Not-So Frequently Asked Questions

As soon as I get some REAL questions, this will expand.


Q. Why do you call Omnimon the fourth Jogress when he was the first one to appear?

A. This is actually a RL question...came up when I was showing off my pretty site to my friend Louis. So...why do I call Omnimon the fourth? Couple o' reasons.
1. While he was the first to appear, he has not been as much of a plot point as Paildramon/Silphymon/Shakkoumon. 
2. Because I wanted to keep the emphasis on my lesser-covered pairings. There are a lot of Taito sites out there already.
3. It's MY site and I can do what I damn well want.


Q. Why do you use all Japanese names?

A. Three words for you. "Davis." "Yolei." "Cody."
More proof that the dubbers are smoking monkey crack.


Q. Why do you use 02 Japanese names and 01 dub names?

A. Because I'm a lazy Juno, the dub names are shorter, but I am morally opposed to the 02 dub names.
A better question is "Why do I keep switching back and forth for 01 names...and why can't I choose between 'T.K.' and 'Takeru' or 'Kari' and 'Hikari'..." And it all goes back to chronic laziness and indecision.


Q. Hey, this Ryo dude...he's Cuban, right?

A. Actually, I just put this in to make a comment...I love Puppetmistress and Ikkakuchan (webmasters of Dark Koushiro and the Temple of Yomi, respectively...) as my secret Digi-Sibs...but anyone who takes ANYTHING on their sites as uncut canon gets what they deserve.

Q. Why don't you have Hikayo or Takori up yet?

A. I'm lazy. Leave me alone.

Q. Hey, what's with the HTML errors here? Like, why did you stop skipping a line??

A. Shut up. It started muxing up as soon as I started using Geoshitty's HTML editor. Anyway...I'm lazy. Leave me alone.

Q. Hey, what's that song on Ryoken about?

A. rocks my world, and I make a point of opening each mini-site with a song. The song is "Outsider" by Chumbawumba the most Anarchist group to ever only have a hit with a drinking song.
Anyway, I was listening to the album and I just thought it fit. Because almost noone on THIS side of the Pacific knows about Ryo, let alone Ryoken, but it IS out there, and it's semi-big in Japan (oh, gods...big in Japan. Shoot me.)

Q. Don't you know that Tai and Sora are the greatest couple?

A. In your eyes. Not mine.


Q. Don't you know TK and Kari are made for each other?

A. No. I don't. Sorry.


Q. Don't you know that *PAIRING SPOILER* (it ruined my day, though, let's just leave it at that...) is official now?

A. Yes. I just don't give a flat damn. Or, at least, I'm trying to ignore it as long as possible. That's why the alt text for my banner is "Where the word 'canon' has no meaning."
Actually, it made me happy in a sick way. I remember once saying that if Daiken became official, my perverse mind would turn me into the Queen of Kenyako's.
It's nice to know that I don't have to follow up on such a scary threat.


Q. Why don't you like Michael?

A. You mean Mr. "Fear Not! I will pay the bill!"? 
You mean Mr. "Why is he taking over the Digital World when he could have better Polo, or playing the violin?"?
You mean Mr. Bloody New Yorker DigiDestined? (Go Red Sox! Yankees suck!)
You mean Mr. "I can get a date with Miyako while El Juno has to sit and slobber at her TV screen"?
Gee, I really don't know.


Q. Satan's Grandson? The L'il Antichrist?

A. little nicknames for Iori...y'see, the first time I saw him, I thought he looked like one of those kids from The Bloodening (from The Simpsons). Later, my mind made a MUCH weirder connection and I got this idea that he was really the son of Pepito, from Squee. (Squee is a comic book by Jhonen Vasquez, who is also known for Johnny The Homicidal Maniac. Pepito is the Antichrist, his dog's name is Woofles.). And doesn't "Iori, Grandson of Satan" sound good? Thus, Iori's paternal grandfather would be Satan (his maternal grandfather is Mr. Prune Juice...), and, as his father was the Antichrist, he would be the Little Antichrist. Or, the L'il Antichrist.
Take a look at him. Just LOOK at him. He has venom-green eyes, immobile hair (perfect to hide horns...), and that...shirt-thing of his goes low enough to cover a tail.
And his digimon's name is Diggles...
Sometimes my mind is not a pleasant place to be.


