People of Tetbury in 1735

Stamp, Stancomb, Stankham, Stamcombe, Stanmore, Stanley, Steat, Stedman,

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.


At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Adam 32, his wife 30, and two children
James 3 and Jane infant
Ann 38, and her four children
Jane 16, Tamsin 13, Joseph 13, and Ann 7.

Court Leet Roll 1735 - Adam p13

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Stamp Adam House 23.01&w 2cd ch4
He 1703- Wife 1709- James 1732- Jane 1734-6
Stamp Ann 1697-(Widow of Joseph) House 13.19 4cdch5
Jane 1719-Tamsin 1722- Joseph 1722- Ann 1728-

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 9 Adam Stamp
D 566 R 2/2 01-Apr 1754 Mrs Stamp paid 2/6, attended second meeting of Society to raise money to build new church

Adam Stamp 1708- baptised James 17320803, Jane 17341003 lived 20 months, Crispen 17361118 lived 16 months, Mary 17411029, John 17421128, Anne 17441014, Lucia 17460406 and Thomas 17471221.

Joseph Stamp of Wiggam in Lancaster was buried 17310926 and I guess he was aged 51. He baptised Jane 17190513, Tamsin 17220517, Joseph 17240924 and Ann 17280505. The census names his widow as Ann. Adam 1708, appears to be their eldest child.

Stancomb, Stankham, Stamcombe

James Standcombe wed Ane Mayo 18 June 1656
Abigail Stancom wed Samuel Wicks 17 Nov 1670
James Stancom wed Elizabeth Gillman 24 Dec 1670
James Stancombe wed Ruth Evens 21 Mar 1691
Richard Stancombe wed Hanah Witcomb 22 July 1693
Ruth Stancomb wed Jonathan Hickox 22 Dec 1706

1673 James Stancomb was Churchwarden

The Hearth Tax - 1660-1675
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
March 1664 James Stancomb 2 hearths Ladyday Chargeable

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718
Page 07, James Stancomb dwelling 5-0-0
Page 12, James Stancomb 5-0-0
Page 12, Richard Stancomb house owned by Mr Thomas 6-0-0

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Samuel 33, his wife Sarah 36, and his three children Samuel 7, Sarah 4 and Elizabeth infant.
Not in Census Anne 29, who married 1741, Widow who died Dec 1743, funeral costs reported Page 173

Court Leet Roll 1735 - Samuel p8

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Stankham Samuel House 11.12&w 3cd pr5
He 1702-73 Sarah 1699-77
Samuel 1727- Sarah 1731-51 Elizabeth 1734-6

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 7 Samuel Stancomb
D 566 R 1/22 26-Dec 1749 Samuel Stancomb received 1/- of the annual Langstrom and Maltby Charity money
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 3.1 Samuel Stancombe
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 3.1 Samuel Stancomb Younger, Page 3.1 Samuel Stancomb
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1767 Samuel Stankcom Senior, received 6d at Christmas inside Column 3, Langstom and Maltby Charity,
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1773 Samuel Stancom and Widow Stancom each received 6d at Christmas inside Column 1, Langstom and Maltby Charity,

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
13-Dec 1741, Page 3 Widow Stancomb 04-00
24-May 1742, Page 64 Widow Stancomb 04-00 Receive Monthly allowance,
16-Jan 1743 (Old date), Page 173 Widow Stancomb Laying out and carrying her to the grave 03-00
05-May 1746, Page 357 Sarah Stancomb paid 02-00 for looking after Mary Ind and her children

Not in Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59

Abigail Stancomb 16940627 daughter of Richard, wed at WottonUnderEdge on 17240528 to William Ewen
Anne Stancombe 17060114 daughter of Richard, wed 17410225 to Daniel Tanner
Daniel Stancombe baptised James 17121014 and buried John 17160607 who died May 29
Elizabeth Stancomb married 17160126 to John Chambers
Francis Ffeamcomb Gent, was buried 17230319, Smallpox
Mary Stancomb married 17290611 to Ambrose Ind

Richard Stancomb 1675 -, married 22 July 1693 at Tetbury to Hannah Witcomb 16701117 daughter of Samuel Whitcomb. They baptised Abigail 16940627, John 16960208, Ruth 16971221, Mary 17000201, Samuel 17020924, Ann 17060114, buried a Child 17070619, and buried Sarah 17241108.

Samuel Stancomb a Presbyterian, 17020924 - 17730124 Woolcomber son of Richard aged 70, married 17251103 to Sarah Hartland 1700 - 17770830. He buried James 17261106, Elizabeth 17361026, Mary 17361127, Child 17390114, and Ann 17491210.

Samuel Stancomb Junior 1728- baptised James 17570129 died, Samuel 17640813, John 17651109 lived 3 months, James 17670129, Betty 17690310 lived 7 years, John 17710401 lived 5 months, buried Mary 17740127 and Mary 17770114.

Sarah Stancomb, aged 20 when baptised 17510726, married 17541224 to William Blake, who may be the son of John baptised 17081219 and was buried 17880206.


William Stanley and Ann his wife had a Settlement Certificate from Barkley in Gloucestershire, reference P 328a OV 3/1/2 dated 14-Apr 1729


The Hearth Tax - 1660-1675
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
Oct 1671, Oct 1672 James Stanmore 3 hearths West Street

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 34 13-Jan 1728 William Stanmore agreed to pay Trustees 10d per annum for a market standing

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Daniel 38, his wife Mary 30, and his two children
Jane 2 and Mary infant
Not in Census William 42, his children Edith 15 and William 14. Lydia about 10.

