(Or, what you can assume a story "Defaults" to.)

Tai + Matt: Probably the most popular Yaoi pairing...everyone's seen/knows/has heard of every one of it's 100,000,000,000 proofs. But...for me...ever notice how, after they spend half of the Christmas episode trying to convince us that these two are straight and going after Sora...RIGHT afterwards (well, not RIGHT...a little bit, though. After the monsters attack Matt's concert...), there's a pan shot of the 01 DigiDestined. And two certain male DigiDestined known for bitchfighting and fearhugging (okay, maybe not fearHUGGING. Fearhandholding, though.) are...holding hands at the bottom of the screen. And they're a Jogress pairing, too. We all remember Omnimon, right?
Joe + Izzy: Do I need to give proof for this one? Please don't make me. Fine. "I love Izzy...Izzy's theories!" And the swing scene...There is 02 evidence, though. The self-same Christmas episode. Don't you think Joe and Izzy are rather...close around that computer? There's probably more. I'm not huge on evidence, myself. I just tend to go..."Yeah. They'd be cool together. I'm going to write it."
Mimi + Sora: One of my favorites...which I will continue to like no matter what they try to make us see in canon. Hell, I got into Jyoushiro and Taito just to keep those guys away from these two...
Hikari + Miyako: Jogress. And I CAN'T be the only one who thinks they act all...couple-y after Silphymon makes an appearance, can I? Gods, they're so SWEET.
Takeru + Iori: Jogress. And I'm not the only one who saw Iori hugging TK after an appearance. I can't be. It was right THERE, man.
Daisuke + Ken: Jogress. Same level as Taito (Everyone's heard of it, either as Kensuke or Daiken. (I prefer calling it Daiken, myself. Probably because I see Ken as a phenomenal uke..)). Hell, it might even be the new Taito. And there was a hell of a lot of questionable stuff going on long before we even knew of the word Paildramon. ("Seeing you squirm is SO delicious" anyone? Or all those "I believe in you, Ken!" scenes after Ken went good and before the Jogress? Hell, Dai DID want to kick Ken's ass pretty hard to just...give up...when Ken goes good. Maybe he wanted to kick it to cover for the fact that he was noticing it?)


Tai + Izzy: Oh, just go watch the movie
Tai + Joe: Don't ask me for proof. Please don't. I just like it.
Tai + Daisuke: As the banner says, "Because sometimes goggles aren't just goggles."
Tai + Mimi: Because every jock needs a cheerleader. Yes, I've been corrupted. Deal. Only thing that annoys me is that it tends to insinuate...Sorato. Which I hate.
Tai + Takeru: Because we all know which Yagami/Kamiya Takeru REALLY wants.
Tai + Jun: Makes sense to me...okay, maybe not SENSE. It's fun, though. Especially if you assume that Matt likes triangle from hell anyone?
Matt + Joe: Just because. Isn't it a pretty picture?
Matt + Ken: Because little Goth boys deserve each other.
Matt + Iori: Because we all know Iori goes for blondes.
Matt + Daisuke: The next best thing if you can't get Tai...and it makes a good dynamic, don't you think? Especially if you take Jun into account...I mean, wouldn't Jun be PISSED? I bet her face would turn the greatest color. I like Jun just fine...but the thought of her like that...
Matt + Izzy: They found their crests together...*cough*
Matt + Gabumon: Because we all know what that horn's for...
Joe + Mimi: Because of that heart. Naw, I just like this in general. And it's probably one of the more "official" pairings that I like/can stand.
Joe + Hikari: Just to piss people off. There's an entire portion of my psyche devoted to making up non-Takari/anti-Takari pairings. No, seriously, it has a degree of...I dunno...cuteness...that I just like.
Joe + Miyako: Glasses, ahoy! And "Will you look at my tonsils?"
Joe + Takeru: I will say nothing. Seems cute, though, doesn't it?
Joe + Iori: *Squeak!* Iori's got the SWEETEST little crush on Joe at the beginning of 02...go watch Old Reliable again...and that other one where Iori has to lie...the name of which escapes me right now...(It's 20,000 DigiLeagues under the Sea...or something like that...)
