Butler alias Warper, of Tetbury in 1735

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.

Butler, alias Warper

Family has 43 entries as Butler, 10 as Warper, and 4 as Warper als Butler, or Warper als Butler

Nicolas Butler wed Sarah Perkins 23 Jan 1668
Thomas Butler wed Mary Whit 7 Jan 1682
Elizabeth Butler wed Georg Bennat 5 June 1688
John Butler wed Elinour Harford 26 Feb 1692
John Butler clandestinely married 1696
? Butler clandestinely married 1697

1693 John Butler was Churchwarden
The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home in Tetbury
Oct 1671 Thomas Butler 1 Poor Discharged by Certificate
Oct 1672 Thomas Butler 1 Poor On Overseers list

1714-5 Thomas Butler was Churchwarden

1739 Thomas Butler became a Feoffee
1753 Thomas Butler became a Feoffee

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 37 1685 Giles Butler name on copy of Statement of the Liberties, Customs, Privileges and Favours of Tetbury
P328a OV 4/1 23-May 1696 John Butler Master to Apprentice Thomas Evans
P328a OV 4/1 23-Jun 1697 Edward Butler served as Apprentice to Humphry Butler
P328a OV 4/1 23-Jun 1697 Humphry Butler Master to Apprentice Edward Butler
D 566 B 11 18-May 1700 John Butler signed a Protest asking that the 13 be re-established
D 566 L 3/2 24-Oct 1700 John Butler signed the Deed of protest against the 13
D 566 B 37 24-Mar 1705 Thomas Butler received 2-10-0 Charley Smith's Apprentice money
P328a OV 4/2 20-Mar 1710 Humphry Butler Master to Apprentice Richard Graham
D 566 M 14 25-Jan 1711 Humpry Butler als Warper, Lether Sealer for the year
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718 Page 12, John Butler for Ann Parson's house 2-10-0
Page 12, John Butler for his own house 6-10-0
Page 03, John Butler house 8-0-0
D 566 B 2/4 17-Sep 1718 Thomas Butler signed as a member of the Thirteen
D 566 B 37 12-Jun 1721 Thomas Butler one of 13, agree to purchase Mayo's house in West St, for use of Schoolmaster
D 566 L 7/8 19-Sep 1722 Humphry Butler received 2-10-0 Robert Crook boy's apprentice money
D 566 L 7/8 11-Oct 1722 Thomas Butler received 2-10-0 John Curtis boy's apprentice money
D 566 B 34 13-Jan 1728 Humphry Butler als Warper signed as a member of the Thirteen
D 566 Z 20 Voter list 1734 Thomas Butler column 3

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Thomas 56, his wife Elizabeth 55, and six children, Elizabeth 27, John 25, Ann 22, Jane 18, Mary 15 and Sarah 15
Sarah Warper 55 (widow of Humphry), and one child Judeth 31
Humphry Butler 28, and his wife Susannah 26
Daniel 30, his wife Ann 25, and son John 7
Not in Census Jonas 32 and Joseph 29, sons of Thomas.
Bartholomew 60 and his daughter Sarah 30

Court Leet Roll 1735 - Humphry as Butler (Foreign Jury)
Humphry als Warper p6, John p4, Jonas p4, Joseph p4, Thomas p4 Town Jury

Ted Prince research for 1735
John Warper
paid 3s by the Overseers.
Presented to Court Leet by Town Jury for laying dung
in the streets before his door.
To be removed by 5th Nov on penalty of 5s
Presented to Court Leet by Town Jury for
erecting posts or rails before his door and in the streets or waste land.
To be removed by 5th Nov on penalty of one pound
Presented by Foreign Jury for erecting a gate
in the North Hays stop it up or pay 17 pounds
Presented by Foreign Jury
for baying up water at Wore well
and for turning the water at Shepherds Corner into his own pool
and for laying dung above and below Shepherds Corner.
Ordered to remove it on pain of 10s

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Butler Mr Thomas House 6.05&w 6cd - ch8
He 1679-55Elizabeth 1680-62 Eliza 1708-80 John 1710-57
Ann 1713-Jane 1717-50Mary 1719-65Sarah 1719-41
Warper SarahHouse 10.01 * 1cd - ch2

She 1680-Judeth 1705-1765
Butler HumphryHouse 16.17 &w - ch2
He 1707-64Susannah 1709-38
Warper DanielHouse 19.03&w * - ch2
He 1706-71Anne 1710-38 John 1729-65

