditions and low wind it is possible to make very nice trips.
In Italy the East coast (Adriatic sea) has usually soft winds and often no winds at all; occasionally the "Bora" wind blows strongly from North-East in the upper adriatic. On the West coast (Tirreno sea) you will find Strong winds from West, almost every day. So the best choice for  a canadian canoe is the East side of the country and the islands. Also in most cases East coast is sandy and  West coast is rocky, with less places to land.
Particulary protected areas are the lagoons, where there are practically no waves.
Winds in any case are more regular than on the lakes and it can be a good idea to carry a little sail to make long trips along the coast (Go to Sailing canoe for more informations).
There are  no tides and practically no currents, exept in the Messina's channel, between Sicily and Calabria.

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