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 [Brittikins] or is it [Brittykins]?  Music - None  Mood - Sentimental

Bye Journal!! I’ll miss you!!!!


Coz, you know, I posted entries here just so gosh darn often.


However, I am well known for my sentimentalism, so I actually am rather sad. Oh well. I’ll get over it. Be sure to check out our next site … IT WILL BE FREAKIN’ AWESOME!!!! Plus there will be way more of ME, coz [Nikkikins] is threatening to put me on the Part-time Staff list *gasp, shudder, shock, horror* if I don’t behave myself … a.k.a. get off my lazy buttockses and actually bother to contribute something every once and awhile. Or … even … contribute … weekly.


I know. It’s hard to imagine.


But ya never know. Stranger things have happened.


Tune in to our next site … we have several oh-so-exciting things in mind … like we want some actual, real, ALIVE readers … we want to solve the mystery of the spelling of my name … and I, personally, would like to know if the new recruit has an odd fondness for crumpets …




Bye, Dwelling of the Doorknobs. I’ll miss you. *tear*


Lots of love and tissues,



P.S. What didDwelling of the Doorknobs’ mean, anyway?  


3rd July

 [Nikkikins]  Music - None  Mood - Tired as a tired thing in tiredtown

Yea, quick update so y'all know I'm still alive...We had a party here on Friday night...Not very big but twas great...[Pinknailpolishguy] made us the best cake ever....My mum is now making me marry him...Then me, [7DayCrisis], [Brittikins] and [BloodyImmigrant] went and had a one o'clock spa....And ate whipped cream, nothing dodgy I promise...The next morning [Brittikins]'s mummy came to pick her up and then they went and stole our weed...No really they did...Chickweed, apparently good for the birds they breed....Then we sat on the couch, watched dvd's and ate cookie dough, chips, cookies and whipped cream...We were like spinsters...But it was so damn fun...And now I am doing homework...Is it sad that I like taking notes??


24th June

 [Nikkikins]  Music - My mum's weird reggae crap    Mood - Dancing a merry jig, because [7DayCrisis] is comin back!!

The last [7DayCrisis] Free Day!!

That's what I have been writing in my books at school all day...I know I know...I should be doing work...Oh well...But she gets back tomorrow!! Yay!! And maybe DOTD might actually get some updates....Woot!

We had two relievers today!! Best day ever...And they were stupid ones so I didn't even feel bad when everyone was being mean to them....But its their own stupid fault...They decided to be teachers, I bet when they were little they said "Oh what is the lowest paying job where I can get abused by people less than half my age and try to tell them things?" and then they got it "TEACHING!!"......Idiots...

My back hurts...

My sister brought the Playboy Mansion game...Hilarious, really bad graphics, so bad that instead of walking the characters sometimes just glide along the floor...I would love to do that....But it was stupid, the review thing said "Step into a world where you can walk round in your pajamas all day, Be Hef." Which is dumb because I quite frequently wear my pajamas all day....I don't have to go out and possess a dirty old man to do that....

[Brittikins] and I are making a band...We don't care neither of us can play instruments...Welll thats a lie, I play the clairinet, but there is no way I am doing that in front of people...Too damn embarrassing...The idea is we write songs with insane lyrics and then either rap them (because that requires no talent at all) or just give them to [7DayCrisis] (the talented one).....Anyway our bands name is DTRLIPS (or "Damn Those Rebellious Lips") long story... Tell later...

Must fly.....

14th June

 [*Da~Blonde~1*]  Music - Partly listening to the Rugby Match NZ Maoris vs B Lions - GO NEW ZEALAND MAORI!! Mood-In hysterics, because my sister is cabbage

OKay, so here I am for yet ANOTHER Saturday night, at the Wicks house. We've had tea, and now we're watching rugby. Do you know how long this tradition has gone on for?? YEARS!!
Okay, now I'm over that, I thought I should tell you WHY I'm actually writing a journal entry: Because Nikkikins is DAMN LAZY!! And not only that, the only way I can actually put anything on this site, is if I SEND it to her, so how does it help, because SHE still has to put it on there! Figures...

- EDIT- [Nikkikins] - Shuttup Bumbreath...Man, that was scathing...

Anywho... So today, I had soccer this morning, and WE LOST. NO surprise there of course, but the really sad thing was that there team had 3 less players than us, and they still won 8-1. At half time, my coach said he wanted me to play in mid-field, and I was thinking "SWEET!"  and then this prick in my soccer team who shall remain nameless, said to the coach "I think I should go there coach, because SHE only uses her left foot". Pfft.... I'll show him how effective my left foot is!! Anywho, so the coach said no, and we went back on the field, and the coach had to leave early, and so he took my position!! PRICK!!
Okayz... I can't actually think of anything else to write on this damn thing... so I'm gone...



8th June


   Music -

 Mood -
Well … aloha, ladies and gentlemen, how are we all on this fine afternoon? Hehe, who am I kidding, it’s totally the morning.

And now …  this is the part where I tell you all (yes, all five of you), thrilling events that have happened/will happen in my life! I suppose that is the point of a journal … they are not only for using as weapons to whack one’s little sister over the head with. (Of course, this journal is an online one, so it is not often used for that particular function.)

So … welcome to this week’s riveting saga … There Is A Cat That Keeps Invading My House And Nicking Off With My Snookimses’ Cat Food!

NASTY CAT: Mwahahahaha!! I spy some cat food! And I know for a fact that the cats that live here are nothing but pussies! (NB: Hahahaha. Ha. Ha. Ha … yeah, I couldn’t resist it … please don’t hunt me down and kill me with the flaming arrows you keep in your medicine cabinet.) So, I shall enter through this conveniently placed cat door, and my dastardly plot to get fatter will begin!!

NASTY CAT: *nudges cat door with its rather squished head*

*Cannot get cat door to open*

*Snarls, coz he’s mad and stuff*

*Uses his massive bulk to push the cat door with all his might*

*Half falls, half flies through the door, and skids across the rug, his claws digging into the rug and ripping it up … duh, Nasty Cat, to open the cat door you needed to push it, which is an action somewhere in between nudge and using all your might. Silly.*

*Shakes himself, trying to keep some semblance of dignity, and ambles on over to the cat food*

*Eats cat food*

BRITTIKINS: *enters* *yells* HEY! GET OUT OF IT!

NASTY CAT: *ignores raving human*

BRITTIKINS: *picks up nearest object, which happens to be a porcelain milk jug from a small province in Spain* Ha! Take this, you evil - *realizes she’s holding a porcelain milk jug from a small province in Spain* Oh … um … *picks up a copy of “The Book Nobody Ever Read, Coz It’s Too Dusty And Fat And Old” and hurls it at Nasty Cat* TAKE THAT!

NASTY CAT: *dodges “The Book Nobody Ever Read, Coz It’s Too Dusty And Fat And Old”*

RANDOM LAMP: *falls off shelf* *lands on Nasty Cat, by some massively lucky fluke*

NASTY CAT: Yeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooooooowwwww!! *scampers out the cat door*

BRITTIKINS: Yeah. That’s right. And don’t ever come back again!

~The End~

I’ll keep you updated on what happens next … or maybe I’ll won’t. We shall see …

Lots of poodles and extra-sticky lollipops,



7th June


 Music - Nothing new to report captain

 Mood - Caffeneinated

Talked to [7DayCrisis]...She brought sea-monkeys...Awesome....

In the weekend [ *Da~Blonde~1* ] and I went to this youth group camp thingy majigie....3 nights, 4 bottles and two cans of 'V' later I was home and asleep...8 hours later I was awake.....10 minutes later I went back to sleep for another 12 hours.....and I'm still tired...But it was awesome...Except for all the damn preaching...One guy actually said "And to complete our lord Jesus' work you can go to the nice people out in the foyer and donate $10..." That made me mad....

