Blue Magic Strategy Guide

This guide explains exactly how to get all Blue spells, in the easiest and fastest way possible. Of course, before you can start collecting the spells, you'll need to have obtained the Blue Mage job from the Wind Shrine.

Note that in this document I'll be referring to "Learners" a lot. A Learner is a character who can learn a Blue spell after a battle if and when he/she feels the effect of that spell. Therefore, a Learner can be one of three things:
- A character who is using the Blue Magee job;
- A character who is using the Learning ability;
- A character who has mastered the Blue Mage job and is using either the Mimic job or no job.

Also, make sure that at the end of a battle in which a Learner got hit by a Blue Spell, the Learner is in a conscious state (i.e. not unconscious, turned to stone or removed from the battle) or you won't learn the spell.

Now the list of spells follows. All the Blue spells are listed in the order in which you can get them.


After you get the Blue Mage job in the Wind Shrine, give someone that job and re-enter the Wind Shrine. There, pick a fight with a Black Goblin. Kill all the other enemies that might be with it and wait. He'll use Goblin Punch fairly often. Kill him after he hits a Learner with it.

While you're in the Wind Shrine, be on the lookout for Mauldwins as well. These use Aero sometimes. It might take a couple of tries to learn it though, since they are only able to cast Aero about two times before they run out of MP. Of course, a sure way to learn it is turning all characters into Blue Mages before the battle.

There are lots of opportunities to learn this one, since many enemies use it. But if you want it as fast as possible, go back to the Pirate Cave after getting the Blue Mage job. As you may have noticed when you were here before, the Steel Bats here use it, if you let them.

You can find Elf Toads in the secret waterway behind a waterfall in Walz Castle, or in the Walz Tower. When one of these becomes alone, it will start using ToadSong. So, kill all the other enemies that occompany the Elf Toad, if any, and it will use ToadSong for sure.

Strange name for a spell huh? Anyway, there are Wild Dogs in the forested areas near Karnak from which you can learn this spell. Note that when the enemy uses this spell, you don't see they are using a "????" ability at the top of the screen. Instead you'll see the enemy blink to indicate it is taking an action, and after a short pause, you'll be hit. This hit will have a slighty different graphic effect than a standard attack, and if you haven't hit the enemy yet, it will do 0 damage. So don't attack before your Learner gets hit by an attack which does 0 damage and you'll learn ???? at end of combat.

In the Steamship there is an enemy called Cool Dust. Follow the advise of a man in Karnak: "There is a monster called Cool Dust. When it becomes alone, it will use Flash." So, like you did when trying to get ToadSong from an Elf Toad, kill any other enemies that might be around in a group of enemies where a CoolDust is present and it will use Flash.

Still in the Steamship, you've probably noticed that after some battles two Mottletraps come down from the ceiling. It is possible to learn Exploder from them, but there's only one way to make them cast it. Turn a character into a Blue Mage with !Black(any level) or a Black Mage with Learning. When you encounter the Mottletraps, have that character cast Bolt on one of them. It will retaliate with Exploder. Now all you have to do is defeat the other Mottletrap (don't forget to revive the character if he/she was knocked unconcious by Exploder) and you'll learn the spell.

Aero 2
It's kinda risky, but you can learn Aero 2 in Karnak Castle when it is about to explode. When opening treasure chests here, you may very well encounter a monster-in-a-box called Gigas. If you have the time, stand around for a while, and it will cast Aero 2 on someone. If you are unwilling to take this risk you will have to wait until the Library of Ancients and learn it from Page 32.
NOTE: If you missed it before, you can learn Aero from Gigas very easily. Simply attack it, and it will often counteratttack by casting Aero on the entire party.

Pressure or no pressure, it is in your best interest to learn this at the exploding Karnak Castle. When you're about to exit the castle, you'll face Iron Claw, who uses DoomClaw fairly often. Be sure to learn the spell here, because the next opportunity to learn it won't be until you reach Galuf's World. If you do miss it or you'd rather wait with learning it until Galuf's World, fight RockStatues in Castle Val's basement and try to learn it from them.