Joe + Daisuke: No comment.
Joe + Gomamon: Seen that bathtub scene in "A Very Digital Christmas"?
Joe + Jun: No comment. Hey, Jun needs SOMEONE. Joe'd be good for her.
Izzy + Mimi: So SWEET!
Izzy + Hikari: Just makes sense in my mind. Don't ask me why.
Izzy + Miyako: So SWEET! It's got everything Koumi's got...and Miyako isn't an airhead...or at least as much of an airhead as Mimi...
Izzy + Iori: No comment. Seems like someone else Iori might be crushing on...
Izzy + Takeru: Again. No comment.
Izzy + Daisuke: Damn you, Kay. Damn you to hell.
Izzy + Ken: *Squeak!* Oh, I like this SO MUCH. My second Ken-ish love (first love being, of course, Daiken.)
Izzy + Tentomon: "I love you." What more do you need?
Izzy + Palmon: No...comment. I've seen it on the Temple of Yomi and Dark Koushiro, though. And I DO have a soft spot for crossbreeding with other people's digimon...
Mimi + Hikari: Aw...wouldn't they be SWEET?
Mimi + Miyako: Yomi ahoy! We all saw Miyako's dream in "Family Picnic," right?
Mimi + Takeru: Don't look at me like that. Hey, it's got the visual aspects of Mimato, (which I can't stand, but can admit to being pretty) and girls don't make TK puke like they probably do for his brother.
Mimi + Daisuke: Again. Don't look at me like that. It's the whole Michi thing, I think. But less...whatever. And it doesn't insinuate Sorato, and it isn't all over the place.
Mimi + Palmon: Palmon always seems REAL happy to see Mimi, don't you think? And Mimi seemed to like Lillymon okay...
Mimi + Jun: No comment. In my fits. I don't know.
Sora + Hikari: Just makes sense to me.
Sora + Miyako: You know...I think I started one of the first Soryako series on FFN. Need to finish it someday.
Sora + Jun: Killing two birds with one stone...
Sora + Biyomon: "I can feel your love,'s making me strong..."
Hikari + Takeru: Even if it's starting to PISS ME OFF.
Hikari + Daisuke: Lets give goggle-boy what he wants, no?
Hikari + Gatomon: Can I stop with the crossbreeding quotes? Please?
Hikari + Jun: The logical flip-side to Yamasuke/Daito...
Miyako + Takeru: The logical flip-side to Daikari...and pretty good in it's own right...
Miyako + Daisuke: They're very alike...and they're just nice. Oh, yeah. It's also the logical flip-side to what you will with THAT.
Miyako + Iori: Give the boy a few years. It'd work.
Miyako + Hawkmon: The only non-Yaoi/Yuri crossbreed! Not that I MIND Yaoi and Yuri, of course. I'm just making a comment.
Miyako + Gatomon: Don't look at me like that. I'm proud to say that I'm probably the only supporter of this one, though.
Miyako + Jun: See Sora + Jun. I like this more, though.
Takeru + Daisuke: We all know what they're REALLY fighting about...
Takeru + Ken: Just seems VERY cool to me. Especially after reading Meimi's fics and spending time at Tarnished Wings. Tied with Kouken for second place in the Ken wars. And then you add in my recent obsession with Takedaiken...
Takeru + Patamon: Ever see how TK sleeps around Patamon? Ever see that scene in...that Blackwargreymon episode who's name I've forgotten right now...where TK's having a nightmare, he wakes up then sort of...fondles...Patamon?
Takeru + Jun: 'Cause if Jun can't get an Ishida, a Takaishi is the next best thing, no?
Iori + Daisuke: Makes sense to me. And we can call it the flipside to Taken/Kenkeru. AND wouldn't it be one more reason for why Iori is Ken in those first few episodes after Ken goes good? Aw...Satan's Grandson is JEALOUS!
Iori + Ken: They have this WEIRD dynamic going on...I used to just say "Right after Ken goes good" but I could even see things in the Christmas Ep (most recent one I saw.). And, of course, "I think there's something between Cody and Ken we won't really ever understand" or something like that.