I handed in a first draft for this thingy for English the other day...Got it back with no red pen marks except for "Excellent!!"...Two exclamation marks and all...So I gave my teacher an odd look and she came over and said, "Nicole that is probably the best piece of writing I have ever got from a student...." and more such words to that effect....I thought it was crap....Oh well...Twas fun...Due to peer pressure from a person who is probably our one and only reader I have decided to put this story up on the site....See that some time soon....If you must...

[Brittikins] was sick today.....She missed out on an argument which I was lucky enough to be caught in the middle of...So damn fun...


29th May

 [Nikkikins]                  Music - Rammstein // Ohne Dich (love that song)   Mood - Insanely bored....

Woke up at 8:00 this morning....Saw no signs of civilized life out my window so I went back to sleep and woke again at half one....Yay....

The Crusaders won the super 12!! Woot! Ok sure, I'm really a southlander but really who in their right mind would support the Southland Stags? So I support my second hometown, good old Christchurch....And they won!! Oh and the sting won the netball, I do support them.

[Brittikins] fell over on Friday...A classic superman too, in the corridor at school, with hundreds of people watching. Twas awesome. Oh and she didn't hurt herself. 

I have to try and con everyone else into writing something for the site damnit, and I should do something myself....Damn updateage....

Oh well must fly, homework to be done....

20th May

 [Nikkikins]                            Music - Devo // Whip it   Mood - Tired

Debate yesterday, funniest debate ever!! The moot thingy was that video games are a waste of time and we were negative....Woot! Here is one of the more funny moments of the debate:    [OurThirdSpeaker] - My brother goes online and plays some game with all his friends from school.

                         [TheirTeamLeader] - (in the summary) ...Tell your brother to go out and get some real friends....

Fricken hilarious ...Ok well maybe you had to be there... But [Brittykins] and I were in hysterics.....Unfortunately I had to go and take a drink of my water just before he said that....Of course I am the one who represents my school really well by having their water almost come out my nose....But it didn't and I am glad....

But then today we got to school and two of our teachers had to go and congratulate us in front of the whole class....But one gave us chocolate so I didn't mind....

Oh the other day I got some bright red spray paint and this brown set of retro drawers and painted them...it looks soo awesome....Yay for The Love Den!!!

Meh....My life is so insanely boring this week....Oh well..... Ta ta


6th May

  [Nikkikins]   Music - Some German girl // Schnappi das kleine krokodil  Mood -  No idea

Hello my children and minions. Welcome to another day of your pathetic existence serving under the great me. Oopsies, there goes that whole self promoting thing again, the adjudicator of my last debate told me to stop that. Just because I said "And I [Nikkikins] will dazzle you, not only with my great wit and charm but with my thoughts on blah blah blah...." I can't help it, I am just a wonderful person, he obviously did not get the whole meaning of being dazzled..,...Stupid....

Stupid Comment of the Week - Social Studies Teacher - "What is the capital of Bavaria? The Olympics were held there a while ago..."

                                                 Class Idiots (thats right...there was more than one) - "Athens?"

                                                  SST Teacher - (After a while of mocking and class idiots guessing) "The Munich Olympics!"

                                                 Biggest Class Idiot - "What does it start with?"

Thats right folks, people that dumb actually do exist! Shocking I know, but this was the same person that said, And I quote "You know we only hear about St Patricks Day because it is Ireland....Why does no one care when Russia has St Patrick's Day?" And later went on to say, "Why isn't there a St Russia Day?" She was deeply shocked when we informed her that Russia (contrary to popular belief) is in fact not a saint.......Who would've thought? I could go on forever but (contrary to popular belief) I do not want to make anyone cry. 

We had to do this thingy in drama the other day, kinda annoying coz at the last minute we had to all swap parts and I had to be [Brittykins]'s lover....Ew....But some people laughed and we got good marks so I don't care too much....

Got a postcard + letter from [7DayCrisis] the other day.....She saw sea-monkeys and is going camel riding!!! Awesome, but apparently everyone here has an Australian twin....That sucks...But we are so the better halves...

I brought the Schnappi cd and Toy Love which is weird and cool and apparently my mum listened to it when she was young...Gawd...

Sick of writing now....Must fly....


1st May

 [Nikkikins]    Music - Nothin...left cd's in Invercargill    Mood - Procrastinating

In the words of  [ *Da~Blonde~1* ], "Welcome back to civilization"..... YAY....But does this mean I have to act civilized??? Damn....

 When we landed in Invercargill the plane landed sideways...Scary as...Oh and in Christchurch they confiscated the blunt scissors I was planning on hijacking the plane with...Funnily enough they didn't care that I had an empty glass bottle and a clarinet in my bag...Coulda done lots more damage with them than with my blunt scissors that don't even cut paper anymore...Stupid airline

We went to Te Anau for three days....for those uneducated freaks out there that do not know there where abouts of Te Anau it is some where 1.5 hours away from Invercargill....there is a lake, and some trees. We stayed with my cousins, it was fun....Me, my sister, my stepsister and my cousin were playing Cranium which is an awesome game and we had this question about bone china, we got it wrong and there was this little thing that said that bone china has bits of ground up bone in it...My stepsister was deeply perturbed by this so about a minute later she said, "Bone china, I would hate to live there",  So dumb.

We went out for tea Friday night, me and my stepbrother came up with life stories for some of the people in the big group next to us. Bald guy in red sweater used to be one of santas elves but quit due to undue stress and now is a wigmaker.


20th April

  [Nikkikins]    Music - Nothin' too interesting    Moo- Extremely Bored

Going to Invercargill tomorrow....Woohoo....Even better, I am going to Invercargill on an Air New Zealand plane, that's right the same company that has had to turn round when we were on the plane because of "technical difficulties" (the plane kept falling a few meters then going back up and the freakin lights were flickering), 3 times in a row. And they lost our baggage once....This is all in the last 2 years. So as we can see my confidence in good old Air New Zealand is non-existent. But then I like flying, so I'm fine, but my sister hates it and gets really freaked out whenever we go. Understandable really.

I just spent all today modifying some random clothes I got from an op-shop, they look kinda cool really. But now there are black feathers, emerald green fluffy material and safety pins all over my room....Weird...I just need some sequins and a bit of glue and I could be in Vegas...

No emails from [7DayCrisis] for a while :(  she obviously hates us.....But if she hates us you think she would be considerate and at least send us some hate mail....It's just pathetic...

Oh well....Must Fly...Packing to be done....

P.S. As a child I used to hide in the mail box to scare the postie....Is that normal??


16th April

 [Nikkikins]     Music - No idea who//Zoot Suit Riot   Mood - Rather Mooseish

I HAVE A BUBBLE MACHINE!!!! It's so cool. You know the ones you fill with bubble mixture and it spews out millions of bubbles? Yes one of those. The only sad thing is that we didn't have any bubble mixture so I had to put in some of my sisters "Imperial Leather Shower Gel" (aka "Man Soap") so now my room smells like man. Meh, at least it smells like clean man.

I have moved house since my last journal entry (the one where I said I was moving tomorrow). Tis awesome, we have a spa and this huge room downstairs that mum has dubbed "Teenage Space". Bit lame but I can live with it coz they bought me and my sister a computer for down there (down there being downstairs not anywhere else).

I am on a mission to make my new bedroom the ultimate love den. My sister dubbed my old room that after I got heaps of fairy lights and all that crap....But this room is gunna be heaps more love dennish (hehe dennis). I already have the bubble machine and the fairy lights and the bright red wardrobe doors, never mind the curtains that are scary and retro and have all these little faces in them. I have already found a severed head, a evil rabbit, a psycho frog and Plankton from Spongebob....Scary.....Speaking of scary faces, this whole freakin house is lockwood so there is like a zillion scary faces looking at you. No, I am not paranoid.

Now I am off to Trademe to find me some more crap for "The Love Den". Woot!


14th April

 [Brittikins]   Music -   Mood -


I have realized that I am, like, the most boring person on this site.  This is ridiculously stupid, coz in real life I am far from boring. I am ridiculously interesting, to the point where all the other people on this site just look like camels, and I look like a camel in pink neon tights and a matching balaclava. (I don’t really look like a camel, of course, it was a metaphor guys!!! DUH!!! However, I do spit a lot, on account of my fictitious lithp.)