There is an enemy called Quadrharpy which is the only enemy you can encounter in the desert south of Karnak. When you pass this desert the first time, you will most likely not be strong enough to defeat it. But be sure to come back later, since you can learn AquaRake from it. TIP: Try learning it before fighting the SandWorm in the Sand Tides Desert; you can kill the SandWorm instantly if you cast AquaRake on it.

Pep Up
Now that you have obtained the Trainer, have someone use it until he/she gains the !Cntrl ability. Equip that ability on the character (you can change the character's job if you wish). Now, walk around in the forest surrounding the Library of Ancients and fight a MithrlDrgn. They can use Pep Up on their own, but you won't learn it that way. The only way to learn it is by using !Cntrl on one of them until it works. Now that you can tell it what to do, have it use Pep Up on a Learner.

L5 Doom
This one's a little tricky. You have to make sure that you have at least one character with a level which is divisible by 5 (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) but that this is NOT the case with all of your characters. Make one of the characters with a level which is a multiple of 5 a Learner. Now go fight a Page 64 in the Library of Ancients and wait until it casts L5 Doom. This will kill all characters with a level which is a multiple of 5, so that's why this cannot be the case with all of your characters.(since if everyone is killed, it's Game Over. Duh ;) Anyway, revive the Learner and kill the Page 64. You'll learn L5 Doom at end of combat. TIP: The Adamantaim Turtle (Tycoon Meteor), the Soul Gun Launchers (when attacking the floating ruins) and Archeoavis' second form (inside the Floating Ruins) are examples of bosses who can be killed instantly with L5 Doom.

While you're in the Library of Ancients, find a Page 256. Every once in a while he'll use Moon Flut on your party.

This is another Blue spell you can learn from Page 256, but he won't use it himself. You will need to use !Cntrl on him, and force him to cast it on a Learner.

At the end of the Library of Ancients, you'll fight Biblos, who can use MagHammr. So try not to kill him until he has used it on a Learner. If you miss it here, you won't get another chance until you reach the Valley of Dragons (Galuf's World), where Drippys can use it on you.

After obtaining the Steamship, set course for Crescent Island. Walk around for a while and you should meet some BlackFlames, which have the ability to cast BlakShok. NOTE: They also use an ability called Sonic Wave which does exactly the same as BlakShok, but you can't learn it.

Burn Ray
This one's easy. When you attack the floating Ruins, you'll have to take out some FlameThrowers and Missile Launchers. The FlameThrowers use Burn Ray all the time, so it shouldn't be too hard to learn it.

I already mentioned the Missile Rockets... these use Missile when they feel like it, so try and get them to hit a Learner.

White Wind
This is a VERY handy Blue spell. You can get it inside the floating Ruins. An enemy called Fan Wizard uses it, but since it's a healing spell, he's not going to be stupid and use it on your party. So you're going to have to pursuade him to do so by using the !Cntrl ability on it and forcing him to cast it on your party.

This is another handy tool to have, at least in this stage of the game. Another enemy in the floating Ruins, Lamia, has this spell. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to want to use it. So, !Cntrl it and have it use Blowfish on a Learner. This will most likely kill the Learner, so be sure to revive him/her before killing the Lamia.

L4 Qrtr
First, you'll have to make sure that at least one of your characters has a level which is a multiple of 4, and make him/her a Learner. When you've done that, go to the very end of the floating Ruins, but don't talk to King Tycoon just yet. Instead, walk around in that area until a Aquaus confronts you. When it dies it will cast L4 Qrtr as a last ditch effort. It may not kill you, but everyone who has a level divisible by 4 will not be feeling very well afterwards.
After getting this spell, you have all the Blue spells you can get from World 1. You won't be able to get any others until you're about halfway through Galuf's World...


When you're in the Barrier Tower, you'll probably encounter some Travelers at one point or another. They can cast TimeSlip, so make sure they cast it on a Learner before blowing the tower to smithereens.

In Moore Forest, find a MiniMage. These will cast LitlSong if you give them enough time to do so. It goes without saying that you have to let them hit a Learner with it.