Q. Pimp Daddy Hawkmon?

A. He's got ALL the bitches, you know. Palmon, Gatomon, Biyomon, Miyako...I think he's trying to bring Kari in...Mimi's probably prostituting herself, anyway, and every whore needs a pimp... AND it's an explanation for why he's the only Digimon with an opposite-gender partner...
A proper English gentleman...who just happens to not only be a bird, but a pimp as well...
See note above about the state of my mind...


Q. T.K. and CODY??? (Iori)

A. Yes.


Q. Isn't

A. He won't be 9 forever. And, hey, we remember when T.K. and Kari were the 9-year-olds, right? And 9 isn't too young to have a crush...
And, anyway, the DigiDestined grow up fast. I'd still feel weird writing anything even vaguely sexual for a few years, though. But...there're real possibilities for a sweet little crush that gets to be more over time.


Q. Kari and YOLEI??? (Miyako)

A. Yes.


Q. Ken and DAVIS??? (Daisuke)

A. Yes. Though considering the current fangirl love this pairing is getting, I don't expect to get many letters like this.


Q. Are you SERIOUS?

A. Depends where you mean.  
Do I really believe Iori is Satan's Grandson?
Do I really believe that Hawkmon is a Pimp Daddy?
Possibly. No, probably not. He's still a FREAKY little thing at times, though...
Do I really wish Michael would die a slow, painful death?
No. But if he did, I wouldn't be THAT angry.
No, I take that back. He has a place, even if it's just to piss me off.
Do I really like Jun?
Do I really mean half of the snippy comments I make?
Do I really have a dangerous Miyako obsession?
She's cute as all hell, if she was real, I'd probably be trying to date her (unfortunately, probably in the most Jun-like of fashions...), she's smart and she's pretty...but I know she's just a cartoon. (*Le Sigh.*)
Do I really believe in Hiyako, Daiken and Takori?
And Mira?
And Taito?
And the other pairings on my list?
Er...some of them. The "Default" ones you can assume yes, as well as a certain love-triangle I mention a lot in there...Some of them I don't BELIEVE in, per se, I just like. Others I can just stand (*cough*Takari*cough*Michi*cough*).
However, I don't tend to be mutually exclusive about pairings. That means, in case you're not sure, that I can think...oh, that Ken would be GREAT with Dai ('course), TK or Izzy, pretty damn good with Matt, and interesting with Iori...I have my FAVORITES, but I don't limit myself...much. I'm...promiscuous, I guess. (And Lord and Lady bless...I spelled "promiscuous" right on the first try...not bad for someone who still can't get "weird" down without a spellchecker...)
Even Miyako + Gatomon?
Well... that's one of the "I DON'T believe, really, but it makes me giggle" ones...and Gatomon seems to be staring at Miyako's ass a LOT...not that I can BLAME the little kitty...but...
Thornn, if you're reading this, don't kill me. Please.
And do I really like Takedaiken?
Did I say the things on my quotes page?
All the things attributed to me, I said at some point. Even those I'd LOVE to live down...
Did I really offer someone a tic-tac while we were running for our lives?
Yes. Well, maybe it wasn't for our LIVES. 
But we were 11, 12 and 13 and we were SCARED. 
Or maybe just they were. 
I was singing the Pearl Jam cover of Masters of War (by Bob Dylan) at some point in there, too. Which is when either Caitlin or Thornn dubbed me the high priestess of hard rock...I've moved on since then... 
In general, if it sounds over-the-top or just crazy, I probably don't mean it. Pairing stuff, especially the Jogress ones, I'm probably serious about. Other than that...well...the gods gave you a nice piece of grey matter to hold your ears apart. Use it.


And, in conclusion...


Q. Monkey crack?

A. What we can blame every stupid decision in the world on.
Especially those referring to dub names and the ways people end series...

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