So, I am going to attempt to put aside my oh-so-active social life, all the parties and rock concerts I am just constantly being invited to, and write s’more stuff *puts on sexy and mature television commercial voice* for you, our reader/viewer.

Oh, and I have to say, C’MON GUYS, let’s all put in a big effort and send us some hate mail!!! I know that most of you love us to the point of Stalkerville, but puh-lease, where are you oh-my-life-sucks-and-I-must-make-someone-else-feel-suicidal-to-make-myself-feel-better-ON-THE-INTERNET-COZ-I-AM-TOO-MUCH-OF-A-WUSS-TO-DISS-SOMEONE-IN-REAL-LIFE types? I know you’re out there. We at Dwelling of the Doorknobs love people like you, coz we can then humiliate you with our charm and wit and outright kewlness, until you are angry and resentful and we are laughing hysterically.

Oh, and also, please send us some donations (of CASH, not dirty socks, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) so we can ditch geocities and inspire millions of lives!!! Or maybe just make more people laugh. Whatever. For tips on how to get some money, see Make Lots and Lots and Lots of Money. Having tried many of these methods, I personally would recommend the Lemonade Stand.

It’s the only one I didn’t try.

*mutters* Stupid millionaire … [inaudible] never should’ve married … [inaudible] orange ice blocks, puh-lease … [inaudible] practically immortal … with geese and [inaudible] flying [inaudible] stock markets …




Have a nice day, y’all.


Lotsa love and plastic forks,

Brittikins (or “Brittykins” in some circles)




7th April

 [Nikkikins]      Music- The sweet sweet sounds of packing....Pffftt       Mood - Impatient damn you...

I'M MOVING TOMORROW!!!!  Thats right folks, house number 17 for [Nikkikins]....Can't wait....

Wow...Just packing and I found the address of a website I made like 3 or 4 years ago. Man I'm a nerd. But it is quite funny. In a wow I am so lame kinda way.

Click here to see how weird and stupid it is.

BTW this was for a school project. Not just a spare time thing I did. That would be nerdy. Oh crap.....

6th April                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

 [Nikkikins]                              Music - Billy Idol // Dancing with myself                         Mood - Extremely Bored
I have such an interesting life. Not. Damn. Oh well....

We had a maths test today. It was insanely hard. Probably doesn't help that I am hopeless at maths. But it was one of those stupid ones they make the smart classes (yes thats me...shocking) do, the ones that don't count for anything. Which I guess was good because near the end I gave up and drew a moose on my test paper. Much more fun.  And I drew a flower because I have some weird superstition that drawing flowers on tests makes you get better marks.

[Brittykins] was a cripple today. She had a splinter in her foot that she couldn't get out. So we spent the whole day walking excruciatingly slowly so she didn't die.

I just wrote an essay. Yay.

And that is basically my life in a nutshell.


29th March


[ Nikkikins ]

Music -  Eagles // Hotel California

Mood - Happy Happy Happy!!!


The other day I was just bumming round on msn, doing nothing productive, as I do, and suddenly, just like out of the blue, this random person added me and she goes “Hey are you [Nikkikins] from that crazy doorknob site?” and me being the very very awesome person I am said “Why yes, yes I am, are you a regular visitor?” because well I like to keep in touch with my fans, since I’m such a nice person and all...And this evil little person of unspecified gender said “No I don’t like that site, its too weird.” And that of course made me very happy. So I decided to really freak her out with my weirdness and started doing all the fun actions stuff like *giggles insanely and runs around and around a polar bear*. She started doing that thing people do when they are around people cooler/weirder than they are, you know they just sit there and go “Riight...”... It was great  and I am sure she really hates our site now.....Maybe next time I will ask her to send us some hate mail....We haven’t had any hate mail in all the nearly six months we have been alive....How sad. Can someone just send us some hate mail so I can reply to it and be really mean? Or email us telling us about your problems so I can laugh at you and mock your life....That could be fun.....

Oh yea...My sister gave me the flu...I hate her...Now I am like dead...So mad.


8th March


[ 7DayCrisis ]

Music -  Pantera // Cowboys From Hell

Mood - Grossing Myself Out

Oh my god.  I have the scandal of the century.  You all know that Barry letter writer guy who sends us funny yet strangely threatening emails?  The one with that website?  Yeah, well turns out he's fancied me for a lil while... n we now go out as of 8.09pm last night!  This makes me really really happy =) because Barry is actually a really cool guy.  He's really sweet and funny... and I think now is where I shoot myself in the head for being all soppy and lovey.  Ew.  Gross me out. Ew ew ew ew ew... yuck, now I'm thinking about love.  Yuck. Aaaaanyway... funny circumstances, because Barry happens to be [ Nikkikins ]'s big sister's boyfriend's best friend... n [ Nikkikins ] is one of my best friends... so it's one of my best friend's big sister's boyfriend's best friend.  That's a lot of friendliness.  It's rather weird... But yeah.  Argh.  This guy I'm talking to is bitching about how his parents won't buy him some guitar stuff he wants (he's broken 3 strings in the past 2 weeks, if I were his parents I wouldn't keep replacing them either!) so I told him to save up and get it himself n he's just reels out pathetic excuse after pathetic excuse about why he can't.  Usually along the lines of "I don't have a job".  So I told him to get a paper run n he's all "nuh it doesn't pay enough, nuh I don't want it to interfere with guitar lessons."  First of all, it pays more than I get for working from 9 - 4! Mind you, I can get my hair cut and dyed and stuff for free... but anyway.  Second of all, HE DOESN'T EVEN TAKE GUITAR LESSONS!! He goes "I wanna get lessons and get real good." Yeah, well, you need to be able to pay for the lessons.  Argh.  He's just pissing me off.  I went from a good mood about Barry to a foul mood about this dude who whines about how he has no money yet refuses to get a job.  He actually told me he'd just sit and wait for one to come!  Then I told him his complaining and bitching was pissing me off so he said "don't listen then" so I blocked him.  I feel proud.  I've only blocked 2 people in my life.


The other was a 30 year old Chinese paedophile. 


I hope that expresses how much I'm pissed off at this guy.  He asked me to bring my acoustic to school today (which I didn't) then told me at lunch how he'd broken 3 strings in the past two weeks.  That REALLY pissed me off.  I told him he deserved to be slapped and shot.  Then I slapped him.  Then Barry and Hot Guy (who I can't really call Hot Guy anymore) slapped him.  Was quite hillarious.  He THEN complained about a ringing in his ears from "50 slaps in a row" pah.  He'da been lucky if it got up to 20.  21 at the very most.  Toughen up asshole.  Grrr.  I'm really really mad.


6th March


[ Nikkikins ]

Music -  Electric Six // Gay Bar

Mood - In hysterics

Its sunday and instead of waking up at my usual 3ish i woke up at freakin 8:00. And then, guess what, I cleaned! What the hell is wrong here? Thats right, I am turning into a freak. No not really, we are just trying to sell the freakin house. Anyways, My sister was playing the Sims 2 (best game ever) and she made a gay couple called Satan and God. Pretty damn funny. To all of you people out there about to yell because that is so damn shocking...stuff off, i dont care....it is damn funny.
And then we were watching freakin Miss Popularity (lamest programme ever) and they had to walk these camels from one place to another. One of the stupid bimbos walked in front of this camel then the camel kicked her and for some strange reason she decided to walk in front of it again. Guess what? She got kicked again. That was the best moment in television history right there. When i grow up I'm gunna be a television producer and just have a whole programme of camels kicking people. The whole half hour. Camels, kicking people. Awesome. It's almost funnier than migets kicking people. Almost, not quite.
My sister had the awesomest thought today. Ok one of those big as 7 person chinese dragon suit thingys. With 7 people in it. ROBBING A HOUSE. Like you know...climbing in through the toilet window and just like walking round slipping tvs and microwaves under the costume. That had me in hysterics...Again
Oh yea...and that song by Hoobastank the Reason is you? In the chorus instead of saying the reason, It says the weason. Bloody marvellous work there. And yet more hysterics.
Oh well, I'm off to bed. Nighty Night.