Aero 3
In the Elder Tree at the end of Moore Forest, the Seal Guardians, four crystal-like creatures, will attack you. Be sure to have a Learner in your party before battling them. They will only use physical attacks, until they run low on HP. Then they will start casting high damage Wind, Water, Fire and Earth spells on your entire party. The one that's all the way to the left will cast Aero 3 when it gets low on HP, so reduce its HP but be sure not to kill it before it gets a chance to cast the spell. It would be a good idea to use Golem before attempting this, to avoid getting killed by the attacks of the other Sealed when your party is hit with Aero 3.
NOTE: Just in case you were wondering, when they get low on HP, the bottom crystal will use Ground Shaker(use Float to avoid the damage), the top crystal will use Fire 3(just hurts a lot;), and the right one will use AquaRake, so if you haven't learned that yet you can do so now.

L2 Old
In X-Death's Castle, you may encounter a Magic Dragon. L2 Old is one of its attacks. Remember that the Learner's level must be divisible by 2 in order to learn the spell. NOTE: If you !Cntrl it, you can't target your party with Level 2 Old, so he'll have to use it voluntarily, or you could cast Wall on it and have it use the spell on himself, hoping it will bounce back at a Learner. Also, you can learn GuardOff from it if you missed it at the Barrier Tower.

L3 Flare
Still in X-Death's Castle, stay on the lookout for Red Dragons. If you cast Wall on one and !Cntrl it you can have it cast Level 3 Flare on itself, bouncing it back at one of your characters. Hopefully, it will bounce back at a Learner. In order to learn this spell, the Learner's level must be divisible by 3. You can't have the dragon target the party directly with L3 Flare, so this is the only way.

At the very end of World 2, you'll have to beat X-Death. Be sure to have a Learner and someone who can use Level 4 Time magic in your party before facing him. Now, the first thing he'll do when you fight him is either attack someone or cast Condemnd on someone. What you want him to do is cast Condemnd on your Learner. He rarely uses it at any other point in the fight though, so if he doesn't do what you want him to do, cast Return to start the battle over from the beginning. Keep doing this until he does cast Condemnd on your Learner. If you think this is too much trouble, wait until you reach the Sand Tides Desert Pyramid in World 3. The Damned, a monster-in-a-box, can use it if you !Cntrl it.


The final World, and only three more Blue spells to go! MindBlst will be the first Blue spell of those three which you can obtain. When you're about to get the Second Lithograph in the Island Shrine, Stoker will attack you. If you leave him alone for a while, he'll probably use MindBlst at one point or another. So, wait until he uses it on a Learner before killing him.

While visiting the Phoenix Tower, keep your eyes peeled for a Serpentina. This Lamia-like foe can use Roulette, but only when it wants to: You can't force it to do so with !Cntrl. If a Learner gets killed by Roulette, and you revive him/her before combat ends, you'll learn the spell.

This is without a doubt the most annoying Blue spell to obtain. You have to land the airship in the lake where Walz Tower used to be and sail around, preferably as close to the exact area where Walz Tower sank as possible. Be sure to have a Learner in your party, and someone with the !Cntrl ability equipped before starting to sail around. Most likely, you'll fight some wimpy enemies whenever you get into a battle. But if you're lucky, a Stingray will show up. !Cntrl it immediatly and have it cast Guardian on your party. Then you'll have to kill it, which could take a while since it has a lot of HP. But when you do, you'll have gained the last Blue spell you were still missing!
NOTE: Encountering Stingray can be a pain. I've heard some people spent hours on that lake before finally encountering one. I myself have never had to spend more than 10 minutes searching for one, but apparently not everyone is that lucky. So know what you're getting into before trying to get this spell. If all else fails, there's always Apocalypse(?translation?) in the Tower of N-Zone... he'll cast Guardian on himself after a while, so if you cast Rflect on him at the right time, you may yet learn it.

And there you have it. If you follow this guide, it's possible to gain all Blue Spells before even entering the N-Zone! Good hunting!

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