Iori + Blackwargreymon: Again. No comment. It's the flower thing, I think.
Daisuke + Wallace: Sometimes I scare myself. No, not for liking the pairing (I like plenty of pairings that scare me already...) but for forgetting to put it up for so long. Anyhoo...just go watch the movie. AND Wallace has that intelligent pretty-boy thing we KNOW Dai goes for. For example...there are only two known DigiDestined who have created Digimon. One is Wallace. The other is *DINGDINGDING* Ken.
Daisuke + Michael: Once again proving that there is no character so awful they can't be saved by a good Dai pairing...anyway. Do we all remember the Digimon World Tour (or whatever the hell they called it...) Part One with Daisuke and Michael in New York? Remember how Daisuke made Michael blush? And, while I'm on the subject...did anyone else see that random Asian DigiDestined (I think she might have been Chinese) who looked like Iori in drag? The resemblance was EERIE.
Ken + Wormmon: "Ken-chan!"
Ken + Wallace: No, they've never met. But remember that intelligent pretty-boy thing I mentioned under Daisuke + Wallace? Wouldn't Ken and WELL together?
Kaizer + Ken: Don't ask. Just...don't...ask... It's another of those things that just sort of makes me happy on a VERY sick level...
Jun + Osamu: Hey, I can like this kind of thing, right? And, for anyone out there who's even sicker than me, mostly I'm talking a world where Osamu never died. Mostly. Anyway, it's the same kind of thing as people who like both Taito and Takari. If it worked for their brothers...
Jun + Shin: Hmm...makes sense to me. No, they've never met, that we know of. But I already said I like Jun + Osamu...and Osamu's dead, goddammit. And I like Junyako...if I can like those...
Jun + Wormmon: Damn you, James/Kindoftroubleistayoutof. Damn you to hell. She did these really funny pics of Jun and Wormmon...well, it's something for the little thing to do while his Ken-chan is...busy...with Daisuke.
Jun + Midori: Cynthia, Piedmon's Lady's creation. Midori is Miyako's oldest sister (or that's what Cynthia calls her...we don't have a name for her.)...and they have some cool scenes in the Christmas where Jun is shielding Midori...and another when Jun is doing this cheerleader routine for Matt and Midori is looking off to the side and blushing.
Osamu + Shin: Yep, Joe's older brother. Well, if Osamu was alive...well...Someone wrote this. And I liked it. Might make an appearance in one of my 02 rewrites (The "Mask" one). Not sure, though.
Ryo + Ken: It's fun, it's Jogress, I like it, leave me alone.
Osamu + Ryo: It's fun, it doesn't mess with Daiken, I like Ryo, leave me alone.
Daisuke + Ryo: It's fun, it makes no sense, I like it, leave me alone.

Agumon + Gabumon:
One word. Omnimon.
Agumon + Biyomon: Closest I'll ever get to Taiora...
Agumon + Palmon: Don't know why I like this...
V-mon + Wormmon: Paildramon...and, again, something for them to do while their people
Patamon + Armadillomon: Shakkoumon...and remember that scene where they're jumping up and down with Patamon on Armadillomon's head?
Gatomon + Hawkmon: Silphymon...and Hawkmon shows off for Gatomon just like his person shows off for Kari.
Patamon + Gomamon: Makes sense to me. Vyse wrote one of these.
Wormmon + Armadillomon: Remember that scene where they're hugging and dancing together?
V-mon + Gatomon: Let's give the little blue thing what he wants, no?
V-mon + Patamon: No...comment. I saw it in a doujinshi, though, and while...well...lets say the doujinshi was your typical Japanese me to thinking about how cute Chibimon and Patamon are, though...
Patamon + Gatomon: The Takari of the Digimon themselves. With everything around that...grrr...
Palmon + Biyomon: They're hugging in the comic book logo...
Biyomon + Hawkmon: I saw an official picture where it looks like Hawkmon is busily attempting to ravish Biyomon...and it also included a Yomi boob grab! And Tai's chest hair...
Palmon + Hawkmon: Makes sense to me. And it's also the correlation of Yomi. Gee, Hawkmon's the pimp daddy, isn't he?
