Blot Outline

  1. Calling of the folk:
    “Hear ye all ye high and low of Heimdallr’s kin.
    This rite is now ready to begin”

  2. Hammer hallowing:
    Hammer hallow this stead.
    Hammer hallow the land.
    Hammer hallow the folk.
    By the might and main of Thor,
    hammer hallow and hold this holy stead.

  3. We do an appropriate reading from
    the Eddas or Sagas.

  4. Calling of the God/desses:
    -We first make a general welcome of all the Gods and Goddesses of the Aesir and Vanir as well as landvaetter and ancestors of weal.
    -Then, we each welcome in our chosen God/desses, pouring mead/cider into the blot bowl after each one is welcomed.

  5. We offer our gifts (usually a hornful of mead) to the God/desses honored.

  6. Sumbyl:
    -We do one round for each God/dess honored. Beginning each round, whoever welcomed the God/dess asks the horn to be loaded with His/Her might. Then the horn is passed around so the folk may give thanks and/or ask for assistance from the God/dess. In this way, exchanging energies. We pour the horn into the blot bowl after each round.
    -Once a round has been done for each God/dess for the blot, we do one round for the ancestors and at least one open round to honor whomever we wish.

  7. We take some quiet time to think upon/commune with the God/desses.

  8. We each pull a rune.

  9. We bid farewell:
    -We each bid farewell to who we welcomed in. Giving thanks for their presence and saying something like
    “May our paths cross often, and your blessings be known.”
    We offer some drink after each farewell.
    -We offer the blot bowl with “From the Gods and the Goddesses to the earth to us, from us, to the earth to the gods and goddesses, these offerings are sent. A gift for a gift.
    Hail and farewell”

  10. We release the stead:
    “This stead is released, returned to its common use.
    Thor, we thank you for your protection.
    May all fare forth, hale and glad.”

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