6th March


[ 7DayCrisis ]

Music -  Motion City Soundtrack // Throw Down

Mood - Freakishly Tired

27 DAYS TILL I LEAVE!!! I sooooo can't wait... but I'm freakishly tired right now... so I cant be bothered doing anything to prepare for it... meh.

Hahaha... my lil brothers are marching down the hallway chanting "HUP 2, 3, 4, HUP 2, 3, 4..."

I should probably finish my debate at some point in the near future.  Starting it would be good too.  But instead I shall write an update about what it'd be like if the government banned happiness.  So keep a lookout for that.


14th February


[ Nikkikins ]

Music -  Talking Heads // Psycho Killer

Mood - Bored Out Of My Mind

Today...I got woken up late because everyone in my freakin house forgot that I was still asleep. Yelled a bit. Stubbed my toe, not cool. Went to school. Went to Social Studies. Watched and laughed when our teacher stood on an apple, freakin hilarious. Went to some other classes. Went to drama where [Brittikins] and I had a really good bouncing session (Bouncing= Bouncing ideas off each other, freakin hilarious when it is me and [Brittikins] are the bouncers (hehe). Only good outside of mainstream society (away from dumb people) wow this is a lot of bracketing). Went to science where we did like the worlds coolest experiment, driving toy cars and trying to kill little plastercine men. It was great. My little plastercine man was called Mini Mullet Man. He was awesome. But then our teacher had to get all the plastercine back, so I had to kill Mini Mullet Man. The saddest day in my life. *Sob Sob* he was my best friend.

I have decided to call my new imaginary friend Jeeves. That way when someone asks me a question I can say I dunno, let’s Ask Jeeves *Bud Dum Pshhhh*. Actually I decided this about a week ago but since I am a lazy git and haven’t been writing anything I thought I’d better do it now.

Some real estate valuer guy just came into the computer room, tapped the wall, stamped his foot three times and then left. That was funny.

Oh and apparently I have a secret lover, which is news to me. This secret lover is so secretive that I didn’t know about his secret lovering until today. I think this suggests that something is rather small *Wink Wink*.


P.S. The reason that song is on repeat is that [ *Da~Blonde~1* ] has stolen all my cds that are good or that I havn't listened to about 1billion times and every other song on that cd is crap...Grrr....And all my music on my computer is munted. Oh well I'm not complaining, It's a great song.

Psycho killer
Qu’est que c’est
Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
Run run run run run run run away
Psycho killer
Qu’est que c’est
Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
Run run run run run run run away

With note I shall have to love you and leave you...


7th February


[ 7DayCrisis ]

Music -  Lost Prophets // Last Train Home

Mood - Psychopathic

Hello little ones.  Aunty Crisis is going to tell you all a little story.


I was at a friend’s gig yesterday and he wanted to hug me, because I looked so damn sexy in my jeans and tank top.  Anyway, he introduced me to his friend (who wasn’t that bad looking might I add) who had the greatest, most fantastic guitar I’d ever seen in my short but eventful life.  I then wouldn’t let my friend hug me coz I didn’t feel like it and so he goes.... “there's someone else isn't there? I don’t have a chance of going out with you do I?” When I nodded he goes.... “You've fallen in love with Sarah, haven't you?  I nodded again, pulled the Sarah towards me and said,


“I'm sorry hun... she's just such a beautiful guitar...”


The End.


P.S.  I got such a look after that.

P.P.S.  I am not 'ditching' DOTD.  I am simply going on an educational O.E.  so I can bring back new, fresh ideas for all your humorous needs.



4th February


[ Nikkikins ]

Music -  Tom Green // The Bum Bum song

Mood - Freaking Tired

Ok well since [ 7DayCrisis ] is ditching us I have taken over this whole updating business. And since it is like almost tomorrow I can't be bothered figuring out all the technical business of this. That is for tomorrow. So basically the site is going to be a lot less hi tech and  funny in the next few months....Well really I can figure out the technical crap in the next few days, the lameness however is a genetic thing...Oh well... Hehe today me and my mummy were test driving this awesome little convertible and we were speeding around by where [~Da*BLONDE*1~ ] lives when we saw her twin sister who was all confused and gave me a funny look because I was in this flash as car, it was a classic moment. Some other crap happened but I can't be bothered remembering that. IM GOING TO BED!!!


4th February


[ 7DayCrisis ]

Music -  NOFX // I Want You To Want Me

Mood - Hot

It's soooooo hot... apparently it was 34° yesterday and 30° today... and I'm pretty sure I'm melting... *pulls melting face* uhm... yeah... anyway.  I can't think of anything vaguely exciting to say coz it's so goddamn hot.

I'm melting!


3rd February


[ 7DayCrisis ]

Music -  Crazytown // Drowning

Mood - Hot

OMG... I was getting my books and stuff with my mate on Tuesday and we saw a sign in Sounds Music Store in Lower Hutt that said:



COME ON!! Haha... so now I want a single triple DVD.  I'm not sure whether that means I'd get one triple or three singles... or if there's any difference.  I still want a single triple.  And OMG I also found a cd with "Drowning" by Crazytown and "Get Free" by The Vines (I think?) and songs like that, so now I'm buzzing out!  And today I met

Pink Nail Polish Guy!

Now is that cool or is that COOL???  He said he'd miss me when I leave for Australia coz I'm the only person who calls him Pink Nail Polish Guy.  Well... you know what they say... you name the pet... you fall in love with the pet... you kill the pet slowly and painfully.  Kidding (maybe).  But yeah.  Go Pink Nail Polish Guy!!

Haha... I have American Popcorn and it's nice and warm and yummy.  This is the only popcorn I like.  =)  And now "Creeping Up Slowly" by Taxiride is playing.  If only it wasn't this muggy.

I think I shall make Pink Nail Polish Guy a badge that says "Pink Nail Polish Guy" (which would make sense) coz he said he'd wear it if I made him one.  This guy's 2 years older than me... and wears Pink Nail Polish.  Riiight.  Apparently he had Pink Hair once as well.



31st January


[ 7DayCrisis ]

Music -  Silence...

Mood - Tired

61 Days... woohoo.  Last day of the holidays today... and I'm spending it here on my ass in front of my computer writing to entertain you buggers.  OH, FOR THE LOVE OF PIZZA!  You can tell I have nothing else to do:  I've put in 3 pages and now I'm writing.  I think I'm about to cry.  Sniff.  Sniff.  Hold me.  I suppose I should fill up this little box thingee...

Oh My Stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All done.  :)  I mean... I COULD be doing something productive like binging my head against the glass door... but no.  You know I love you guys :)  We all do... well... maybe not [ ~Da*Blonde*1~ ]... or [ Prototype ]... or [Nikkikins]... by I'm sure [ Brittikins ] does!  Woohoo!  But yeah.  I think I shall go do something useful now, like paint my nails black or punch a whole in the wall or something.


28th January


[ 7DayCrisis ]

Music -  Three Days Grace // Now Or Never

Mood - Sunburnt (Is too a mood!)

64 Days To Go!!  Woohoo!! I'm leaving for Australia on the 2nd of April, so I expect a huge farewelling comittee at the Airport.  Anyone interesting in the FTPRCITW Inc (Farewelling The Punkiest Rocker Chick In The World Incorporated) let me know.  One at a time people.  Don't all come rushing in at once, you'll all get a place.  Anyway.  I am sunburnt.  And it's painful.  What's even more painful is the fact that I have to pay for my own school books this year, as well as school fees and in my bank account is $56.17.  For most of my stationery, the cost is already at $69.11, but this isn't including art and graphics gear which will be the most expensive part.  I'm in trouble.  Lots of trouble.  I can get through this!  Listening to a NOFX punk cover of the song "I want you to want me" by Letters To Cleo... so good. Didn't I didn't I didn't I see you crying?  Didn't I didn't I didn't I see you crying?  Sitting all alone I know you feel like crying! Didn't I didn't I didn't I see you crying? Toow! But anyway.  For those of you out there who are like me (lacking financially when you should be soaring) I am going to write a page on ways to make money.  That's more important than this journal entry, aye?  Blimey mate!

