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June 14/03

So, you're actually reading this? I'm a little surprised. Most people just stop at the index. Well, I think that was partly because of the glow font thing that made my site super super slow but I've fixed that now. I'm working on a dogz page. It's called kapunkachinkapunka kennelz. Since you seem to have enough time on yout hands to read this, why don't you check it out?

September 8/02

Well, I now officially do have a life, though I certainly miss laying on my ass all day. I work too much. I hate my job, but I need the money(Arrgh!) Just wanted to let you all know that I do have a life now, which would probably explain why I haven't updated my site in at least 5/6 months.

P.S. It's now only 3 months less 4 days until my birthday!!

March 14/02

I officially have no life, if I haven't already said that. All I do is study, study, study. And my friend's birthday is in April so I have to party then but I have finals that month :-( Well, I'll just have to make time. I started drinking coffee. It's the only way I can stay awake through the day but I get SO wired sometimes.

Kinda funny how I can write this much stuff about myself and not actually say where I'm from, huh? Well, except that I'm from Canada but that's a big enough country. More meaningless garbage I'm rambling about, yet again. Oh, well. I'm hungry. Gotta go.

Feruary 4/02

10 months to my birthday!! It's too far away :-( "But you just had your birthday," you say. Well, that was my 18th birthday and I want to be 19. Then I can go to the movie nights at school :) I FINALLY learned how to do frames on my website. Unfortunately it seems that at school here, they don't always load. If this happens to you, just refresh the page until it comes back. Don't even try to pay any attention to the counter. It's really screwing up and not keeping track properly. Neither are the geocities stats. It says that my site's "visitors" have been referred from my file manager the most. Which means that I have been on my site the most, which I understand, with my updates and color changes and all, it's understandable. But 2 weeks ago it said that most visitors were referred from the Member pages search. And it also says that only 11% of my visitors use MSexplorer 6.0 which is the one I'm currently using, and about 6% from MSexplorer 5.0 which is the one I used before I got MSIE 6. Somehow I find it hard to believe that 11% + 6% = 57%. Oh well. So aside from that, I have a bitch of a semester. I hate CS110 with a passion and I have it in the room with the worst, most uncomfortable chairs in the school(they're little fibre-glass ass-huggers) and I can't even reach the floor.I wish I had longer legs. I don't want to drop the class because it cost me $400, but really, it's so boring and easy. At least I'll get a good mark in it. Well, I should go, and stop all my bitching. I'll have a better entry later.
--Tay December 22/01

Well, I suppose I should stop saying "well" at the beginning of each of these entries. LOL. Sorry, I'm tired, that was a bad bad joke.... But anyway, I know have a new found LOVE for Yahoo. It's kinda hard to explain, but it's been working so well for me lately. And I've been having a lot of fun playing the games. Plus Yahoo has free greeting cards. I never knew that before but I just happen to love everything that's free :-) Whoever said the best things in life are free is now my hero. Well, I'm done my first semester in university. I didn't do too bad. And best of all, I PASSED ENGLISH 100!!!!!!!!! It has a 50% failure rate and I passed!!!! Happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy joy!! Well, I'm sure you've all noticed I'm a little "weird" but I have good news, I don't have a psychological disorder. It was the most important thing I learned this semester in psych, since nothing I do really disrupts my life, I'm perfectly normal!! Also, I discovered the best site in the world, iSketch. It's kinda like Yahoo! Graffiti except more than one person can guess right and get points for their right guess.

The most horrible thing(for me as a webmaster who only uses free services) happened to me last weekend. Angelfire decided to not allow anybody to take uploaded images off their site(Yahoo does this too). So I checked my site, and the entire index page was "image hosted by angelfire." So I got to spend the entire morning re-uploading everything onto Geocities so I could keep my site the way it is. The good thing, though, is that now I won't have to re-upload everything ever againg because it's all on geocities now. The bad thing(other than my wasted Saturday) is that I now have no general upload site. But I'm sure I'll eventually find a new one, so I guess it's not so bad.

So, Survivor's been pretty good lately. Frank finally got kicked off!! I've been waiting for that since the very first episode(of Survivor 3, of course). Though I can't decide who I think should win. I'm stuck between Ethan, Teresa, and the Kims. I don't really want Lexto win because of his raving lunacy when Teresa voted for him.

Enough about Survivor; let's talk about Days of our Lives now. Lucas is coming back on Days!!! I knew it would happen. Anybody whose really been watching the show knew it would happen, and now it is!!! Yay!!!! He's coming back in February!!!