Arukenimon + Mummymon: Because I believe in giving people what they want. And, hey, it's the Digimon answer to Rocketshipping!

I see how often I can use the words "bitchfight" "bitchfighting" and "Takedaiken"
NOTE: I'm using the word "bitchfight" in the most general of possible senses here. I don't really mean what Tai and Matt used to do all the time...I mean two people each trying to get someone's attention. the early episodes of 02 TK and Daisuke are bitchfighting over Kari (then they see Ken...and...well...Takedaiken is born.).

Takeru + Daisuke + Ken: in any way you want to put the names. There isn't enough of this, in any form, and I think it kicks several more levels of ass than TK + Kari + Daisuke, in any way you want THOSE names (Which kicks more ass then Tai + Matt + any way THOSE names go.). It's also popular in Japanese art, in a...rather strange...form (Ken comes within around 10 feet of Dai...TK immediately goes all demonic, complete with glowing eyes and claws...Ken shrieks and jumps back...Daisuke notices nothing.) I call this one TakeDaiKen and it's one of my new you know what happens when a Daiken fan gets to liking Taken and/or Takedai as well...(I'd liked Takedai for a while...and I've just gotten into Taken.)
Daisuke + Izzy + Ken: Damn you, Kay. You had to make me like Daishiro, didn't you? And then when I got to like just makes sense to me.
Miyako + Izzy + Ken: Or, Miya-chan and Ken-chan bitchfighting over Izzy. Or Izzy and Miyako bitchfighting over Ken (though we know who I'd root for THERE...go for it, Izzy!) Fun! Why hasn't anyone written any of this? The closest I've seen is both Ken and Izzy liking...Miyako. Ick. Sorry, I'm not a Kenyako fan. I absolutely adore both Miyako and Ken...but...Oh, and I read one where Izzy likes Ken who likes Miyako. I also KNOW that this is going to make something of an appearance in the Mask series...
Miyako + Hikari + Mimi: Heh. You cross your Yomi with your Hiyako and you Hiyomi?
Miyako + Mimi + Sora: Crossing Mira with Yomi gives us...Yomira. Which sounds like an alien princess. There are a LOT of possibilities here which aren't being a set up with Miya-chan crushing on Mimi...but a pre-existing Mira...but there are also post-02 possibilities which Ikkakuchan has pointed out to me...
Hikari + Daisuke + Ken: Or, Kari and Ken bitchfighting over Dai. I...have actually written quite a bit on one of these.
Matt + Ken + Daisuke: You cross your Yamasuke and Yamaken with your Daiken and you This one doesn't work as well as Takedaiken, name wise, does it? It's also got the visual aspects of Takedaiken...kind of. You know, one blonde, one goggle-boy, one little Goth. However...Matt's pretty gothic himself...but we also have the Gothic TK...hmmm...never mind me.
Hawkmon + Miyako + Gatomon: I have a sick mind, I know. But the image just makes me giggle.
Joe + Mimi + Izzy: In any way you want those know, Mimi being annoying between Jyoushiro...both Joe and Izzy liking Mimi...Joe liking Mimi who likes Izzy who likes with it a bit. There're MANY possibilities here.
Tai + Sora + Matt: But only in a genderfuck kindoftroubleistayoutof's fics to understand what I mean.
Mimi + Sora + Hikari: The 01 Yuri strikes again! Basically imagine a Mira with Hikari having one of those "little girl" crushes on either Sora or Mimi...cute image, isn't it? In 01, of course. Still kinda cool in 02, though, but the dynamics would have to be different.
Takeru + Hikari + Daisuke: Not as much fun as Takedaiken, though. Yes, I just wanted to say Takedaiken again.
Daisuke + Ken + Wormmon: Hey...any set up with a digimon bitchfighting with a human just makes me giggle...and I think someone actually wrote one of these. I can't remember who, though. Or the title.
Daisuke + Ken + V-mon: I actually wrote one of these...not really romantic, but a jealous little Chibimon. Well, if a cat can get jealous, a digimon CERTAINLY can.
