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The Surrealistic Adventure That Will Become Your World

Myst Masterpiece EditionMyst (Original edition)Released: Sept 24th, 1993
Re-released: 1996, 1999 (Masterpiece Edition)
Developer: Cyan Worlds
Original Publisher: Brřderbund
Website: Myst, Myst Masterpiece

Few are chosen. Fewer succeed. Journey now to an island world, surrealistically tinged with mystery... where every vibrant rock, scrap of paper, and sound may hold vital clues to your unraveling a chilling tale of intrigue and injustice that defies all boundaries of time and space. Only your wits and imagination will serve to stay the course and unlock the ancient betrayal of ages past.

The game Myst was the first to draw the player into a beautiful graphical world, where they couldn't kill or be killed - an immersive, realistic world of puzzles and exploration.

The entire game is played in a first-person "slide-show" style, with players being presented with rendered stills and movies, and being able to click through them to move around, and solve puzzles.

Players found an old battered book titled "Myst", which allowed them to follow a link, to transport them to the Age of Myst (through a process known as The Art, a race called the D'ni had found a way to link to other worlds through books.) There, the player travelled to five Ages, met Atrus and his two sons, Sirrus and Achenar, and uncovered a secret buried in time.

Myst was later re-released in a "Masterpiece Edition" in 1999, which is basically the same, only the graphics are upgraded from 8-bit to 24-bit, so there is no dithering.
Then in 2000, Myst was totally recreated in real-time 3D. See realMyst.

Screenshots (Masterpiece Edition shown)

Ubisoft EntertainmentCyan Worlds, Inc
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