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M3 1736 Carnals (Meat Inspector) Humphry Butler als Warper
D 566 Z 20 column 2, about 1736 Thomas Butler in a list supporting the Tetbury annual Races
D 566 B 2/5 24-Dec 1739 Thomas Butler was paid 4-0-0 for 10 days work with wagon and six horses
D 566 R 13 24-May 1740 Thomas Butler a trustee in agreement to build extension to Market House
D 566 R 13 about 1745 Thomas Butler promised 2-2-0 Subscription for a new Engine for ye use in Tetbury

D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 9 Daniel Butler, Page 6 Humphry Butler, Page 5 Jonas Butler
D 566 M3 1746 Town Jury Returns Jonas Butler to be one of the 13, replacing James Brown, deceased
D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 4 Joseph Butler
D 566 M4 1746 Town Jury Jonas Butler
D 566 M4 1746 Foreign Jury Thomas Butler with erecting a gate in lane to Worewell, To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 2-10-0
D 566 M4 1746 Foreign Jury Thomas Butler with erecting a gate in North Hayes, To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 24-5-0
D 566 M3 1746 Town Jury require the Lords to fill the mud pit beside Thomas Butler house at Combers Mead
D 566 M4 1746 Town Jury Thomas Butler for erecting posts or rails before their respective doors To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 1-0-0
D 566 M4 1746 Town Jury charges Thomas Butler for laying dung in the street, remove by Nov 5 or pay 5/-
D 566 M4 1748, 1750 Leather Sealers of the Court Daniel Butler

D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 5.2 Daniel Butler als Warper, Page 5.2 Humphry Butler, John Butler otherwise Warper
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 2.1 Joseph Butler
D 566 R 2/2 04-Apr 1754 Joseph Butler paid 2/6, attended second meeting of Society to raise money to build new church
D 566 M4 - 1754 23 members of the Town Jury Joseph Butler
D 566 M4 - 1755 20 members of the Foreign Jury Joseph Butler
D 566 R 2/2 01-Apr 1754 Mrs Butler paid 2/6, attended second meeting of Society to raise money to build new church
D 566 M4 - 1754 Town Jury charges Thomas Butler for erecting posts or rails before their respective doors To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 1-0-0
D 566 M4 - 1754 Town Jury charges Thomas Butler for Mr Francis Savage's house, erecting posts or rails before their respective doors To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 1-0-0
D 566 M4 - 1754 Town Jury charges Thomas Butler for erecting horse blocks or Upping Stocks on the common land To be removed within six months, or pay penalty of 20/-
D 566 M5 - 1755 Town Jury charges Joseph Butler for erecting posts or rails Remove by Nov 5 or pay 20/-
D 566 M5 - 1755 Town Jury charges Joseph Butler for erecting posts or rails Remove by Nov 5 or pay 20/-
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 5.2 Daniel Butler, Page 5.2 Humphry Butler, Page 4.2 John Butler, Page 5.2 John Butler
P328a OV 3/2/1 31-Aug 1763 Robert Butler wife Sarah, John aged 2 weeks
D 566 R 1/7 28-Apr 1767 Daniel Butler Page 2b, signed at a Vestry compaining about too many cattle in the Warren

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
Page 3 Bartholomew Butler Payments each 4 weeks family in Small Pox 00-13-06
Dec Bartholomew Butler Extra Payments laying out and worsted 00-01-09
January Bartholomew Butler Payments each 4 weeks Daughter 12-00
Annual Rents Bartholomew Butler Extra Payments rent for people with Small Pox 2-00-00
Dec Bartholomew Butler Extra Payments paid for grave and bell for Sarah Minchin's child 02-00 Dec Bartholomew Butler Extra Payments garment for his wife 03-00 Page 421 Daniel Butler Ratepayer of Tetbury Apr 1747
1742-3, Page 65 Family and Widow Butler Receive Monthly allowance, beginning April 26 - May 24, 1742 on Page 06-00
Page 361 John Butler given 19-06 to defray expense of Gabriel Smart's funeral at Glastonbury 30-Jun 1746
Page 425 Jonas Butler Ratepayer of Tetbury Apr 1747
Page 541 Jonas Butler past Overseer 10-Apr 1749
1742-3, Page 50 Thomas Butler Ratepayers in Tetbury rate set at two shillings in the Pound,
Page 6-14-00
Page 129 Thomas Butler Vestry members appointed Overseers of the Poor for 1744-5 26-Mar 1744
Page 353 Thomas Butler Vestry of 33 men who each signed their name 20-Apr 1747
Page 411 Thomas Butler Vestry meeting 23-Mar 1746 (old date)
Page 419 Thomas Butler Ratepayer of Tetbury Apr 1747
Page 427 Thomas Butler Vestry set Rate at 1/6 14-Dec 1747
Page 435 Thomas Butler Overseer for year 1748-9 18-Apr 1748
Page 523 Thomas Butler Vestry protest re Pride appeal 26-Dec 1748
Page 3 Widow Butler Payments each 4 weeks and Sarah West 07-00
Feb Widow Butler Extra Payments nursed by Sarah Young 00-01-06
Feb Widow Butler Extra Payments witnessed Oath, paid 00-06
Feb Widow Butler Dec Grave and Bell for 10-00
Feb Widow Butler June Account 01-00 Page 241 Butler letter from family in London 00-09 01-Apr 1745