Let's go

Don't wait

This night's almost over


Let's make

This night last for ever

For ever

And ever

Let's make this last for ever

For ever

And ever

Let's make this last for ever!


You gotta appreciate Blink 182.


22nd December


[ Nikkikins ]

Music - 

Mood -  

I have officially left the civilized world and immersed myself in a culture to neanderthullac for us normal people even to comprehend. I am currently residing in a city where everyone is your uncle, sister, mother and brother at the same time (hmm I wonder if [Brittykins] has been here). A city where tractors driving up the road is a daily occurrence. A city that prides itself on being the worlds most southernmost city.....Nevertheless this forsaken land is the birthplace of the worlds most cool, awesome, superduper etc person known to mankind....ME!!!!
That's right folks.....[Nikkikins] is a country hick.....Sad I know. But I don't mind. I have pet donkeys. YAY!! And some wittle baby cows. No sheep at the moment sorry [Prototype], anyway I wouldn't let you near them anyway....*mutters* poor little molested animals....
So anyway....while I am here doing this whole farming thing I will probably not be able to do much of this whole writing thing and I know that these slack townie bastards won't do anything. So I will send the occasional bit of stuff just to quench your addiction. And anyway I am writing a thing about my adventures down here so when I have time I shall type that up....But I can't be bothered now......
Lots of Love
[Nikkikins], Head Country Hick


21st December


[ 7DayCrisis ]

Music -  Lost Prophets // Fake Sound Of Progress

Mood -  Bored s**tless

Sorry about how yesterday this page wasn't working.  Dunno what happened.  Meh.  This took me 2 whole minutes to write.  I hope you're proud of me.


20th December


[ 7DayCrisis ]

Music -  Slayer // Disciple

Mood - I Need Sleep

I'm so f**king tired.  Watched the 8.50 viewing of "The Grudge" last night.  That is the best movie ever.  I was so bloody scared it wasn't funny.  Now I'm too freaked to have a shower because of about 5 minutes in the middle of the movie.  Goddammit.  I was gripping my boyf harder than I did during movies like Texas Chainsaw and Dawn of the Dead.  Hannibal, The Ring, The Exorcist, The Others, They, Sleepy Hollow, Blair Witch Project... I could handle 'em! But this is a bloody 'M' rated movie... I think it's because there wasn't that much gore in it, it just shocked you heaps.  Argh.  I can't believe how much that movie freaked me out.  I recommend going to the toilet BEFORE the movie, just in case you get such a big fright you piss yourself... that wouldn't be pretty.  Anyway.  After the movie me and my mate came home and watched Blair Witch Project which is the weirdest and possibly most boring movie ever.  I have no idea why it's rated R13.  It could easily be PG if there wasn't as much swearing in it.  It's not scary.  I was so gutted.  Then my mate fell asleep so I watched random movies on tv (nothing dodgy) and then about 3 or 4 hours of wrestling, which was great!  Then the Benny Hill Show.  Got out of the chair I was sitting/lying in at 7.24am and did the dishes I was supposed to do last night but didn't coz I went out.  Slept from about 9 - 10am then woke up because my 10 year old sister was drawing on me.  Of course, I didn't know she was drawing until my mum asked why I had a pink line on my forehead.  The little bitch.  Rah!  Right now she has 2 of her little friends over for a "party" which meant I had to get up and put some pants on which pissed me off.  I was quite happy sleeping on the couch in the lounge in my hoodie and boxers.  Meh.  But it's okay... I will get her back.  She got pancakes for me for breakfast.  Muahahahaha.

I feel like playing my guitar.  Yet... at the same time I don't want to go into my room.  I'm scared of it.  Me and my friend talked to the ghosts in my room last night.  There's two of them, a male and a female.  Even though they seemed friendly, they're still f**king ghosts IN MY BEDROOM where I SLEEP and GET DRESSED.  Argh.  I'm worried that I'm gonna get possessed now! We were listening to a cd and I wanted to see if I could get them to do something so I could show my friend that they were there, so I asked them to turn the song up.  The song went quieter.  We kept asking them to turn it up and eventually the volume was turned up.  We kept doing this for a while, was sort of like a game.  Eventually they just made it go up and down and up and down etc... so we weren't sure if it was just a problem with the cd or the player or something, but we looked closely and we could see the volume knob turning.  This freaking the living daylights out of me (and the dead ones!!).  We then light candles and asked them yes or no questions, and they answered through the candles.  At one point they were splitting the flame on one of the candles for us, which was amazing, I've never seen that done before.  We then had to go out, so we blew out the candles and promised to talk to them again later.


19th December


[ 7DayCrisis ]

Music -  NUFAN // Life Size Mirror

Mood - Meh

Hello my little ones!  I was introduced to No Use For A Name by [ ~Da*Blonde*1~ ] a couple of weeks ago.  I love this song.  Therefore... I am going to post the lyrics.

She was done before the start, always mending broken hearts
Making others miserable not knowing who she's hurting
Father said, "This day will be, one for everyone to see"
Is it true you'll follow suit and have you learned a thing?
It's just a selfish way to go, it's safe to say she'll never know

For every person there's a whole life story waiting to be told
When she is happy it's OK, but then these people start to fade
Then we'll just watch her self-destruct as she gets old

She put up defensive shields, to walk through all of life's minefields
All defined by make-up and a car behind she's hiding
"Father do you have to go, left me questions I dont know"
Any answers or even close the life time lie was true

She's gonna move on with her life, and take it one heart at a time
And watch the little girl inside her wait behind as she moves on
But with this black heart she decides, who she'll take in and shove aside
Until the day she sees that everyone is gone

Getting used to people leaving, thinking true love is deceiving
Soon she'll know how lonely it can be

Now was it really worth the pain? A couple pills make her feel sane
While she lives out the story written for the part she is to play
With so much shame for her to hide, there's no more dignity, no pride
Then there will only be dark in her light of day

And she will only see a reflection, of her father's rejection
Nothing will change until she breaks this life, this life-size mirror


Haha... that's so cool.  But... yeah.  This is the newer journal setup.  Not much better, but all I can be bothered doing for now.  I must now go and tidy my room because my friend (who happens to be [ ~Da*Blonde*1~ ]'s twin sister) is coming over to stay the night.  I should also put some clothes on, use a thing called a brush and swallow toothpaste.  You can't expect me to be up and presented by 1.53pm, can you?  Meh...

Stuff you.


18th December

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Music: Linkin Park // With You - I'm SUPPOSED to be cleaning the lounge.  I'm also supposed to ring my darling boyf.  Meh.  Can't be bothered doing either... msn works for me.  I don't have anything to say... just felt like writing a random journal entry.  Beats updating the Christmas calendar! :)

F**k it.  My underwear is up my ass.  I'm going to change the journal around soon, so watch out for that.


16th December

[ 7DayCrisis ] - To make the pages look a lil better, we're making "signatures" for each staff member to put at the bottom of the pages we make.  So far I've made mine, and the others are making theirs when they feel like it.  Here it is:



14th December

[ Nikkikins ] - Sooo tired....

Yesterday I went shopping with [ 7DayCrisis ] and [ ~Da*Blonde*1~ ]....We got some bright yellow hats and swords and attacked each other. All these bimbos were giving us funny looks. It was freakin hilarious.

Then [ 7DayCrisis ] and I returned to my house. [ ~Da*Blonde*1~ ] was too tired....Yea right....she just hates me.

We walked up to the fish and chip shops to get some chips for our tea...Some mean guys were torturing a little puppy. Later on we realized one of them (who happens to be in our class) looks like a shorter, uglier version of Frankenstein. The funny Chinese man put a frowny face stamp on my receipt for the chips. We decided it was a bad omen and the fish and chip man was going to kill us. Too bad he’s only about 5 foot.