Court Leet Roll 1735 - Daniel p8, William p8

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Stanmore Daniel House 15.01&w 2cd ch4
He 1697-68 Mary 1700-46 Jane 1733- Mary 1735-

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 9 Daniel Stanmore
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 3.2 Daniel Stanmore
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 3.2 Daniel Stanmore
D 566 R 1/7 Langstom and Maltby Charity, at Christmas
Dec 1767 Lidy Stanmore received 6d inside Column 3,
Dec 1773 Widow Stanmore received 6d inside Column 4,

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
24-May 1742, Page 66 Daniel Stanmore Nursing people with Small Pox 04-00
19-Jul 1742, Page 76 Daniel Stanmore Nursing his wife 05-00
06-Dec 1742, Page 100 Daniel Stanmore Account
17-Nov 1746, Page 385 Daniel Stanmore funeral costs
17-Nov 1746, Page 385 Daniel Stanmore nursed by Sarah Bartholomew
26-Dec 1748, Page 526 Daniel Stanmore children, he being gone from them

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
On 01-May 1749 Stanmore children received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 04-Feb 1754 Daniel Stanmore wife was paid 1/-, being lame in her arm
On 04-Mar 1754 Daniel Stanmore was paid 1/6 wife being ill
On 04-Mar 1754 Daniel Stanmore was apid 2/- his wife being lame
On 01-Apr 1754 Lydia Stanmore was given 6d being lame in her arm
On 02-Dec 1754 Daniel Stanmore was given 1/-
On 23 Jan 1758 Lydia Stanmore received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 16 Feb 1758 Daniel Stanmore received 5d being ill
On 20 Mar 1758 Daniel Stanmore received 6d being ill
On 11 Dec 1758 Lydia Stanmore received 3/- allowance each 4 weeks

Daniel Stanmore 1697 - 17681015, buried his wife Mary 17290315,
his second wife Mary 1700 -17461021 baptised Jane 17320327 and Mary 17350828.

Edith Stanmore 1690 - 17490226, married 17161107 to Henry Welling and may have buried Elizabeth 17250904. Henry Welling married Ann Hathaway 17491019 - was he Edith's husband or her son?

Jane Stanmore married 17550803 to Joseph Baker who was buried 17861214 - no children were baptised.

Lydia Stanmore buried her two chidren who died of Small Pox, Anne 17610410 baseborn, and John the next day. Lidia was the recipient of aid from the Overseers, appears to be an orphan.

Mary Stanmore daughter of Daniel baptised 17350828, baptised her base son Isaac 17610426
Mary Stanmore's son Isaac died of Small Pox, buried 17610512.

William Stanmore buried 17030826, baptised James 17000217 lived 5 weeks. Edith Stanmore, Widow, was buried 17311130.

Will of William Stanmore 1705/95

Intestate Statement by Edith Stanmore, relict of William Stanmore, who wrote her own name, asking that her brother William Eatwell administer her husband's estate.

William Stanmore 1693 - 17370706, married 17190525 to Anne Smith who died of Small Pox 17221207. He baptised Edith 17200225 and William 17210125.


John Steat married 17390513 to Sarah Wright, baptised 17101128, daughter of Charles, and baptised Elizabeth 17391017. They then appear to leave Tetbury.

Stedman, Studman

The Hearth Tax - 1660-1675
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
Oct 1671, Oct 1672 Giles Studman for his shop, 2 hearths Church Street
Oct 1671, Oct 1672 Mr Studman 7 hearths Church Street

Giles Stedman wed 26 Apr 1664 to Katherine Talboys, and baptised Katherine 23 Feb 1664 (Old dates), Joane and Martha 24 Jan 1665, Giles 14 Apr 1668, Thomas 14 Apr 1670 and Elizabeth 3 Feb 1672
Katherin Steedman wed Nathaniel Body 7 Apr 1687

Joan (also written as Johanna) Stedman left a Will Proved in 1672

Will of Joan Stedman 1672/55

Will written on 24 Jan 1670, and is Proved in 1672
To my daughter in law my best gown and other clothes
To Mrs Sibilla Talboys - a list of clothes
To my sister - clothing
To my servant maid Alis Teakle 2 pillows, a pair of blankets one pair of sheets
To Ann Alexander wife of Thomas Alexander - small sum of money
To my son Giles Stedman, my household goods
To my grand child Katherine Stedman my cabinet and china
Giles is made sole executor

The Hearth Tax - 1660-1675
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
E 179 116/544, page 84, Oct 1672 Tetbury Giles Stedman Overseer, in charge of collection, 120 are named on Overseers list of exemptions

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 T 2/2 14-Dec 1691 Gyles Stedman named as Feoffee, Deed relating to Robert Wyles's house in Gumstool St
D 566 L 3/2 24-Oct 1700 Giles Stedman now deceased named in Deed of protest
Page 09, Giles Stedman house 10-0-0
Page 01, Giles Stedman major land holder, 120-0-0

Bigland recorded
On a Brass Plate in the Chancel, of the Old Church.
Thomas Stedman, Gent.
who died Aug 21, 1703, Aet 33 years.

Mr Stedman was buried 17030826.

Will of Thomas Stedman 1703/161

Will signed 3 Aug 1703 and Proved 13 Dec 1703
Will is 2 pages long, involved, mentions names difficult to read.
Benjamin Talboys appears to be chief beneficiary and sole executor

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