First Quarter 2002 Meeting -- Lair No. 3

The Lair No. 3 Mass Challenge for 2002 was to create an original work of art. On February 16, 2002, a total of eleven entries were considered at the Moose Home.

Art Bianconi read his story "The Hotdog Vendor." David Currie performed his Bridge of the River Kwai belly dance. Gary Frazier presented his Warhol-esque meditation on the Volvo 122S. Karl Halter entered his Home Depot Under $10 Self-Portrait. Ray Hull presented in abstentia his cedar carving "Choir Pig." Peter Marino thrilled the audience with "The Introvert," a photo collage. Dan Morrison entered a neo-icon of Jonathan Z. Landgraf. Michael Moscherosch demonstrated that he is, contrary to popular belief, a Platonist with his collection of bottled essences of artworks. Alan Surdyke shocked the group with his multi-media "Whipping Post." Tim Tracy entered a water color of the Rascal flag, painted on hand-laid paper. And Peter Zaremba stupified the audience with his prophetic "Mystery Drawing."

Winner of the J.Z.Landgraf prize was Dan Morrison. Runner-up was Peter Marino.

Among those present at the meeting were

  1. Art Bianconi
  2. David Currie
  3. Gary Frazier
  4. Karl Halter
  5. Joe Luizzi
  6. Peter Marino
  7. Dan Morrison
  8. Michael Moscherosch
  9. Kris Ritter
  10. Allen Surdyke
  11. Tim Tracy
  12. Pete Zaremba

Meetings of Lair No. 3
Ephorate Home

Studying "Bottled Ideas"

Art Bianconi

Pete Zaremba

Karl Halter

Tim Tracey

Studying "The Introvert"

Alan Surdyke

Gary Frazier

Michael Moscherosch

Dan Morrison

2002 Winner