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
On 26-Sep 1749 Thomas Butler Vestry to raise 6 pence for cost of removing hazard
Rate set at 4/- in the Pound, listing by streets is new in 1754
101 Long Street, downwards Daniel Butler 4-4-0
Rate set at 4/- in the Pound, listing by streets is new in 1754
40 Long Street, downwards Joseph Butler 6-14-0 house and stock
41 Long Street, downwards Joseph Butler 5-0-0 late Randolphs
42 Long Street, downwards Joseph Butler 2-1-0 late Thamas Notly's
3 Doughton Mr Butler 5-6-0 other part of late Randolph
On 21-May 1758 Joseph Butler Vestry member approving expense concerning Elizabeth Townsend

Bigland recorded
in the Churchyard on North side
Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Butler, was buried June 3, 1704.
Thomas, another of their sons, was buried Nov 20, 1722, aged 7 years.
Jane, their daughter, was buried April 5, 1750 Aet 33
In Memory of Jonah Butler, who dyed June 10th, 1752 aged 49
Beneath lie interred the Bodies of
John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Butler, who died Nov 11, 1757 aged 47
Mary, their daughter, dyed Aug 28, 1765, aged 45
Joseph, their Son, dyed Oct 25, 1770, aged 64
Elizabeth, their daughter and Relict of John Ludlow, dyed Oct 8, 1781 Aet 74
John, son of John and Elizabeth Ludlow, died Jan 26, 1780 Aet 40
Thomas Butler, died Jan 9, 1755, Aged 75
Elizabeth, his Relict, died Jan 1, 1762, aged 82

In the Chancel, on John Wight's Inscription
John Butler died April 28, 1757 aged 10 years

Bartholomew Butler 1675 - 17411224, buried Edward 17030710, and Sarah 1705 - 17380303.

Charles Butler married 17150102 to Hester Bishop.

Daniel Warper a Cordwainer 1706 - 17710811, son of John, aged 65 and his wife Anne 1705 - 17380403, baptised Sarah 17380301.

Edward Butler a Poor child of Tetbury Apprentice to Humphry Butler to learn the trade of Cordwainer (shoemaker), Reference P328a OV 4/1 dated 23-Jun 1697

Edward Butler was buried 17030710.

Elizabeth Butler 1690 - 17680122, married 17220128 to Thomas Emley, and buried 4 and Charles 17270329 lived.

Elizabeth Butler 17080405 - 17811013, daughter of Thomas, was the second wife, married 1732 to John Ludlow 1694-17601108 and baptised Elizabeth 17331209 and 5 more children.

Emme Butler 1700 - 17550116, married 17430622 to James Chamberlin and he was buried 17470907.

Humphry Butler Master for apprentice Edward Butler a Poor child of Tetbury to learn trade of Cordwainer (shoemaker) reference P328a OV 4/1 dated 23-Jun 1697

Humphry Butler (H his mark) agreed to take Richard Graham, a poor child of Tetbury, as Apprentice for 7 years reference P328a OV 4/2 dated 20-Mar 1710

Humpry Butler als Warper was Lether Sealer of the Court Leet for the year involving 25-Jan 1711

Humphry Warper 1670 - 17310321, buried as Butler alias Warper, buried his wife 16980206 and child 17000403. As Butler, he baptised Judeth 17050610, and as Warper he baptised Humphry 17071026.

Humphry Butler, 17071026 - 17640821, son of Humphry, married 17300220 to Susannah Sadler, 1710 - 17380312. He baptised James 17370210 and buried Isaac 17400420.

John Butler took as Apprentice Thomas Evans in record P328a OV 4/1 dated 23-May 1696

John Butler Master for apprentice Charles Palmer son of Henry, to learn trade of Cordwainer (shoemaker) reference Kew Public Record Office IR 1 50 dated 3-Nov 1744, sorry, I did not work out the fee and tax.