Then we went back to my house and mum decided she wanted to go find the bastards who were being mean to the puppy. They were gone.....

Then mummy made me clean my room. I put up some fairy lights. Now we call my room “The Love Den” because of all the fairy lights.

I found a fork in my bedroom....I held it up and asked [ 7DayCrisis ] “Wanna fork?” It took her a good 3 minutes to get the joke but when she finally got it she was almost wetting herself..... Actually I think she did.

| EDIT [ 7DayCrisis ] --- Hey!  That's... Uhm... Not... Hey! I did not... |

Then we persuaded my stepdad to take us to the dvd shop so we could hire a dvd. [ 7DayCrisis ] and my stepdad were being mean to me and mocking me so I got mad and killed them all....Mwahahahaha.....Not really

| EDIT [ 7DayCrisis ] --- Me?  Mean?  What kind of crazy bitch are you?  I'M GONNA FREAKIN' TWIST YOUR LITTLE... Ahem.  As I was saying... not mean at all... |

Anyway we couldn’t find any good dvd’s so we ended up with Gothika, Frankenstein (made in 1937 or something funny like that) and The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Gothika was scary as. Once again I believe    [ 7DayCrisis ] wet herself. She made an awful mess of our floor.

| EDIT [ 7DayCrisis ] --- I cleaned it up... |

Frankenstein was funny as just because of all the lameness.

The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre was CRAP with a capital everything. I’m sorry all you fans of that movie but seriously there was like half an hour of this one girl screaming her head off. The only funny part was when the cripple guy got chainsawinated and there was no blood. I know that wasn’t very P.C (I think you will find I mean Politically Correct not Painfully Constipated etc.) of me but I don’t care. He was a cripple not physically disabled.


14th December

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Here are some movies I really don't like.

Hannibal - Is really boring.  Only two good bits: when Hannibal is watched on the tape and he suddenly starts eating the nurse's face and at the end when he cuts that dude's head open and feeds him his own brain.  Hehe...

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Original) - Soooo stupid.  Boring boring boring!!  Why the hell did they have to have all the deaths at the same freakin' time?? There was a whole bunch of screaming and running.  Would have been cool, but got bored after the first 20 MINUTES.

Dawn Of The Dead - Yet again... boring.  Not even gory like everyone says it is.  Every now and then someone gets eaten like chicken, but even THAT looks fake.  Bloody 70's movies.

Royal Tennenbaums - Yaaaaaaawwwwn.  This is a last resort movie.  I swear.  Don't watch it!  FRANKENFREAKINSTEIN is better than this!! And that's in BLACK AND WHITE!!!

Excalibur - We watched it for English.  Some dude pretends to be this chicks husband and they have a root... but he's still wearing his armour!  Ummm... ew?

When in Rome - I hate M-K and A.  Little ditzies.

Annie (Remake) - Little Annie... caaaaaaan't act.


What is it with bad movies and good reviews?? Everyone says the Original Texas Chainsaw is great and soooo much better than the remake... yet the original is so gay and the remake rocks! 


12th December

[ Nikkikins ] - Ok this is my day in a nutshell.....

I woke up and got dressed and all the associated crap.

My mum then made me go and pick up all the branches she was chopping down with her chainsaw thingy (scared the bejeezus outta me).

Then we went for a family trip to the rubbish dump. My sister ad I were planning on stealing a washing machine but we couldn’t figure out how to do it inconspicuously.

I found a stick insect with five legs. I called it Ralph. Then I had an epiphany (I even know what that means), why are there not more stick insect superheroes? So I [Nikkikins] have decided to make my very own comic about a stick insect that is some sort of hero.

Then we went to Mitre 10 and wandered around there for a while. Me and my sister turned on all the taps in the bathroom section just to be a nuisance. Well ok....They weren’t connected to any actual pipes but we felt like rebels ok?

I found this really cool mini little measuring tape for $1. It is called Greg.

Then I found an awesome cactus. It is shaped like a penis. I found that freakin hilarious. Then my sister taught me a new word. Phallic- Shaped like the male copulating organ. Woot! I don’t care [ 7DayCrisis ] I am a nerd and damn proud of it.

P.S. My phallic cactus is called Rodger.

P.P.S. Sometime soon I will make my comic.....the Flopsy series didn’t really happen so that might see a few updates soon also....©


10th December 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Hahahahahahaha.  You know that word we always use here at DOTD?  "Woot"?  Well, reliable sources tell us (damn reporters sneaking into my poor excuse for a brain!) that this is an old term used by computer workers.  So, not only are we all computer geeks... we're OLD computer geeks!  Ew ew ew ew, wonder what my boyfriend will have to say about that!!  [ Nikkikins ] has decided to "reinvent" the word so that it's cool, but I have decided to, in fact, invent my own cool computer geek term.  It is, *dramatic drumroll and intense music* TOOW!!!


No, dear,  it's completely original.  It is not in any way "woot" backwards.




2nd December 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - :( I didn't get the award I was hoping to get.  Out of the 6 awards I got, "Best All-Rounder" wasn't in it.  Oh well.  There's always next year.  Congrats to [ Brittikins ] who won the big cup "Best Junior Academic".  Unfortunately... they spelt her name wrong!! The bastards.

Argh.  I have to go clean my room.  Triple Ick.


1st December 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Woot!  Only half a day left of school!  We're on the countdown to Christmas... so I'm starting a DOTD December Calendar.  Sorta like an Advent Calendar... only... no chocolate.

Wish me luck for prize giving tomorrow!


1st December 2004

[ Nikkikins ] - THE WORST DAY EVER!!

Ok well maybe I’m exaggerating just a tad but here is the whole sad story. I had 8 new emails so I went into Incredimail and it asked me if I wanted to upgrade to the newer better Incredimail and me being the advertising gimmick freak I am clicked yes.

I was really bored so I clicked Spanish for the language just for a giggle.

It then took me to some loading screen and now it is saying Beinvenido!!! All the time....Like I want to Beinvenido.

Now I’m getting really confused....I’m probably loading some sort of Spanish midget porn.....

I want to tell it to fuck off and that I don’t want any of its Beinvenido but even if I said that I wouldn’t understand me and just tell me to Beinvenido some more....I am insulted by all this talk of Beinvenido....If you want to tell me something at least tell me in freakin ENGLISH, even if I do tell you I want Spanish

Oh hang on....good bye Beinvenido... It is now telling me to “experimenti” whatever the hell that means....sounds kinky to me

No teine acesso a efectuar las modificacioned requeridas en la configuration del sistema. Por favour vuelva a ejecutar esta instalcion desde la cuenta de un administrator= My current message. The second sentence seriously sounds like it is asking me for sexual favours especially the words “Favour”, “Vuelva”, “Ejecutar” and perhaps “Cuenta”. I am disturbed.


29th November 2004

[ Nikkikins ] - Testing 123, can you hear me down the back? Yes? OK.

As some of you may know this is my first journal entry and I am a tad nervous about sharing my ever so secret life with the world. But it is a story that must be told for the good of mankind. So I shall try my hardest to tell the story exactly as I remember and not to cry. It shall be difficult but I am willing to do it.

Ok well it all started when I was walking to my mummys work to get some money off her. I got off the bus (I know I said I was walking but I cheated a little ok?) and started to walk. It was really windy and some bird flew straight into me but that is a story for another day. Well anyways I got to my mummys work and she wasn’t there (tragedy #1 mummy deserted me) I was just sitting out in her office minding my own business for about 10 minutes (tragedy #2 mummy doesn’t come back). Suddenly one of the people from her work (clothes shop (tragedy #3 she won’t stop buying freakin clothes for herself and not me) started harassing (tragedy #4 I don’t like to be harassed) me and making me wear the most outrageously hideous clothes in the shop (tragedy #5 Even if mummy did buy me clothes with her staff discount they would be horrible). *Sob-Sob*. But then mummy came back and rescued me and we all lived happily ever after (tragedy #6 I lie).


