ELT Indonesia, the Network of English Language Teachers in Indonesia
  Interlanguage (English) Pragmatics

Amarien, N. (1997).
Interlanguage pragmatics: A study of refusal strategies.
Aridah. (2001).
Politeness phenomena as a source of pragmatic failure in ESL
Basthomi, Y.
Pragmatic use of English form of address by Javanese students of EFL. 
Ernawati, D. B. (2004). R
esponding to compliments: An interlanguage study of Indonesian of NNS of English.
Iragiliati, E. (2005).
Utterance patterns and politeness strategies in Indonesian medical discourse.

Janarto, D. K. (2003, October).
Request strategies by EFL learners: An interlanguage pragmatic study.
Nugroho, A. (2002).
The contradiction of certainty and uncertainty in hedging and its implications to lang teaching.
Sukarni, E. I. (2003, October).
The importance of pragmatics for the teaching of English.
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