Tai + Matt + Jun: Bitchfight, ahoy! Tai vs. Jun! "My Matt!" "NO! My Matt!" (yes, I have the image of Resuko's Gundam Wing Duo vs. Relena pic in my mind here...go look at it if you've never seen it. Funny as all hell. It's called "wackoes" or something...) Add in the fact that I have an unexplainable fondness for Tai + Jun (even if, in my mind, Jun came about from a late night, sake-drenched planning session where someone said "Hey...wouldn't Tai look good in a skirt?" Just put goggles on Jun. The image is frightening. See? There IS a Motomiya who's a Tai clone. Just not Daisuke.) and you have a possible love triangle in the making.
Daisuke + Ken + Iori: Okay, are you catching a theme here? Yep, I like the idea of Ken fighting with someone for Dai, or Dai fighting with someone for Ken. Or Ken and Dai bitchfighting among themselves over someone, for, as Taito and Takedai have shown us, bitchfighting is one step below love. Anyway...I like the image of Satan's Grandson and Ken fighting over Dai, or he and Dai fighting over Ken. It's just...funny. I don't like it as much as Takedaiken, though. (<--- USED IT AGAIN!). 
Daisuke + Takeru + Iori: Takori. Takedai. Takedai and Takori.
Matt + Tai + Daisuke: Probably my favorite pairing/triangle which involves Dai and no Ken. Can't compete with Takedaiken, though! (Yes, this has degenerated into me seeing how often I can use the term "Takedaiken") Very sweet, in and of itself. I've read quite a few of these which were VERY cool (of course, at this point "quite a few" can be read as "five or six." It's better to say that I've never read a bad one.), and I've seen some great art, too. I'd point you to Shadowed Forests, if it wasn't dead.
Daisuke + Miyako + Ken: In the form of Dai and Miya-chan bitchfighting over Ken, or Ken and Miyako bitchfighting over Dai. Either way is cool, to me. Or, maybe, Dai with Miyako and also liking Ken. Hey, why hasn't anyone tried much of this? If I could do bitchfights, I'd have done it. Not Dai and Ken bitchfighting over Miyako, though. Let me just put this out in the open...I believe Ken is, to steal a term from Neil Gaiman, "Gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide." Any set up that puts him with a girl just doesn't feel right to me. Especially not Kenyako, for some reason. I can...almost...stand Kenkari...but Kenyako sends me reeling for the "back" button. I have no clue why. Also, this seems to have the S + S + Y in Card Captor Sakura set up that I mention in Hikari + Miyako + Daisuke...can't you see both Miyako and Daisuke trying to outdo each other to impress Ken?
Hikari + Miyako + Gatomon: In any set up, but especially both Hikari and Gatomon wanting Miyako. Hey, as funny as the image of a human bitchfighting with a digimon is to me...a human bitchfighting with THEIR OWN digimon over someone is even better.
Hikari + Miyako + Daisuke: Dai and Miya-chan bitchfighting over Kari...just think of those scenes in Card Captor Sakura (at least in the Manga...) where Sakura and Syaoran are both trying to get Yuki's attention. That's what I think of here. Like...I can see Dai and Miya trying to race to give Kari a Valentines Day gift first. I can't see that as much in TK + Kari + Daisuke...but in this it's really cool image.
Hikari + Miyako + Takeru: TK and Kari bitchfighting over Miyako...or Miyako and TK fighting over Kari. Both seem cool.
Miyako + Joe + Iori: Both Iori and Miya-chan crushing on Joe...or Iori liking Joe who's going out with Miyako.
Izzy + Joe + Iori: Iori crushing on Joe, who's with Izzy, or really any other set-up you can think of.
Daisuke + Tai + Takeru: Can't you see TK and Tai fighting over Dai...or Dai and TK fighting over Tai...
Daisuke + Tai + Ken: My favorite possibility here is Ken likes Daisuke who's got a secret crush on Tai. This is...TaiDaiKen...which is cool, but sounds like "Tie-dye Ken" which is just a scary image, no?
Kaizer + Daisuke + Ken: Oh, come on. If you assume Ken's got multiple personalities...or just see that there's a LOT of difference between the Kaizer and can see it. Imagine both sides of Ken going after Daisuke. I think someone wrote one of these...

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