Places for dreamers

Lakes are places of the soul, places where you can feel the lightest sigh of the water, where you can follow all the changes of the light, from the morning mists to the fullness of the noon, to the dusk of the evening, to the splendour of the full moon.
Lakes in Italy are little blue jewels set in the gorgeous green.
Every season has his beauties: the warm colors of the Fall, where the leaves still remember the Summer, the outburst of the Spring, with the new life of the nature growing in your eyes, the silence of the Winter, with the silver frost sparkling on your boat.
I like so much to go to the lakes in winter! No wind at all, no motor-boats aroud, you can take your time and hide yourself in a far-off corner, waiting to become part of the water, part of the trees, part of the nature. If you wait and stay still for a while, friendly animals will come to look at you, to recognize you as one of them, as a real friend.

Most of the lakes are of glacial origin and are in steep valleys that run from north to south.
Winds are regular and as a general rule in good weather they come from the direction of the sun, in open waters. In the valleys you have morning wind from north, afternoon wind from south and dusk wind from north again.
In special weather conditions it is possible to find very strong winds, which blow abruptly, make big waves and even capsize motor boats: ask people in the place.

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Per trovare i laghi (mappa cliccabile)

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