Monday 29th Nov. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - OADFUH bLISDvbliasfbviahfviuhasoIDUvhiouasdghvoiu!!! That's frustrated [ 7DayCrisis ] talk for "I am so frustrated!"  Actually, I'm not that frustrated... it's just fun hitting random letters on the keyboard.  My band and I performed for the school talent quest today (we are SO not band geeks!) and we did okay... I didn't majorly screw up or anything, and we got quite a few compliments, so we can't have been that bad.  I would very much like to completely dis the other rock band that performed... but I will just "criticize" them instead... it's much nicer.  They have potential.  But they did a cover (see, we're original.  We performed our own song) of The Offspring: Spare me the details which wasn't too smart, because everyone knew when they mucked up.  The drum beat wasn't quite right, the guitar didn't have enough oomph (that is too a word!!) and most importantly, the singer was waaaaaaaay out of tune and time!  He was too low and off key, and was really out of time with the rest of the band.  I suppose I have to be nice to him though, because when I was singing and playing I realised that it was extremely hard to hear the others.  Oh well.  I've had a million people come up to me and say "Go you!  Rock on!!" so now I'm freakin' famous.  Woot.  [ Brittikins ], [ Nikkikins ], [ ~Da*Blonde*1~ ] and some others were putting me off though.  They had signs saying "Marry me *my name*" and "*My name* is sexy" and "7DayCrisis rocks!" (7DayCrisis is the name of our band now) etc etc.  *cough*FREAKS!!*cough*.  Heh.  It was all good.  I had fun and no one has dissed me for it.  Just compliments.  Keep 'em coming!!

Heh.  I think I should also tell you what [ Brittikins ]'s soap opera means.  I can't speak Italian, (or in French italienne) so I had to put it through a translator.  We all know how stupid online translators are, hence, the scrambled up words.  Anyway.  This is what it means:


It does wonderful that it cleans!

It gives back me the so happy touch!

It does my foots hear the smell of like the flowers!

Wonderful soap!


I think I can safely conclude that soap = sapone in Italian.






Wednesday 24th November

[ Brittikins ] - Wow. My first journal entry. I’m all growed up!!!

Now, as shocking as this may seem to a lot of you, especially the ones who worship and idolise me, well, as much as I hate to admit it - my life is not actually that interesting. Of course, I’m hilariously funny, but none of that soap opera drama, you know? And that reminds me – what the hell is up with soap opera? When you go to the opera and they sing about soap in Italian??


Cosa meravigliosa che pulisce!

Rende me il tatto così felice!

Fa i miei piedi sentono l'odore di come i fiori!

Sapone meraviglioso!


There ya go … Brittikins’ Soap Opera, coming to a theatre near you! But I’m getting distracted here … so – WELCOME TO MY LIFE. Damn, I love that song. Ahem. Nikkikins’ is dead. DEAD. She has not been seen for TWO WHOLE DAYS!! Officially MIA. AWOL. ETC. Now I have no one to bounce my hilariously funny ideas off!! One word: sucks. But my life is made slightly better by the return of Joan of Arcadia!! Love that show! See, the exclamation marks mean I’m getting all enthusiastic … wait a second, the phone’s ringing.

Guess who’s back? Give up? ME!! It was just some retarded phone survey person thingy. I HATE YOU ALL!! DIE!!!!! I know [Prototype], that’s not very Christian. Shut up.

So, today at school, I found out that Miss put my exam story on the WALL. Not of shame. But close enough. Coz its shame anyway. I HATE THAT STORY. IT’S RETARDED. I BARELY EVEN UNDERSTAND IT, AND I WROTE IT!!! Wow. A lot of unresolved anger issues here I think … but I’ve bored you guys enough now. I’ll torture you all further on my birthday!! FRIDAY!! Two more days!!! YAY!

I hope I get kewl prezzies.

I’m going shopping with [eViLfRiEnD] on Saturday. For my present. You guys don’t know her. ::coughluckyyoucough::

Just kidding. I WUV YOU [eViLfRiEnD]. J

Brittikins, over and out.


Wednesday 24th Nov. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] -

No longer mourn for me when I am dead

Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell

Give warning to the world that I am fled

From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell:

Nay, if you read this line remember not

The hand that writ it, for I love you so,

That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot,

If thinking on me then should make you woe.

O if (I say) you look upon this verse,

When I perhaps compounded am with clay,

Do not so much as my sweet name rehearse;

But let your love, even with my life decay;

Lest the wise world should look into your moan,

And mock you with me after I am gone.

- William Shakespeare


Sunday 21st Nov. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Ahhh... my long awaited journal entry.  Oh, how I've missed the journal... I've just been so caught up in everything else that I haven't added anything.  Where do I start????  Well... I'll start with yesterday, since it was so freakin' busy!  I woke up at 7, even though it was Saturday and I had the day off work.  I gave up my chance of a sleep-in.  Please, admit me to the mental hospital NOW!  Anyway, I arrived at my Gifted Kids Programme reunion at 11, but was too nervous to go in at first because I thought no one was there.  Turned out there were 3 people inside, but if they knew I was too scared to go inside they didn't let me know!!  Anyway, that was really good, quite hilarious but I won't write down everything that happened, because odds are, no one will understand why I thought this reunion was funny.  Let me be.  I'm special, okay? :)  All I will tell you is that I think our site is banned from the GKP servers now...

After the reunion ended a few of us decided to go watch a movie... I was the only girl.  If that wasn't embarrassing enough, my card declined went I went to pay for my ticket.  Of course this happens to the girl!  Anyway... luckily enough, I had cash on me as well.  Woohoo.  Moral of the story:  if you're going to steal someone's eftpos card, don't steal mine, steal [ Nikkikins ]'s!!  Mine has no money!!  We watched "Without A Paddle", which is really funny... they're supposedly lost in the middle of an American forest and river, but all you can see is New Zealand's native ferns.  Ahhh... isn't it wonderful.

I was then picked up and went straight to SilverStream to a barbeque for Rifle Shooting.  I was the youngest there... the only person close to my age was another girl from my shooting team who is 3 years older than me.  I felt so little.  Argh.  Anyway.  A guy from our team won an award which was a box of chocolates and since he wasn't there our coach decided to eat them.  Of course, he shared with us and we all yelled our thanks into the sky with the weird idea that perhaps he would be able to hear us eating his prize.

Then it was off to [ Nikkikins ]'s party which was awesome... I had lotsa fun, and a whole bunch of people came up and requested that I 'gothed' their faces with the liquid eyeliner... and then we walked around the area with black lines all over everyone's faces.  Ahhh... good times.  However, I am now hated for looking like a goth and making everyone else look like a goth by a group of girls who shop at HBK.  I'm so worried about them hating me... I soooo care what they think!! *For those who haven't figured it out already, I couldn't care less that they don't like me, although I wouldn't mind getting into a fight with one of them, provided they didn't send the whole time worrying about their nails*  Eventually a group of us ended up in [ Nikkikins ]'s room playing that wicked game where you say two really disgusting people and you have to choose which one you would root.  It was so much fun, I don't think I've ever laughed so much before (no, I'm not a goth, and I DO laugh, read back and you will see that I just said I LOOK like a goth...) in the space of an hour.  It was a crack up.  Anywho.  I went home and unsuccessfully tried to go to sleep... not easy when you're on sugar highs.

This morning (it WAS morning too!!) at 11.59am (honestly, I looked, Im not just saying that to sound dramatic) I was woken up by my little sister when we were supposed to be leaving the house to go out to lunch at 12.  I got ready in record time:  7 minutes.  I was so proud.  We went to a Chinese restaurant which was really yummy... I got full very quickly though.  I think they put a Chinese drug in it so that I wouldn't eat much.  Heh.  It was good.  I then went with my dad and my three younger siblings to the video store where we spent 45 minutes picking out videos.  We ended up leaving in a hurry because my little brother decided he needed to go to the toilet and the public toilets were locked.  At least he didn't piss himself in the middle of the vid store!

Ahh.  So that's what my weekend has been like.  Unfortunately, dishes and my lost school book need my attention and so I must go.