Last, but not least. I added eCards to my site. Hope you all like them. Feel free to e-mail me if you want a card for an occassion that's not on there. Merry Christmas, Happy belated Hanukkah, Season's Greetings, Happy Kwanzaa!

November 1/01

Well, I moved my site back to geocities. I didn't get any traffic at angelfire so I'm putting up with technical difficulties, just so people will see my site, compromises have to be made, I guess. Well, I've been watching Survivor Africa. If anybody knows why Carl got kicked off, please tell me, I have no clue, my friends have no clue, I hardly saw him on the show, didn't even know who he was 'till he got kicked off. I never did have that enter button thing because apparently it's against the terms of service. Don't want to break those. Hardly got any kids for halloween last night, it was pouring rain out. Maybe next year. Well, gotta go study for bio. Talk to y'all later.

September 16/01

Well, I've decided to do this page in a kind of diary-type for, so there'll updates and such and you'll have to scroll down to get to the first about me diddy. I'm in university now, it's lots of fun. Nothing like my highschool teachers said it would be, they made it out to be a living hell (it's far from it). Even though there's 10x more people at uni than in highschool, I'm seeing my friends around school a lot more often than I did in highschool, kinda funny, huh? I'm debating whether to move my website to angelfire or not, i don't like the ad square in the corner, much rather have a banner, but don't worry, if you still type in http://www.geocities.com/fireball_ft you'll still get my site, updated and all, but you'll have to click an enter button to get to it. Not sure if i'm gonna do that or not though, it would be a lot of work, and i wouldn't be able to use the counter that I have now, or get all of my stats, but there's stuff out there that I can get my stats from so I guess it wouldn't make that much of a difference. I'm also debating whether or not to renew my subscription to Seventeen (the magazine) or not. I bought the October issue, just looking through it to see if it's still something I want to get for the next 12 months. Not too sure. I guess I'll just have to read the whole thing. Well, gotta go now. C ya, Tay

May 30/01

Well, what to say about myself.... K, I tried writing one of these before but it was too long and very long winded. I basically babbled about myself for 500 words or so. So, I'm gonna try to cut it down a bit(and not babble as much). I'm 17 and graduating soon(YEAH!), it's kinda scary though. Anywho, my screen name is Taylor McNamara and I am Canadian(and proud of it). I'm pretty possessive but I'm letting go a bit. I'm actually pretty weird to but I haven't met anybody yet who isn't. I do talk to myself but, hey, I'm good company. I actually know a lot of people who talk to themselves, even when there are other people around(I don't do that, too often, lol). Yeah, well, I like being weird though, there's 2 types of people out there, those who pretend to be "normal"(I use this word loosely) and spend their entire lives searching for happiness and then there's those who are weird, accept it, and live happily. I'm one of those weird, happy people. I'm myself and I love it!! It's fun to be yourself, it really is, and I�m not lying. I mean, if all the fishies swam in the same direction, there wouldn't be any excitement in the sea!! It's true, think about it. Well, I best be going, I know this "about me" may not be as funny as the last one but at least I'm not babbling myself to death like I usually do. This is kinda long though, if you're still reading this, you should have stopped at the "I do talk to myself" part. Congratulations, for actually reading this far, you're officially a freak!! Man, I'm such a geek sometimes. I'm not kidding either! I've done some pretty geeky/crazy things in my time: I've shaved in the bathroom sink, cut my shoulder with safety scissors(don't ask), walked into a 50 ft tree, walked into a closed door, burned my hand on the stove element(burner) testing to see if it was on or not, fainted 3 times in one hour, brushed my teeth with my finger, worn my Dad's shirt for pyjamas...what else? Oh well, I guess that's what I get for being in calculus in high school: geekiness. C ya!

Food: Hawaiian pizza
Band: Great Big Sea/Train/Smash Mouth/Nickleback
Ice cream: Cherry
TV show: Boot Camp/Spy TV/Boston Public/Smallville
Movie: Deep Blue Sea/Scream 3/Tomcats
Author: J. K. Rowling/Will & Ian Ferguson
Class(highschool): Bio30/lunch
Class(university): psychology(and now I'm majoring in it)
Website: www.chickclick.com
but chickclick got shut down so I can't go on it anymore :(
now my favorite is www.estrov2.com
but estro shut down too so now it's:
http://www.swimmingly.org and http://www.livejournal.com
Animal: monkey
Cartoons in newspaper: BC/Foxtrot/Betty/Garfield/Get Fuzzy
Sitcom: Will and Grace/Just Shoot Me

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