John Warper, estimated birth year 1650, was buried 17080111. He baptised Daniel 16750613 - 16980123 aged 23
Ann wife of John Butler is mentioned in her father Thomas Moreton's Will dated 10 Oct 1681

John Warper 1728 - 17651123, son of Daniel, buried John 1748 - 17660609 aged 18 and Daniel 17531123 - 17730923 aged 20 buried after his father died.

John Butler, a Soldier of Shipton Mallet in Somersetshire, baptised his daughter Sarah 17691130.

Jonas Butler 17030118 - 17520613, son of Thomas, married 17460930 to Ann Weeks, baptised John 17470924 - 17570221 lived 10 years, Margaretta 17490105 and Jane 17500606 - 17501130 lived 5 months.

Judith Butler 17050610 - 17461002, daughter of Humphry, married 17350501 to William Lamb 1700 - 17420322, and their son William 17370816 lived 2 years. She married 17430623 to George Trowton, and baptised Sarah 17441111 then died nearly 2 years later.

Mary Butler 17190230 - 1765, twin daughter of Thomas, married 17510327 to Joseph Sharp and baptised 10 children , 5 survived. See Sharp for details.

Robert Butler, Sarah his wife and son John aged 2 weeks belonged to Uley, Gloucestershire, reference P 328a OV 3/2/1 dated 31-Aug 1763. He obtained permission to stay in Tetbury, at no charge to the Tetbury Overseers
Robert Warper, a Baker, baptised John alias Butler 17630816, Robert 17650502, Hester 17671025, Samuel 17711528 lived 2 months and Samuel 17720412.

Sarah Butler 1705 - 17400506 married 17270727 to Thomas Rudge 17040204 - 17620214, and baptised Edith 17310926 and Mary 17390429 lived 4 weeks.

Will of Sarah Butler 1796/23

Sarah placed X her mark on her Will 16 Feb 1795, and it was Proved 19 Mar 1796
She left her house to her three younger children, with a Chiefrent (mortgage?) of 12 shillings a year to be paid. If they can not agree, the house is to be sold and the proceeds to be evenly divided between them
To my son Robert, the wages he is owed from March 25 1792 at 3 pounds a year, to be paid to him
I appoint Robert, Samuel and Hester Butler my joint executors.

Will of Robert Butler 1796/24

Intestate Statement made 19 Mar 1796 by Robert and John Butler, sons of Robert, deceased
Robert Senior signed his Will 20 Apr 1789, leaving all his possessions to his wife Sarah, and appointed her sole executrix
Sarah, being widowed, made her Will appointing her children Robert, Samuel and Hester joint executors, and Robert agreed to administer his father's Estate, with a sworn value of less than 300 pounds

Will of Robert Butler 1816/78

Will written on 6 Jan 1813 and Proved 17 Jun 1816
He leaves the rest of his estate to his wife Mary Butler and appoints her sole executrix
He makes 5 pound bequests to the children of
Cousin William Butler and Sarah his wife, of Sherston Magna in Wilts
Cousin John Bell and Hester his wife of Luckington, Wilts
To Thomas and Elizabeth, son and daughter of Richard Handcock of Hawkesbury Upton

Thomas Warper was buried 17220510.

Thomas Butler, Master for apprentice William Shillam son of Charles, learning trade of Worsted comber reference IR 1 50 dated 5-May 1743

Thomas Butler was charged by the Court Leet Foreign Jury on 29 Sept, 1746, with erecting a gate in lane to Worewell, penalty of 2-10-0 and with erecting a gate in North Hayes, penalty of 24-5-0

Thomas Butler 1680 - 17550109 aged 75 and Elizabeth 1680 - 17620101 aged 82, baptised Jonas 17030118 -17520613, Thomas 17040518 lived 2 weeks, Joseph 17060131 - 1770, Elizabeth 17080405 - 1781, John 17101109 - 1757, Ann 17130117 is not in the family memorial, Thomas 17150915 died of Small Pox 17221120 aged 7, Jane 17170502 - 17500413, and twins 17190230 - Sarah died 17410609 and is omitted from the family memorial and Mary married J Sharp and died 1765
10 children born and 6 survived.

Will of John Butler 1759/113

Intestate statement made on 19 Jul 1759, by Elizabeth Butler, mother of John Butler woolstapler deceased, and Joseph Butler, brother of John Butler

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