Rock on.  And if you can't rock, stone on.  It's almost as fun.


Sunday 4th Nov. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Okay.  Since this is the most visited page, I thought I'd try out an animated heading... let us know what you think...


Wednesday 3rd Nov. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Haha.  I'm such an idiot.  For my Science homework I had to suppose I was a Peanut Butter Sandwich and write a fantasy story about what would happen whilst being digested by a human.  I was in the lungs are started talking about how pretty the areole were.  "And the little areole.  They look like stars."  I had almost finished and was getting ready to print it out when I was informed that areole were not the little air bags in your lungs, but the dark part around your nipples.

Bloody oats.


Thursday 28th Oct. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - We had a sheep's heart passed around in Science today.  It looked like beef.  Meh.  Anyway.  I was on rubbish duty with [ Brittikins ] and [ *Da~Blonde~1* ] today.  We got out of French.  Yay!!  Suddenly [ Brittikins ] bends down and says, "Hey!  This was mine!!" (it was a wrapper from a muffin) "I ate this this morning!"  Goes to show that [ Brittikins ] isn't all that environment friendly!  Hehe...

| EDIT [ Brittikins ] --- It FELL out of POCKET. I did SO not drop it. This does raise question of what my rubbish was doing in my pocket, but ... I'm not gonna answer THAT. Just leave me alone, dammit!! |

 Grr.  I didn't end up getting my hair done.  Turned out that the lady who was going to do it went home sick.  And she went to Australia today.  Guess my hair will stay as it is now for a while.  Meh.  I said something today... and [ *Da~Blonde~1* ] told me I should put it on the site.  I forgot what it was.

Ahhh shit.


Saturday 23rd Oct. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Wow.  This is the second most visited page on the site, not including the Front Page.  Turns out you guys visit the Meet The Staff page most.  Never would've guessed.  Argh.  Had work today.  Soo gutted.  Oh well, it's all good.  I'm getting my hair cut, dyed and highlighted on Tuesday.  And it's free for me.  Shame to all you poor people who have to pay for those things.  I feel sorry for all of you.  No, I'm serious.  Hehe.  Scanned in strange photo of me a couple of days ago.  Hands up all those who want to see it!  *Everyone screams and runs* Uh!  Fine then!  Nuh.  If you REALLY wanna see it... click here.  I won't be surprised if no one wants it.  If I do decide to put it up however, cover your eyes ladies and gents.  Anywho.  Me bought a bra today.  And when I went through the exit the door thingee beeped coz the stoopid staff member forgot to take off the tag.  So I ended up having the Security Guard (who was a really old guy) check my bag and take out the bra to check for tags.  How bloody embarrassing is that??!!?!  He then pulled out the bra while I was waiting at the door and showed me where the tag actually WAS.  Like I really cared!!  Oh well.  I just hope the old guy didn't get his thrills.  That would really suck.  I guess I'll never know.  It's probably better that way.

Good god.


Sunday the whateverith of October

[ Prototype ] - Someone I know is sad because their friend is cutting. Now its getting me sad. But I'm okay because my uncles been sneaking me rum and coke but my dad just thinks its coke. My sister broke my makeup. So I'm pissed off about that. In the words of donkey: "I think I need a hug :(" Haha. Too bad nobody wants to hug a freak. That brings me to another point. My dad called me a freak today. So kind of him. So overall, its been a pretty shitty day. Apart from the rum and coke. That was good shit.


Thursday 14th Oct. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Ppfftt.  Too much work.  No time to write in the journal.  Too busy putting cool new things on the site.  I doubt anyone reads this anyway...


Monday 11th Oct. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Today was good.  I was so wasted... very very VERY tired too.  Oh well.  I'll live.  My boyfriend got into a fight today.  I suppose I should worry about my darling... meh.  He can look after himself. :)  The love of my life and I dont help him in a fight.  What a great girlfriend I make!  He got smashed, but he's all good, apparently.  I dont believe him, but I'll let him be all tough guy about it.  Him and the guy he was fighting with are mates again, so that's good.  I suppose there's not much more I can ask for really.

Argh.  I have a Smallbore Rifle Shooting Competition tomorrow and at practice today I only shot a 88.1 out of 100.  Mind you, even though I've done better I have also done a lot worse...



Sunday 10th Oct. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Meh.  Tired.  Watched "Interview with the Vampire" this morning. Weird movie. Full of man-love and strange porn.  It was pretty cool though.  Lotsa cool blood and gory stuff like that.  Hehe.  (The Vampires are chasing me.  Dammit!)  Then we sat around talking for a bit... then finally I went home.  I wanted sleep.  I didn't get it.  So I just sat around some more.  Went online.  Chatted on msn.  The usual. 

Nya.  Showertime.


Saturday 9th Oct. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Haha.  Big party.  Lotsa fun.  Still up at 4.30 in the morning.  Weeee!  My goal was not to get drunk before 7.30pm.  Since I made this goal at about 6.45, it makes me seem kind of... I dunno, alcoholic?  Technically I said my goal was to not get drunk before 7th Form, but since I was mumbling they thought I said 7.30... therefore, I was the alcoholic of the party.  Well, not quite.  Would've been funny though!  [ Nikkikins ] and I ended up sitting on some random person's doorstep playing our favourite game... which resulted in us yelling "PENIS!!!!" at the top of our lungs.  I think we woke a few people up and corrupted some poor child's mind.  Meh, not my kid, I don't care. :P  We then went to the playground and played on the seesaw.  Man, those things hurt my ass!!!  Soooo tired. We lit a huge fire too.  Then some of the guys started jumping over it.  Don't worry, we had water at hand in case of flaming testicles. :P  Regardless of whether they were on fire, they got water chucked at them anyway.  Then they discovered that when you yell into a huge stolen road cone in a Scottish accent (well, I think it was Scottish!) then it makes a big echoing noise.  Poor innocent people below us.  We disturbed them with male voices yelling "I like putting!" "That's right everybody, Barry likes putting!" "See ya later.  Alligator.  Don't forget your putting!" (N.B. Putting = Pudding.  Go figure.)  I also made the big mistake of letting myself fall asleep on the couch briefly at about 3am.  I woke up because I had shaving foam all over my face, hands, arms, in my mouth, my nose and everything.  My ears, my top, the couch.  They kept tickling my face so I'd wipe my hands on my face, which of course, spread everything around.  I bet they just wanted to see me rub sticky white stuff all over my body.  Dammit.  We played condom volleyball after that though, so it was all good.  I ended up getting the lube rubbed all over my pants though. 

Bet that looked hot.


Friday 8th Oct. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - We had two tests today.  Maths and English.  Yay...? Anyway... Today we recruited 3 new staff members.  We'll have their descriptions up on Meet The Staff soon.

I feel like eating noodles with chopsticks.  Strange urge... 

We (The Staff) came up with a lot of cool ideas for stuff to put up onto [ Dwelling Of The Doorknobs ].  We'll create them and put them up gradually, so keep your eye on the updates!  *cough* Cheesy! *cough*


Thursday 7th Oct. 2004

[ 7DayCrisis ] - Meh.  I cannot believe my family.  We had Fish and Chips for dinner which involves no pots, no pans, no cutlery, simply plates and glasses.  You would think that since there were only 7 of us eating that all the dishes would fit in the dishwasher and take 10-15 minutes max. to do.  But no they had to go through about 4 cups each today as well as endless plates and knives etc.  Plus there were dirty pots, waiting for me to wash them.  Dishes are evil!  So is cleaning your room, but at least that's your own problem.

Ppfftt.  I am too allowed to moan.

Oh well.  Today was okay anyway... my little unknown band played our first live concert today... *mumbles* at school with a huge crowd of 10 people... *cough*  We did alright considering our bass player wasn't there.  [ NonExistent ] did awesome at the lead break during our cover of Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit.  I know he has lotsa fun playing that.  No wonder we practice that song a lot...  Then we were yelled at so we had to play our own songs, the ones we wrote.  Not nearly as famous.  I bet the dishes set us up for this...

Damn communists.


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